Extra virgin olive oil from the Stio Cilento olive grove, suitable for seasoning cooked vegetables, white meat stews with vegetables, fish and roasts.
Dalla stessa tipologia
€24.35 €19.48
https://clickwine.it/gb/extra-virgin-olive-oil/15373-olio-evo-biologico-750-ml-san-salvatore-1988-8051566343386.html 15373 Olio EVO biologico 750 ml - San Salvatore 1988 <p>Extra virgin olive oil from the Stio Cilento olive grove, suitable for seasoning cooked vegetables, white meat stews with vegetables, fish and roasts.</p> https://clickwine.it/24236-home_default/olio-evo-biologico-750-ml-san-salvatore-1988.jpg 23.7 instock San Salvatore 1988 23.7 22.7885 0 02023-04-24T15:02:59+0200/Extra Virgin Olive Oil /Extra Virgin Olive Oil/Organic oil /Extra Virgin Olive Oil/Oils on offer /Extra Virgin Olive Oil/Oils of Campania