SKU: 20664
Brand: Villa Matilde Avallone
L'Olio extra vergine di oliva di Villa Matilde è un olio dal gusto pieno ma delicato, prodotto sulle colline del monte Massico, presso la nostra Tenuta di San Castrese, a Sessa Aurunca (Caserta).
SKU: 15720
Brand: Fattoria La Rivolta
Variety: Ortice Olive production: Manual harvesting Period: early November Milling: continuous cold cycle Pairings: Raw condiments on vegetable and legume soup, boiled meat and fish, white meat
SKU: 15374
Brand: San Salvatore 1988
Extra virgin olive oil from the Stio Cilento olive grove, suitable for seasoning cooked vegetables, white meat stews with vegetables, fish and roasts
SKU: 15373
Brand: San Salvatore 1988
Extra virgin olive oil from the Stio Cilento olive grove, suitable for seasoning cooked vegetables, white meat stews with vegetables, fish and roasts.
SKU: 15372
Brand: San Salvatore 1988
Extra virgin olive oil from the Stio Cilento olive grove, suitable for seasoning cooked vegetables, white meat stews with vegetables, fish and roasts.