It derives from mainly native vines such as Petit Rouge, Vien de Nus, Cornalin and Premetta, cultivated in vineyards located between 600 and 800 meters above sea level distributed among twelve municipalities, located both to the right and to the left of the Dora Baltea. The pomace, distilled in small copper pot stills with direct steam, generates this Grappa with a dry and decisive flavor with hints of undergrowth well blended with the vanilla and spicy note brought about by the refinement.
Dalla stessa tipologia 16582 Grappa Torrette Vigorosa - La Valdotaine Torrette is the Valle d'Aosta DOC wine produced in the greatest quantities and in the widest area of the valley. 31.354 instock La Valdotaine 31.354 25.7 0 02023-07-25T14:30:39+0200/Distillates /Gift Ideas /Distillates/Distillates on offer /Distillates/Grappas /Distillates/Liqueurs