Millefiori Honey is the most common type of honey: it is produced during spring and summer and can have different colors and flavors. The honey produced in the spring season comes mainly from the plain and has a light golden color, an intense, lightly aromatic aroma and a full-bodied taste. Crystallization is creamy. The honey produced in the summer season comes mainly from the hilly areas. It has a darker, intense and sometimes bitter color, given the presence of sunflowers, alfalfa flowers and honeydew, it has a persistent odor and crystallization is homogeneous.
Dalla stessa tipologia 18390 Miele di Millefiori 1000 gr. - Biagi 25.201 instock Biagi 25.201 22.91 0 02024-01-29T15:03:11+0100/Delicacies /Delicacies/Honeyabruzzo mazzarosa wildflower honey