Wines of Emilia-Romagna

SKU: 20423

Contact with the lees gives this rosé sparkling wine a persistent and elegant bubble. The intense flavor of rose petals combines it wonderfully with appetizers, fish dishes or white meats.

SKU: 20422

Contact with the lees gives this rosé sparkling wine a persistent and elegant bubble. The intense flavor of rose petals combines it wonderfully with appetizers, fish dishes or white meats.

SKU: 19841
Il Mio Sauvignon è forse il vino più rappresentativo di Camillo Donati, per quanto qualcuno possa storcere il naso considerando la natura alloctona del varietale. Eppure, oltre ad essere stato impiantato nel '800, Camillo sembra essere riuscito a darne una propria interpretazione perfetta, senza sbavature, coerente e appagante. Vino dalla bolla fine ed elegante, questo Sauvignon rappresenta un master piece imprescindibile se si vuole capire al meglio la mano del vignaiolo nella rifermentazione, di cui queste zone sono indubbiamente patria.
SKU: 19604

Il Sangiovese in purezza dall’omonima zona dell’Olmatello, il meraviglioso e suggestivo bosco di pini monumentali che diventa un balcone naturale sulle colline tutt’intorno e che si affaccia a strapiombo sulla valle di San Cristoforo, storicamente conosciuta per un’antica fonte termale idropinica-sulfurea. Questo è il vino con il miglior grado di maturazione delle uve, esposte a sud e posizionate nella parte più alta dell’azienda.

SKU: 18320
Colore oro zecchino e preziosa come una pietra. Dal vitigno autoctono un vero piacere per chi ama i passiti e per i golosi che la vogliono abbinare a formaggi stagionati ed erborinati.
SKU: 18319

Il trebbiano in purezza ad un’altitudine compresa tra i 180 a i 200 metri slm, con esposizione a sud.

SKU: 18318

Il vino che esprime al meglio l’identità rurale romagnola e che ci riporta nel passato, quando le famiglie contadine coltivavano il Bombino Bianco e sapendo di poter contare sulla sua resistenza, lo utilizzavano per ripagare i propri debiti. Da qui la DOC Pagadebit.

SKU: 18317
Il vitigno romagnolo per eccellenza, dalla forte personalità e tanninicità che fu il primo italiano tra i bianchi ad ottenere la DOCG nel 1987.
SKU: 18316
Il vitigno romagnolo per eccellenza, dalla forte personalità e versatilità, non solo secco e passito, ma anche spumantizzato
SKU: 18315
Il Sangiovese in purezza dall’omonima zona dell’Olmatello, il meraviglioso e suggestivo bosco di pini monumentali che diventa un balcone naturale sulle colline tutt’intorno e che si affaccia a strapiombo sulla valle di San Cristoforo, storicamente conosciuta per un’antica fonte termale idropinica-sulfurea. Questo è il vino con il miglior grado di maturazione delle uve, esposte a sud e posizionate nella parte più alta dell’azienda.
SKU: 18314

Il Sangiovese in purezza dall’omonima zona dell’Olmatello, il meraviglioso e suggestivo bosco di pini monumentali che diventa un balcone naturale sulle colline tutt’intorno e che si affaccia a strapiombo sulla valle di San Cristoforo, storicamente conosciuta per un’antica fonte termale idropinica-sulfurea. Questo è il vino con il miglior grado di maturazione delle uve, esposte a sud e posizionate nella parte più alta dell’azienda.

SKU: 18313
Il Sangiovese in purezza dall’omonima zona dell’Olmatello, il meraviglioso e suggestivo bosco di pini monumentali che diventa un balcone naturale sulle colline tutt’intorno e che si affaccia a strapiombo sulla valle di San Cristoforo, storicamente conosciuta per un’antica fonte termale idropinica-sulfurea. Questo è il vino con il miglior grado di maturazione delle uve, esposte a sud e posizionate nella parte più alta dell’azienda.
SKU: 18312

Il Sangiovese in purezza dall’omonima zona dell’Olmatello, il meraviglioso e suggestivo bosco di pini monumentali che diventa un balcone naturale sulle colline tutt’intorno e che si affaccia a strapiombo sulla valle di San Cristoforo, storicamente conosciuta per un’antica fonte termale idropinica-sulfurea. Questo è il vino con il miglior grado di maturazione delle uve, esposte a sud e posizionate nella parte più alta dell’azienda.

SKU: 18311

Il cru dall’omonimo vigneto del Solano, perfettamente incastonato tra un calanco spettacolare, il bosco antico dell’Olmatello e la cantina.

SKU: 18310
Il cru dall’omonimo vigneto del Solano, perfettamente incastonato tra un calanco spettacolare, il bosco antico dell’Olmatello e la cantina.
SKU: 18309
Fresco, potente e strutturato, pieno di frutto e morbidezza.
SKU: 18308

Berta Il Sangiovese fresco e fruttato ideale per i pasti di tutti i giorni.

SKU: 16442
This wine for usThe challenge of producing a Sauvignon in our latitudes.Life in calibrating the load of grapes on the plant, surgical precision in determining the day of harvest. Working this vineyard is always difficult, but when it succeeds….
SKU: 16441

Not only albana, in our heart passito: everything played on elegance, balance and smoothness.

SKU: 16440

Classe 33 Rosso is the fruit of a project that began in 2000 when we planted the so-called “Bacchilega” vineyard. An ambitious goal: to bring a strictly local Sangiovese into the glass, without "mediations" (wood) or "aiutini" (improving vines). Only with the 2021 harvest, when the plants finally entered "mature" age, were we convinced that the goal, in our opinion, was achieved. It could not fail to bear the "Serra" sub-area on the label. It could not but be dedicated to Santa Sergio

SKU: 16439
SONO was born from a project begun in 2006, first with the renunciation of the use, in the vineyard, of any synthetic fertilizer and "systemic" pesticides, and then continued in the cellar through surprising trials of vinification and refinement without no use of sulfur dioxide. The cellar technology allows us to avoid, in every part of the production process, any contact with oxygen.
SKU: 16438
The first of our Sangiovese reserves.
SKU: 16437
When, back in 1985, Sergio and Thea planted the first chardonnay vineyard in Romagna, many shook their heads (and it wasn't the first time).
SKU: 16436
"Our" Bordeaux blend. First vintage 1982.
SKU: 16435

A second fermentation in the bottle for our first ancestral one, however linked to the deeply rooted regional tradition of "mosso" wine. We like to call it a classic method … halfway..

SKU: 16434
Our "vintage" Sangiovese, a splendid fusion of full-bodied Sangiovese from Forlì and the 'gentle' Sangiovese, more characteristic of western Romagna.
SKU: 16433
That pinch of Emilia that flows in our blood (just a pinch) is also expiated in this wine, all fruit and pleasantness. The Romagna response to lambrusco
SKU: 16432
Sweet version (attention, not passito) of our albana. Not cloying, he prefers non-milk-based desserts, but it's also delicious on its own, maybe a fresh hair!
SKU: 16431
The most "oriental" of the Pignoletti, it brings the verve of the Emilian tradition in sparkling wines into the glass.Fermented in autoclave according to the charmat method, for a delicate and excellent 'bubble' for a meal
SKU: 16430

Being among the pioneers of Georgian amphora (kvevri) winemaking in Romagna was truly an inspiring privilege for us. Amphorae are a splendid tool: they have proved to be an incredible accelerator and concentrator for the maturation of Albana wine, without however affecting even a single pinch of its varietal profile! And so Vitalba was born in 2013: a successful gamble, now the white "flag" of our company.

SKU: 16429
The most "Romagna" vine we have, a true and unique expression of the territory, in its 'dry' version, the one we love most.
SKU: 16428

Our most important red, from the best vineyard of the Petrignone farm, dedicated to mother Thea: when she died, it was 1989, we were little more than kids, we decided to continue her passion, and, if one day we produced a wine very good, to dedicate it to her. It took ten years, but we were happy, in 1999, to present Thea 1997. Dedicated to you, mom.

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Wines of Emilia-Romagna: a guide to the best wines of the region

Emilia-Romagna is one of the most famous regions of Italy for its high quality food and wine products, including wines. The region boasts a large variety of native and international grape varieties, and produces some of the most renowned wines in the country. In this guide, we will discover together the best wines of Emilia-Romagna, their characteristics and their origins.

Emilia-Romagna and its winemaking tradition

Emilia-Romagna is located in northeastern Italy, and borders several regions, including Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany, and the Marches. The region is divided into two parts: Emilia to the west and Romagna to the east. Both parts have a long tradition in the production of high quality wines, thanks to the presence of a great variety of soils and microclimates that favor the cultivation of different grape varieties.

The main denominations of controlled origin (DOC) of Emilia-Romagna

Emilia-Romagna boasts numerous DOCs, which guarantee the quality and authenticity of the wines produced in the region. Among the main DOCs of Emilia-Romagna there are:

Lambrusco di Sorbara

Lambrusco di Sorbara is a sparkling red wine produced in the province of Modena and Reggio Emilia. It is considered one of the best wines of Emilia-Romagna and obtained the DOC status in 1970. It is a fresh and light wine, with notes of berries and a pleasant effervescence.

Albana of Romagna

Albana di Romagna is a white wine produced in the province of Forlì-Cesena. It was the first Italian white wine to obtain the DOCG in 1987. It is a dry wine, with a soft and delicate taste, with notes of fruit and white flowers.

Sangiovese from Romagna

Sangiovese di Romagna is a red wine produced throughout the Emilia-Romagna region. It obtained the DOC in 1967 and the DOCG in 2011. It is a dry and robust wine, with hints of red fruit and spices.

Pignoletto from Emilia

Pignoletto dell'Emilia is a white wine produced in the province of Bologna and Modena. It obtained the DOC in 1987. It is a dry wine, with a fresh and fruity taste, with notes of citrus and exotic fruit.

Colli Bolognesi Classic Pignoletto

Colli Bolognesi Classico Pignoletto is a white wine produced in the province of Bologna.

Trebbiano di Romagna

Trebbiano di Romagna is a white wine produced in the province of Forlì-Cesena and Rimini. It obtained the DOC in 1977. It is a dry and fresh wine, with a light and fruity flavour.

Dog of Romagna

Cagnina di Romagna is a red wine produced in the province of Forlì-Cesena. It was the first Italian wine to obtain the DOC in 1967. It is a sweet wine, with an intense and fruity flavour, with notes of black cherry and cherry.


Gutturnio is a red wine produced in the province of Piacenza. It obtained the DOC in 1970. It is a dry and sparkling wine, with a robust and intense flavor, with notes of red fruit and spices.

Colli Piacentini

Colli Piacentini is a denomination that includes different varieties of wine, both white and red, produced in the province of Piacenza. It obtained the DOC status in 1967. The wines produced in this area are characterized by a great variety of flavors and aromas, depending on the variety of grape used.

Emilia-Romagna is a region rich in history and tradition in the wine-growing field. Thanks to its geographical position and the variety of its soils and microclimates, it is able to produce some of the best wines in Italy. Among the main denominations of controlled origin of Emilia-Romagna there are Lambrusco di Sorbara, Albana di Romagna, Sangiovese di Romagna, Pignoletto dell'Emilia, Colli Bolognesi Classico Pignoletto, Trebbiano di Romagna, Cagnina di Romagna, the Gutturnio and the Colli Piacentini.

Exploring the Emilian Wines: A Journey between Taste and Tradition

Have you ever been immersed in the Emilian vineyards, savoring a glass of wine as the sun sets over the horizon? Emilian wines represent one of the oldest and most appreciated winemaking traditions in Italy. In this guide, we will take you to discover these excellent wines, immersing ourselves in the aromas and flavors that make the wines of this region unique. Get ready for an adventure that will make you fall in love with the Emilian lands and their wines.

Discovering the wines of Romagna: the excellent wines of Romagna

Romagna is a land rich in history, art and culture, but also in unique and unmistakable food and wine traditions. The wines of Romagna are the result of an ancient passion for viticulture and enology, which has been handed down from generation to generation. In this guide, we will accompany you in the discovery of the main wines of Romagna, telling you about their characteristics and their history. Get ready for an unforgettable journey through the vineyards and flavors of Romagna.

What is the most famous wine of Emilia-Romagna?

The most famous wine of Emilia-Romagna is Lambrusco di Sorbara.

What are the main DOCs of Emilia-Romagna?

The main DOCs of Emilia-Romagna are Lambrusco di Sorbara, Albana di Romagna, Sangiovese di Romagna, Pignoletto dell'Emilia, Colli Bolognesi Classico Pignoletto, Trebbiano di Romagna, Cagnina di Romagna, Gutturnio and the Colli Piacentini.

What are the characteristics of Albana di Romagna wine?

Albana di Romagna is a dry white wine, with a soft and delicate taste, with notes of fruit and white flowers.

What are the characteristics of Sangiovese di Romagna wine?

Sangiovese di Romagna is a dry and robust red wine, with hints of red fruit and spices.

Which are the provinces of Emilia-Romagna that produce wines?

All the provinces of Emilia-Romagna produce wines, but the main ones are Modena, Reggio Emilia, Forlì-Cesena, Rimini and Piacenza.

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