In fact, Three Sixty Vodka is filtered down to 1.0 Microns, a level even 30 times greater than the norm: usually, using standard filters, filtering takes place between 30.0 and 15.0 Microns. The diamond dust, thanks to its fineness, removes even the smallest micro particles from the distillate. Thanks to this technique and a production process that involves four distillations, an infinitely pure vodka is born, particularly appreciated by the best bartenders. Three Sixty Vodka has a well balanced and sophisticated taste. It is perfect to be enjoyed smooth, with ice, but also to prepare sophisticated cocktails. This premium product plays all its identity on the diamond, the absolute symbol of purity and luxury. Three Sixty Vodka comes, in fact, with a bottle with a unique design: the shapes of the facets of the diamond are recalled in relief on the bottle. Furthermore, to further highlight the clarity of the product, a type of transparent and brilliant glass was chosen. To underline the premium character of this vodka also a very elegant label, in black velvet with the silver logo.
Dalla stessa tipologia 16871 Vodka Black 42 Diamond filtered - Three Sixty <p>Three Sixty Vodka is the world's first diamond filtered vodka, thanks to a unique filtering technique.</p> 29.646 instock Three Sixty 29.646 24.3 0 02023-08-07T15:23:05+0200/Distillates /Gift Ideas /Distillates/Liqueurs /Distillates/Vodka