Jéroboam 3000 ml

SKU: 18876

Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Colle Secco Rubino by Cantina Tollo is presented after 24 months in oak barrels in the glass in a dark ruby red color. The nose reveals aromas of dark berries, accompanied by a delicate spicy aroma and a hint of vanilla. On the palate it is full-bodied and well structured with an almost cherry fruit and a fine and harmonious woody note in the finish. A wine that is suitable for dishes that are not too strong, pasta, grilled meats and cheeses that are not seasoned for too long. The photos of the products are purely indicative, the label or vintage may be different from that shown in the photo. NB If the title does not indicate the year of the bottle, the most recent vintage available for sale at the time of purchase will be sent.

SKU: 18835
Un Extra Dry morbido e rotondo, fresco ed equilibrato, capace di raccontare la tipologia declinandola in una versione di rara eleganza.
SKU: 18789
Denominazione: Franciacorta DOCG - Uvaggio: Pinot Nero 11%, Chardonnay 88%, Pinot Bianco 1% - Tipologia: Brut - Volume alcolometrico: 12,5% - Giallo paglierino con riflessi verdognoli. Il perlage è fine e continuo, con abbondante e persistente corona.Al naso il profumo è ampio e abbraccia sfumature di frutta dolce e leggermente matura con sottili accenni di vegetali e vaniglia. In bocca è sapido e completo, fresco e vibrante.
SKU: 18732
Brand: Planeta

Nero d'Avola Noto DOC Santa Cecilia is the flagship wine of the Planeta winery. A Nero d'Avola vinified in purity, the result of a careful selection of the best vineyards for the production of an excellent wine.

SKU: 18672
Colore: rosso rubino con nuance granate. Profumo: naso intenso ed elegante con evidenti sentori di frutta scura matura ciliegia prugna spezie dolci come lo zenzero e l'anice in equilibrata fusione con accennate note tostate di legno. Sapore: secco e corposo accarezza morbidamente il palato con buona consistenza e tannino elegante accompagnato da una piacevole ed armonica freschezza. Finale speziato piuttosto lungo ed ampio.
SKU: 18414
Il Chianti Classico Riserva di Pagliarese è caratterizzato da un colore rosso rubino di buona intensità. Al naso esprime un profumo di frutta matura, spezie, terra bagnata e note accentuate di tabacco e pepe nero. Al palato riflette una buona sapidità con tannini morbidi. È un vino di buona consistenza e struttura. Un tocco di acidità nel finale lo rende minerale e persistente.
SKU: 18413
Il Chianti Classico Riserva di Pagliarese è caratterizzato da un colore rosso rubino di buona intensità. Al naso esprime un profumo di frutta matura, spezie, terra bagnata e note accentuate di tabacco e pepe nero. Al palato riflette una buona sapidità con tannini morbidi. È un vino di buona consistenza e struttura. Un tocco di acidità nel finale lo rende minerale e persistente.
SKU: 18315
Il Sangiovese in purezza dall’omonima zona dell’Olmatello, il meraviglioso e suggestivo bosco di pini monumentali che diventa un balcone naturale sulle colline tutt’intorno e che si affaccia a strapiombo sulla valle di San Cristoforo, storicamente conosciuta per un’antica fonte termale idropinica-sulfurea. Questo è il vino con il miglior grado di maturazione delle uve, esposte a sud e posizionate nella parte più alta dell’azienda.
SKU: 18273
Il Taurasi DOCG “Vigna Piano D’Angelo” è un vino dal colore rosso rubino intenso e dal profumo ampio e fruttato, che richiama i sentori di prugne e ciliegie e le fragranze del sottobosco collinare che caratterizzano i territori taurasini.
SKU: 17984
Cabernet e Merlot sono apprezzati in tutto il mondo come varietà di alta qualità. Per la produzione del Cabernet-Merlot Sanct Valentin sono state utilizzate solo uve provenienti da appezzamenti molto soleggiati, con rese estremamente basse e con una vinificazione individuale. Il Cabernet-Merlot Sanct Valentin, presente dal 2013, è un vino rosso d'eccellenza, molto complesso e dai tannini fini. È l’unica cuvée firmata Sanct Valentin.
SKU: 17981
Cabernet e Merlot sono apprezzati in tutto il mondo come varietà di alta qualità. Per la produzione del Cabernet-Merlot Sanct Valentin sono state utilizzate solo uve provenienti da appezzamenti molto soleggiati, con rese estremamente basse e con una vinificazione individuale. Il Cabernet-Merlot Sanct Valentin, presente dal 2013, è un vino rosso d'eccellenza, molto complesso e dai tannini fini. È l’unica cuvée firmata Sanct Valentin.
SKU: 17978
In Alto Adige il Pinot Nero è coltivato dal 1850 e localmente è conosciuto anche come “Blauburgunder”. È il vino rosso più importante della Cantina. Da sempre costituisce una grande sfida per ogni vignaiolo: è esigente sul terreno e sul clima, ma anche nella lavorazione in cantina. Per il Pinot Nero Sanct Valentin, dal 1995 parte di questa linea, vengono utilizzate solo le vigne migliori e le piante più antiche. Rese minime ed una cura attenta garantiscono un vino elegante ed oltremodo sensuale, che si distingue per struttura, equilibrio e tannini fini. Possiede uno straordinario potenziale d’invecchiamento.
SKU: 17975
L’affascinante Gewürztraminer è certamente una delle varietà più memorabili nel panorama viticolo mondiale. Fin dal 1986 è riconosciuto come vino caratteristico della linea con le sue uve autoctone aromatiche. Il Gewürztraminer Sanct Valentin si caratterizza per il suo bouquet intenso e complesso, ricco di profumi ed aromi fruttati e speziati. Si distingue per piacevolezza e garantisce anche dopo molti anni una beva incantevole.
SKU: 17973
L’affascinante Gewürztraminer è certamente una delle varietà più memorabili nel panorama viticolo mondiale. Fin dal 1986 è riconosciuto come vino caratteristico della linea con le sue uve autoctone aromatiche. Il Gewürztraminer Sanct Valentin si caratterizza per il suo bouquet intenso e complesso, ricco di profumi ed aromi fruttati e speziati. Si distingue per piacevolezza e garantisce anche dopo molti anni una beva incantevole.
SKU: 17972
È nel 1989 che nasce il vino bianco più famoso della nostra cantina. Da più di 30 anni il Sauvignon Sanct Valentin beneficia di singole e selezionate parcelle poste sui pendii ai piedi della Mendola, per generare un vino di altissimo profilo. Dal frutto seducente, con eccellente mineralità e persistenza, questo vino è il più importante della linea Sanct Valentin ed uno dei vini bianchi più premiati d’Italia.
SKU: 17969
Il Pinot Grigio Sanct Valentin nasce nel 1986, quando - effettuando da diversi vigneti le prime selezioni di uvaggio - per la prima volta viene vinificato in purezza ed affinato in piccole botti. L’espressivo Pinot Grigio Sanct Valentin convince per l’integrazione perfetta di acidità, forza e concentrazione. È uno dei Pinot Grigio italiani più dotati e offre una beva eccellente anche dopo molti anni d’invecchiamento.
SKU: 17967
Nonostante sia una varietà diffusa in tutto il mondo, è uno dei vitigni prediletti dalla Cantina. Dal 1986 questo Chardonnay appartiene alla linea di punta Sanct Valentin. Coltivato solo in microzone selezionate del comune di Appiano, garantisce uve straordinarie che danno vita ad un vino pregiato di notevole forza ed eleganza. Equilibrio, acidità ed eccellente potenziale d’invecchiamento sono le sue caratteristiche.
SKU: 17965
È dal 2001 che il Pinot Bianco è entrato a far parte della prestigiosa linea Sanct Valentin. Rese particolarmente basse da selezionate parcelle garantiscono un vino di eccellente qualità. Affinato in legno, si distingue da un lato per forza e pienezza, dall’altro per chiarezza e fine mineralità. La sua longevità testimonia una qualità fuori dall’ordinario.
SKU: 17946
La più ambiziosa rappresentazione del millesimo, così ogni anno la cuvée più prestigiosa si rinnova attraverso la visione del Kellermeister Hans Terzer. La vendemmia 2018 ha consentito la maturazione ideale di ogni singolo vitigno, perciò i profumi e la beva di APPIUS 2018 vengono esaltate come una danza senza eguali, in un’esperienza sensoriale davvero eccitante.
SKU: 17943
La più ambiziosa rappresentazione del millesimo, così ogni anno la cuvée più prestigiosa si rinnova attraverso la visione del Kellermeister Hans Terzer. La vendemmia 2018 ha consentito la maturazione ideale di ogni singolo vitigno, perciò i profumi e la beva di APPIUS 2018 vengono esaltate come una danza senza eguali, in un’esperienza sensoriale davvero eccitante.
SKU: 17772
Brand: La Versa
Rilessi oro antico fanno da cornice ad un perlage ine e persistente. Vino secco, sapido e fresco, deinito da note di frutta secca.
SKU: 17767
Brand: La Versa
Protagonista, alla vista, la spuma bianca cremosa e il colore brillante. Perlage sottile e al contempo persistente. Il naso viene invaso da sentori di ribes, nocciola tostata e alloro. Vino aromatico dall’anima persistente.
SKU: 17701
Brand: Velenosi
Rosso rubino vivo e brillante con lievi riflessi granati. Naso intenso e complesso, con sentori di frutti maturi, prugna e ciliegia che, intensi, si aprono su un bouquet di spezie e fiori dal fascino straordinario. Di grande carattere ed essenza. Vellutato nella polpa e possente nella trama, giustamente tannico, fruttato e speziato. Il suo sapore è caldo, persistente, corposo ed armonico.
SKU: 17695
Brand: Velenosi
Il“Brecciarolo” Rosso Piceno Superiore viene realizzato dalla cantina Velenosi partendo da un 70% di Montepulciano a cui si aggiunge un 30% di Sangiovese. Le viti di queste due varietà crescono nei vigneti situati nei pressi dei comuni di Offida e Ascoli Piceno, a circa 200-300 metri sul livello del mare.
SKU: 17693
Brand: Velenosi
Zona di produzione Vigneti situati nel Comune di Controguerra Vitigno Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 100% Grado alcolico 13,50% VOL Prima Vendemmia imbottigliata 2005
SKU: 17544
Biondi Santi's Brunello di Montalcino Riserva is a wine of extraordinary importance and complexity, produced only in memorable years and aged for at least 36 months in large barrels. It stands out on the world wine scene for its depth, breadth and elegance
SKU: 17468
It is a careful and meticulous selection of the best grapes from the San Biagio vineyard, the most important cru of the estate and among the most suitable in the entire Bolgheri area. A blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc, two vines that have found in this small paradise protected by woods the ideal conditions to express character, structure, elegance and propensity for aging. This is the identity card of Caccia al Piano Bolgheri Superiore DOC, the new excellence created by the Ziliani family.
SKU: 17452
His eclectic personality has made him the icon of Berlucchi toasts around the world. Ideal as an aperitif, it is suitable for all types of starters and to accompany fish dishes, rice, pasta, white meats, tasty fish and fresh cheeses.
SKU: 17433
Rosé for those who ask for something more from rosé. Excellent as an aperitif, it can pleasantly accompany cured meats and tasty first courses and cheeses, even mature ones. It enhances its structure when paired with shellfish.
SKU: 17428
For those looking for a great classic, here is a wine recommended both as an aperitif and throughout the meal. He knows how to enhance, without ever overpowering them, the flavors of dishes, whether they are based on rice and pasta rather than white meats or fresh and medium-aged cheeses. It goes excellently with some typical dishes of Franciacorta, from casoncelli (stuffed ravioli) to lake fish (perch and char).
SKU: 17418
The Chardonnay grapes intended for the production of this refined Trentodoc are grown in the suitable vineyard hills overlooking the Trentino capital.The Classic Method applied on this precious base forges a harmonious, elegant and complex sparkling wine, with an unmistakable style. Cesarini Sforza Brut is vinified in steel and, after the draft, maturation begins on the yeasts for 24 months.
SKU: 17412
A Trento DOC sparkling wine from the Cesarini Sforza house, the result of the vinification of 100% Chardonnay grapes. The origin of the vines is that of Val di Cembra, in Trentino.
SKU: 17358
Brand: Perusini

The Merlot Black Label DOC is a Friulian red wine, produced by the Perusini Agricultural Company, located in Corno di Rosazzo in the province of Udine, on the Eastern Friulian hills, it is the symbolic wine of this winery which at its first release obtained the three glasses on the Gambero Rosso guide. The grape that gives rise to this wine is 100% Merlot, obtained with an ancient clone of this vine. The vinification takes place in steel with selected yeasts, followed by 12 months of aging in French oak barriques.

SKU: 17348

The palace illustrated on the label is the one where Queen Maria Carolina took refuge on the run from Naples and was the favorite home of the writer Tomasi di Lampedusa in Santa Margherita Belice. Gabriella Anca Rallo captures the image of it and embeds it in a "Thousand and One Nights" sky full of stars and full of promise. First vintage: 1995. The grapes, harvested in September, are vinified in steel, with maceration on the skins for about 12 days, at a temperature of 26-30 ° C. After malolactic fermentation, the wine passes mainly in French oak barriques for 14-16 months, and then refines in the bottle for at least 24 months. The Mille e una Notte is characterized by a ruby red color. The nose offers an enveloping bouquet in which notes of tobacco and cocoa stand out. On the palate the olfactory scents are repeated, on a fruity background of black mulberries and cherries. The wine is also full and complex, with elegant tannins. Perfect to accompany red meats, pork and lamb, it is ideal in combination with fish-based dishes.

SKU: 17304

Wine symbol of the estate, it has its roots in its millenary history. A classic Bordeaux cut of aristocratic elegance and extraordinary longevity.

SKU: 16973
Intense garnet red color with orange reflections. The nose is broad with delicate notes of violet and dog rose, hay and licorice in the background. On the palate the tannin is structured but delicate, tending towards sweet. The intensity of the drink is characterized by the juicy fruit that imprints the memory of the wine.
SKU: 16971
Intense garnet red color with orange reflections. The nose is broad with delicate notes of violet and dog rose, hay and licorice in the background. On the palate the tannin is structured but delicate, tending towards sweet. The intensity of the drink is characterized by the juicy fruit that imprints the memory of the wine.
SKU: 16969
Intense garnet red color with orange reflections. The nose is broad with delicate notes of violet and dog rose, hay and licorice in the background. On the palate the tannin is structured but delicate, tending towards sweet. The intensity of the drink is characterized by the juicy fruit that imprints the memory of the wine.
SKU: 16966
Intense garnet red color with orange reflections. The nose is broad with delicate notes of violet and dog rose, hay and licorice in the background. On the palate the tannin is structured but delicate, tending towards sweet. The intensity of the drink is characterized by the juicy fruit that imprints the memory of the wine.
SKU: 16963
Intense, lively and brilliant garnet red colour. The nose is ethereal with the typical perceptions of violet, then cherry and spices and leather. In the mouth the embrace is full and warm, the tannic, velvety and enveloping texture is balanced by the right acidity.
SKU: 16961
Intense, lively and brilliant garnet red colour. The nose is ethereal with the typical perceptions of violet, then cherry and spices and leather. In the mouth the embrace is full and warm, the tannic, velvety and enveloping texture is balanced by the right acidity.
SKU: 16959
Intense, lively and brilliant garnet red colour. The nose is ethereal with the typical perceptions of violet, then cherry and spices and leather. In the mouth the embrace is full and warm, the tannic, velvety and enveloping texture is balanced by the right acidity.
SKU: 16957
Intense, lively and brilliant garnet red colour. The nose is ethereal with the typical perceptions of violet, then cherry and spices and leather. In the mouth the embrace is full and warm, the tannic, velvety and enveloping texture is balanced by the right acidity.
SKU: 16946
Intense garnet red color with orange reflections. The nose is broad with delicate notes of violet and dog rose, hay and licorice in the background. On the palate the tannin is structured but delicate, tending towards sweet. The intensity of the drink is characterized by the juicy fruit that imprints the memory of the wine.
SKU: 16943
Intense, lively and brilliant garnet red colour. The nose is ethereal with the typical perceptions of violet, then cherry and spices and leather. In the mouth the embrace is full and warm, the tannic, velvety and enveloping texture is balanced by the right acidity.
SKU: 16936
Intense purplish ruby red color with violet reflections. Intense nose of red fruits (raspberry and black cherry) and fine spices. In the mouth the marked but sweet acidity makes it round and full; in closing notes of toasted hazelnut.
SKU: 16909
The Gattinara di Torraccia del Piantavigna is produced with 100% Nebbiolo grapes from five hectares of vineyards located in the Municipality of Gattinara.
SKU: 16763

Chianti Classico Riserva is produced exclusively in the oldest wine-growing area of Tuscany, in a landscape of breathtaking beauty.

SKU: 16759

Chianti Classico Riserva is produced exclusively in the oldest wine-growing area of Tuscany, in a landscape of breathtaking beauty.

SKU: 16756

This is certainly one of the most innovative wines produced to date. It contains all those characteristics that are most appreciated in wine: the fruity and fragrant aromas, the lively and deep colours, the strength of youth, the maturity of the wood, the softness of elegance.

SKU: 16508
Brand: Nicolis
The Seccal Valpolicella Superiore Ripasso DOC by Vini Nicolis is an excellent wine, an expression of the Verona area.
SKU: 16461
An oenological masterpiece from carefully selected grapes, aged on the lees for at least four years in order to enhance its body, aromas and preciousness.
SKU: 16402
In appearance, the wine has a brilliant straw yellow color, with a fine and persistent perlage. The scent on the nose, an initial impact of bread crust and yeasts opens up to a composed and elegant olfactory profile. The taste has rich notes of exotic fruits, elderflower and white chocolate are the perfect introduction to a fresh, clean, round taste. It closes very long on light hints of ginger.
SKU: 16396
Floral, mineral, fruity and spicy bouquet. Structured and at the same time elegant in the mouth, with an incredible persistence. Franciacorta Brut Secolo Novo Giovanni Biatta comes from clonal selections of Chardonnay grapes. Harvested by hand in small crates, must obtained from the natural pressing of the grapes (at zero pressure, also known as autopressurage). Controlled fermentation in purity at 17° – 19° with indigenous yeasts in order to keep the flavor and aromas of Franciacorta intact. Maturation in stainless steel tanks. In the months of March and April the passage into the bottle for the second fermentation takes place. The bottles are stacked in refining rooms at controlled temperatures (12° – 14°) for at least 54 months. After this period, the Franciacorta Brut DOCG Giovanni Biatta takes on its characteristics of aroma and flavor and with a very fine perlage. We then move on to the final phase of remuage, dégorgement and clothing for the shipment.
SKU: 16351
Classic aperitif wine, which also goes well with the whole meal, especially with fish-based dishes. Light straw yellow in colour, it has a fresh, slightly fruity aroma of apple, with hints of fresh bread crust. It is a sparkling wine with an inviting, dry, discreet and elegant flavour. In the Magnum format it is ideal for the festive table or for a nice gift idea, undemanding but with great effect.
SKU: 16337
The Prosecco produced in Conegliano Valdobbiadene received the DOCG in 2009, recognition of superior quality in every stage of processing and production. The "band" that affixes a numbered seal to each bottle makes it possible to trace the history of the wine and of each individual bottle. This sparkling wine with a fine perlage, a fruity aroma and a sapid and lively taste should be served at a temperature of 6-8 degrees. The Magnum packaging is beautiful, to give as a gift or to uncork on happy occasions.
SKU: 16168
Brand: Marsuret
Valdobbiadene DOCG Superiore Brut 'San Boldo' Marsuret is a fresh and elegant Prosecco. At sight it appears of a brilliant pale straw color with a fine and persistent perlage. The complex scent is conferred by notes of Golden apple and wild flowers. On the palate it is intense and pleasant to drink. Sparkling wine according to the Charmat Method.
SKU: 16152
Brand: Marsuret
Important and ideal sparkling wine in every occasion obtained from our grapes of high hills chosen with great care and attention. The scent is intense and elegant. Rich in hints the fruity expression conquers with pleasantness. The taste is elegant, fresh, savory and at the same time soft and aromatic. Lively and persistent perlage.
SKU: 16113

Straw yellow, with a rather fine perlage. On the nose it expresses fragrant aromas of white pulp fruit, on the palate it is fresh, very soft, full. A rich and pleasant taste, whose closure stands out for its cleanliness. Excellent as an aperitif, it goes well with light appetizers. Excellent on typical vegetarian dishes.

SKU: 15635
The Kurni wine of Oasi degli Angeli is born in vineyards located in the valley of the Sant'Egidio stream, in the municipality of Cupra Marittima, the winery's flagship wine, where everything has been focused on a management of the vineyards compatible with the pure needs of a territory poor in soil characteristics.
SKU: 15596

A limited edition of the first Rocca di Frassinello label, celebrating the tenth anniversary of the inauguration (2007-2017) of the cellar designed by Renzo Piano and the forty years (1977-2017) of the Beaubourg Museum in Paris, another masterpiece of the Maestro .

SKU: 15580

Intense ruby red with garnet reflections. The nose expresses richness and intensity thanks to beautiful fruity and slightly spicy, balsamic and floral notes. On the palate it is centered, juicy, fine and complete. It closes with a vibrant and persistent finish. Throughout the meal, it goes well with salami and meats rich in flavor, tasty and aromatic cheeses.

SKU: 15568

Intense ruby red. The nose expresses beautiful notes of red fruits and sweet spices, a balsamic and only remotely vegetable touch. On the palate it is rich, full-bodied, soft and characterized by a velvety tannic texture. Of excellent persistence. For the whole meal, it goes well with savory first courses and game such as deer, wild boar, hare.

SKU: 15566

Intense ruby red. The nose expresses balsamic notes, hints of coffee and red fruit. On the palate it is soft and velvety, intense, warm and with excellent persistence.

For the whole meal, it goes well with meat dishes, including important roasts, cured meats and medium-aged cheeses.

SKU: 15560

The Chianti Classico of Castellare di Castellina is born in vineyards located in the municipality of Castellina in Chianti. It is produced with 95% Sangiovese grapes and 5% Canaiolo grapes, harvested in October. Fermentation takes place in stainless steel tanks at a controlled temperature of 28 ° C for 15-20 days. Subsequently the wine is aged in barrique for 7 months, and for a further 7 months in the bottle. This Chianti Classico is characterized by a brilliant ruby red color with purple reflections. The nose opens with hints of cherries and violets, enriched by pleasant spicy notes of licorice and vanilla. On the palate it is balanced, with harmonious and delicate tannins. The wine has a finish that gives pleasant sweet sensations. Perfect to accompany cold cuts, first courses with meat sauce and roasts, it is ideal in combination with stews, game and aged cheeses.

SKU: 15535

This Syrah is Stefano Amerighi 's representative wine, the result of his work and his idea. A broad idea that goes from the soil to the plant to the balance of nature.

SKU: 15528

With a warm and sensual character, full of fruity notes and sweet spices, Desiderio 2016 goes perfectly with savory dishes, such as roast lamb, aged cheeses and game. Intense ruby red in color, this wine reveals an inviting bouquet of black cherries and blackberries with notes of eucalyptus and fresh mint, underlined by elegant sensors of roses and sandalwood. Well structured and very persistent, in the mouth it is enveloping and caressing, characterized by fruity notes and fine-grained tannins.

SKU: 15525

Dress the glass in a beautiful ruby red. The nose rotates all around a beautiful nucleus of ripe red fruit, such as cherry, morello cherry and plum, then embellished with scents that refer the mind to nutmeg, bitter cocoa, tobacco and eucalyptus. The olfactory complexity is repeated on the palate, where tannins, freshness, body and warmth come together in a beautiful balance. Good length. Suitable to accompany meat main courses, it is excellent to be paired with roast leg of lamb.

SKU: 15509
Francesco Massetti's Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Quarantacinque 2019 is a representative wine of the new generation of good winemakers, on the nose ripe aromas, red fruit, Mediterranean herbs, in the mouth Francesco's decisive hand refers to the power of the vine which is balanced with a good drink that still recalls the food.
SKU: 15508
Francesco Massetti's Trebbiano offers the nose aromas of apple, white peach and puffs of hay as well as Mediterranean herbs, in the mouth it has a beautiful structure, freshness and saltiness with a good persistence, time will make this wine more complex, which is already very popular today .
SKU: 15076

The Carpineto Estate, in Montalcino, rises at an altitude that reaches over 500 meters slm , one of the highest points within the denomination. The structure of the soil is made up of marl and accumulations of clay dating back to the Eocene (15 million years ago). The vineyards are surrounded by thick Mediterranean scrub which protects them from the humid western currents coming from the Maremma; it is also thanks to their exposure that the wine reveals hints of berries and Mediterranean herbs. A truly unique microclimate, which gives the wines aromatic intensity, lively acidity and marked elegance, as well as incredible longevity.

SKU: 15026

Chianti Classico Riserva is produced exclusively in the oldest wine-growing area of Tuscany, in a landscape of breathtaking beauty.

SKU: 15023

Chianti Classico Riserva is produced exclusively in the oldest wine-growing area of Tuscany, in a landscape of breathtaking beauty.

SKU: 14907
Brand: Maculan

The Veneto IGT Merlot Crosara red wine from the Maculan winery is one of the Crus of the Maculan company and is obtained exclusively using fine Merlot grapes (an allochthonous vine of French origin). The vineyards are located on the hills around the Venetian municipalities of Ferrata and Santo Stefano and enjoy a perfect combination of mild microclimate and soils rich in mineral salts. The activity of this company for several years has been aimed at the production of quality wines, thanks to a perfect balance between craftsmanship and technological innovation. The production of the Veneto IGT Merlot Crosara wine begins with the harvest, meticulously carried out by hand and selecting only the best bunches. These are sent for fermentation in steel vats at a controlled temperature with maceration on the skins. Maturation takes place in French oak barriques for about 12 months, before refining directly in the bottle. The result is a wine of exceptional quality, full-bodied and robust, with an excellent structure, it has a concentrated and deep purple-red colour. The nose opens with intense aromas of small black fruits and ripe red fruit, enriched by pleasant spicy notes. On the palate it is fruity and structured, with sweet and elegant tannins.

SKU: 14859

Filo di Seta expresses the strong, though always very elegant, character of the wild and dark soul of the microclimate that characterizes the north-western area of the Municipality of Montalcino. The historic Sangiovese vineyards are located at an altitude of about 350 meters above sea level, they are looked after with dedication and passion so that each plant can give birth to harmonious and balanced products, which allow the bunches to reach optimal ripeness.

SKU: 14852

A Nero d'Avola of great harmony, our spearhead. Surprising in its aromas, precious for the elegance and silkiness of its tannins. An exciting wine.

SKU: 14584

The Amarone di Ca' Rugate "Punta 470" announces itself in the glass with a well concentrated garnet colour. The olfactory bouquet that emerges on the nose is broad, where various notes of small berry fruits such as blackberry, cherry and currant can be traced, alternating with spicy references. On the palate it has an excellent structure, powerful and energetic thanks to a round sip, which wraps the palate with softness; it closes with a finish of excellent persistence, characterized by an aftertaste that recalls the flavor of the dried grapes from which the Amarone production process is born. A label of important depth both on the nose and in the mouth, which comes from a meticulous production process, in which each phase of the production is followed with care and attention, until the wine, after a good period of refinement, is not ready to be bottled. A great expression, dense, intense and elegant. The "Punta 470" takes shape from the union between Corvina, Corvinone and Rondinella, varieties grown in soils rich in skeleton and limestone located in the hilly area of Montecchia di Crosara. The manual harvest begins during the second half of September, taking care to place the bunches in boxes without overlapping them, in order to guarantee correct ventilation. The bunches wither for 4-5 months in a fruit cellar, dehydrating and thus concentrating their sugary substances; then we proceed with the pressing, and the must obtained is fermented in steel. The wine ages for 30-36 months in 500-litre oak tonneaux and 25-hectolitre barrels.

SKU: 14583
Fulvio Beo Classic Method Ca' Rugate has a straw yellow color with greenish reflections, it is a sparkling wine with a fine and persistent perlage. The nose releases a delicate hint of yeast with pleasant fruity notes. Harmonious, almost velvety flavour, with a dry finish.
SKU: 14568
Fulvio Beo sparkling wine in a wooden box from the Ca' Rugate winery comes from 100% Garganega grapes. The base wine is vinified entirely in steel so as not to alter the typical aromas and freshness. A complex and full-bodied sparkling wine, which highlights the great potential of the volcanic territory of the Soave area.
SKU: 14511
White foam, exuberant and of excellent persistence. The pearl necklaces are very fine to form a well-present and prolonged crown over time. The effervescence is dynamic and full of youth. Bright and bright yellow color with clear greenish reflections. Perfume characterized by marked minerality. Wide and inviting, it embraces nuances of ripe sweet fruit, meringue, pastry and candied citrus peel. Flavor fully corresponding to the nose, with an almost crunchy creamy sensation and a texture that combines elegance and lightness, thickness and harmony. The vibrant and contemporary character represents its unmistakable identity.
SKU: 14429

«What the tongue cannot express well, mute eloquence expressed in its gestures» Intense ruby red. It begins on the nose with notes of sweet leather, spice, cherry; on the palate it is soft, elegant and fresh. «Forty years after my first writings - elementary judgments - I realized that, always, the wine - so individual, pure, national, harmonious - was above, that words were not enough to give the "meaning" of it, even if they were momentum and invention. Better, a thousand times better, abandoning yourself to the involvements, suggestions, hugs, penetrations, which gradually emerge in the tasting, not material but intellectual, and mark them. The affirmation comes from the great Veronelli who has taught more than a few generations with his inexhaustible vein of neologisms regarding the sensations that wine is capable of transmitting. Often the truth of wine is elusive, untranslatable and it is necessary to recognize the ineffectiveness of words. So much so that wine becomes an enjoyable beverage, even without the use of words, due to the privilege it possesses of communicating forcefully, of moving people through its innate eloquence. GRAPE VARIETIES: Negroamaro 100%

SKU: 14350
Brand: Merotto
A truly special red, aged in barrels and rested in the bottle. A rich and elegant Cabernet Sauvignon. Aromas of cherry and berries.
SKU: 14346
Brand: Merotto
The grapes of the Cuvée del Fondatore come from the Banks of Col San Martino and in particular from cadastral maps 86 - 826 at 230 meters above sea level.
SKU: 14341
Brand: Merotto
The grapes for this appreciated sparkling wine are harvested in a small and selected vineyard in Col San Martino.
SKU: 14320
Aging in large barrels and barriques. Elegant flavor, with a rich tannic texture.
SKU: 14089
Brand: Bosio
Cuvée Extra Brut equal to Pinot Noir which gives structure, body and important aromas, and Chardonnay which gives finesse and elegance. The grapes come from a 3-hectare vineyard, equally divided between chardonnay and pinot noir, which is located on a morainic hill, particularly valuable for soil and exposure. Aging on the lees for no less than 30 months.
SKU: 14047

AE is a tribute to the city of Isernia. Ruby red color with violet reflections. the nose is complex and persistent with hints reminiscent of balsamic herbs and ripe red berries. Full-bodied, rightly tannic.

SKU: 14043
White wine with a golden yellow color with hints of honey and acacia.
SKU: 13979

Grape variety / Montepulciano. Production area / Abruzzo. Color / Intense red. Bouquet / Ethereal and complex, with hints of black cherry and berries.

SKU: 13849

Produced entirely with native grapes, Sangiovese mainly with additions of Colorino and Pugnitello, it is a typical Chianti Classico, of medium structure, with a strong personality that stands out in particular for its elegance. The vinification takes place in the traditional way, with medium length maceration, followed by a maturation of the wine for 12 months in Slavonian oak barrels.

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