The Abruzzo grape jam is called scrucchiata and is made with Montepulciano grapes , because it is the most common red berry in the area. The berries, according to the traditional recipe, must be crushed by hand , it is not that difficult so to understand why this jam is called that, right? The grapes are then separated from the seeds and the procedure is long and boring, so much so that currently that romantic poem of performing certain gestures, gives excellent results if used with caution, the important thing is not to split the seeds. A very good jam and is used for many Abruzzo sweets , perhaps with the addition of walnuts and almonds in the biscuit filling.
Dalla stessa tipologia 4171 Confettura di uva scrucchijata 460 gr - Dora Sarchese <p>Scrucchiata is a typical Abruzzo grape jam, which, as the name suggests, "crunches" literally under the teeth.</p> 15.631 instock Dora Sarchese 15.631 14.21 0 02022-02-09T04:20:47+0100/Delicacies /Abruzzo winesabruzzo dora sarchese grape jam