SKU: 20861
Brand: Bibi Graetz
L'Olio Testamatta di Bibi Graetz è un olio Extravergine di Oliva di categoria superiore ottenuto direttamente dalle olive e unicamente mediante procedimenti meccanici.L'Olio Testamatta di Bibi Graetz è ottenuto mediante raccolta manuale delle olive da piante Tonda di Cagliari, Pitz' e Carroga.
SKU: 20170
Brand: Tenimenti D’Alessandro
SKU: 20169
Brand: Tenimenti D’Alessandro
SKU: 20168
Brand: Tenimenti D’Alessandro
SKU: 20142
Brand: Franco Pacenti
Intenso, fruttato e fresco, un prodotto da innumerevoli virtù.Scheda tecnica
SKU: 20133
Brand: Podere Conca
Podere Conca produce Olio Extravergine d’Oliva Toscano dal 1983, anno in cui l’antica uliveta della tenuta è stata arricchita di nuovi filari. L’accurata conduzione degli ulivi avviene rispettando rigorosamente le regole dell’agricoltura biologica e le tradizioni locali. La raccolta delle olive viene eseguita a mano.
SKU: 18257
Brand: Buccia Nera
SKU: 18245
Brand: Buccia Nera
ORGANIC EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL 2022 BOTTLE 100% Italian Organic - Bottle NEW OIL 2022
SKU: 18244
Brand: Buccia Nera
ORGANIC EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL 2022 BOTTLE 100% Italian Organic - Bottle NEW OIL 2022
SKU: 17574
Brand: Terenzi
From our 2,000 centuries-old olive trees, spread over an area of 11 hectares, we manually collect the olives which we press in our company oil mill. This is how our award-winning Purosangue/Madrechiesa extra virgin olive oil was born, constantly recognized by the main national guides as one of the best oils in Italy.
SKU: 17573
Brand: Terenzi
From our 2,000 centuries-old olive trees, spread over an area of 11 hectares, we manually collect the olives which we press in our company oil mill. This is how our award-winning Purosangue/Madrechiesa extra virgin olive oil was born, constantly recognized by the main national guides as one of the best oils in Italy.
SKU: 17550
Brand: Biondi Santi
Greppo oil is obtained from olives harvested by hand in our own olive groves, produced with traditional methods from the varieties: Correggiolo, Leccino, Moraiolo and Olivastra di Montalcino.
SKU: 17472
Brand: Caccia al Piano
From the cold pressing of the fruits of the olive grove adjacent to the Le Bozze vineyard comes an Extra Virgin Oil produced in limited quantities whose refined and full taste expresses the dominant character of the Tuscan Coast. A real green gold that meets the most refined cuisine.
SKU: 17315
Brand: Torcilacqua
The Extra Virgin Olive Oil of the Torcilacqua Company is produced on the hills. The olives are pressed within 12 hours in a modern oil mill and the oil that comes out, immediately filtered, is of an intense green color. On the nose it denotes hints of artichoke and green olive while on tasting it has a full body with a light spicy note. In order to appreciate the quality and fragrance of the product, it is recommended to taste it raw.
SKU: 15978
Brand: Terenzi
From our 2,000 centuries-old olive trees, spread over an area of 11 hectares, we manually collect the olives which we press in our company oil mill. This is how our award-winning Purosangue/Madrechiesa extra virgin olive oil was born, constantly recognized by the main national guides as one of the best oils in Italy.
SKU: 15977
Brand: Terenzi
From our 2,000 centuries-old olive trees, spread over an area of 11 hectares, we manually collect the olives which we press in our company oil mill. This is how our award-winning Purosangue/Madrechiesa extra virgin olive oil was born, constantly recognized by the main national guides as one of the best oils in Italy.
SKU: 15962
Brand: Tenuta di Lilliano
The harvested olives are stored in small crates and pressed within 24 hours of collection. The pressing of the olives takes place with hammers and the cold extraction by means of a three-phase centrifuge. Only after the oil has clarified through natural decanting is it bottled after light cotton filtration. An average of 60 to 80 hectoliters of oil are produced each year. A perfect shelf life of 14-18 months is guaranteed by the richness in polyphenols.
SKU: 15938
Brand: Tenuta La Chiusa
Obtained from the blend of traditional cultivars (Leccino, Moraiolo, Frantoio, Pendolino) it has an intense taste which makes it suitable for cold dishes and bruschetta.
SKU: 15665
Brand: Montevertine
Produced in very limited quantities with Correggiolo, Moraiolo and Leccino olives, pressed with the traditional cold milling method.
SKU: 15594
Brand: Castellare di Castellina
Unlike wine which generally improves with time, extra virgin olive oil gives its best as soon as it is pressed. For this reason, to underline this characteristic, Castellare has patented the name L'Olionovo, the authentic expression with which the farmers define the oil as soon as it comes out of the mill. Intense green, spicy enough to make it lively and pleasant on the palate.
SKU: 15318
Brand: La Madonnina
Extra virgin olive oil produced only with the Leccino, Moraiolo, Frantoiano and Razza varieties from the estate's over 50-year-old olive grove.
SKU: 15304
Brand: La Lastra
From the 800 olive trees adjacent to our Agriturismo Marciano we produce the precious Extra-Virgin Olive Oil: an extremely limited production with remarkable nutritional and organoleptic properties. The low acidity and peroxide value, the high content of Vit. E, polyphenols, phytosterols and chlorophylls, the composition of fatty acids (showing a preponderant presence of oleic acid (monounsaturated) and polyunsaturated fatty acids) make the EVO Oil Marciano is a high quality organic product, rich in precious substances for our psycho-physical well-being. This group of qualitative characteristics is the result of a set of factors that act in synergy: the production area, the climatic conditions, the varieties of the olive tree, the traditional methods of cultivation, the harvest at the right degree of ripeness and the short times that occur between the harvest and the cold pressing of the drupes.
SKU: 15303
Brand: La Lastra
From the 800 olive trees adjacent to our Agriturismo Marciano we produce the precious Extra-Virgin Olive Oil: an extremely limited production with remarkable nutritional and organoleptic properties. The low acidity and peroxide value, the high content of Vit. E, polyphenols, phytosterols and chlorophylls, the composition of fatty acids (showing a preponderant presence of oleic acid (monounsaturated) and polyunsaturated fatty acids) make the EVO Oil Marciano is a high quality organic product, rich in precious substances for our psycho-physical well-being. This group of qualitative characteristics is the result of a set of factors that act in synergy: the production area, the climatic conditions, the varieties of the olive tree, the traditional methods of cultivation, the harvest at the right degree of ripeness and the short times that occur between the harvest and the cold pressing of the drupes.
SKU: 14787
Brand: Buccia Nera
ORGANIC EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL 2022 BOTTLE 100% Italian Organic - Bottle NEW OIL 2022
SKU: 14657
Brand: Buccia Nera
ORGANIC EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL 2022 BOTTLE 100% Italian Organic - Bottle NEW OIL 2022
SKU: 14656
Brand: Buccia Nera
SKU: 14525
Fine oil of superior category, it is obtained only from the olives of the property, of native varieties, harvested with the picking method on nets. The microclimate, the soil and the uniqueness of the hilly position of the plantation make the position of the olive trees and the quality of the fruit favorable.
SKU: 14504
Brand: Tenuta San Guido
The olive-growing area of the company is arranged in promiscuous plants, respecting the traditional type of agriculture characteristic of large Tuscan companies. The olive trees, of the leccino, moraiolo, pendolino, frantoio varieties, are not planted next to each other in a specialized system. They are in rows alternating with fields or vineyards. The total number of olive trees on the farm is around 8,000. About 2,000 of which have only landscape and soil conservation value as they are present in soils that are difficult to cultivate.
SKU: 14445
Brand: Tenuta degli Dei
Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil 250 ml - Tenuta degli Dei
Superior category olive oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means.
Cold extraction.
SKU: 14444
Brand: Tenuta degli Dei
Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil 250 ml - Tenuta degli Dei
Superior category olive oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical means.
Cold extraction.
SKU: 14443
Brand: Tenuta degli Dei
"Spicy" is the right word here. But thanks to the spray bottle, the spiciness is very easy to dose. Wonderfully applicable for everything that needs to be re-sharpened and individually prepared!
SKU: 13469
Brand: San Giusto a Rentennano
Obtained from the first pressing of hand-picked olives in the month of November. The varietal composition is mainly of Frantoio (Correggiolo) olives and, to a lesser extent, of Leccino, Moraiolo, Pendolino. The pressing is carried out daily and the oil is extracted according to the cold system, at a controlled temperature, protected from oxygen. The oil is placed in dark glass bottles and sealed with a special stopper after light filtering. The particularly favorable summer climate allows the cultivation of the olive tree almost without pesticide treatments. Preserved in optimal conditions, the extra virgin olive oil of San Giusto a Rentennano maintains all its freshness and intensity for 24 months.
SKU: 13362
Brand: San Felice
Oil that in the bright green color reveals its Chianti character, with typical herbaceous aromas and a slightly bitter and spicy taste, mainly Frantoio olives, with small quantities of Moraiolo and Leccino harvested by hand in November and pressing on the same day. it is a better way to taste its aromas than using it raw on grilled meats, ribollita and Tuscan soups or simply on a tomato bruschetta.
SKU: 13249
Brand: Carpineto
This oil is cold produced from hand-picked olives from our ancient olive groves located in the upper Valdarno (Florence), on the border with Chianti Classico.
SKU: 11967
Brand: Fattoria le Pupille
On the nose notes of sage, artichoke and classic scents of the Mediterranean scrub. Delicately sweet and fruity taste with hints of green tomato and slight spiciness.
SKU: 8563
Brand: Castello del Terriccio
Castello del Terriccio 's Extra Virgin Olive Oil del Terriccio is produced from 10,000 plants of the prized Frantoio, Leccino, Moraiolo, Maurino, Rosciola varieties – the latter rare in the area – spread over approximately 40 hectares. They are conducted with sustainable agriculture systems, which make it possible to obtain very high quality olives that are pressed in the estate's oil mill. Good fruitiness with hints of grass and artichoke, typical of a toscano.TIPOLOGIAOlio oil.TYPOLOGYTuscan IGP Extra Virgin Olive Oil PRODUCTION AREACastellina Marittima ( Pisa ) RAW MATERIALMoraiolo, Leccino, Maurino, Frantoio, Pendolino and Rosciola AGE OF THE VINEYARDS50/60 years of age. COLOR Bright green with golden reflections BOUQUET Good fruity with hints of grass and artichoke, typical of a Tuscan oil. TASTE Round, clean, slightly spicy
SKU: 8194
Brand: Il Palagio
This organic olive oil comes from the vast Il Palagio estate of Sting and Trudie Styler. In this domain there are centuries-old olive trees from which a fantastic olive oil is also certified organic. The oil is a blend of various types of Frantoio, Leccino, Pendolino, Maurino, Coratina and Leccio del Corno olives. Olive oil has a very fine texture and a soft aftertaste. The oil has an acidity of only 0.02% instead of the usual 0.5-0.99%. Aromas of almonds, apple, banana, spices and shades of marzipan. Delicious with salads, bruschetta or Italian bread.
SKU: 8068
Brand: Il Palagio
This organic olive oil comes from the vast Il Palagio estate of Sting and Trudie Styler. In this domain there are centuries-old olive trees from which a fantastic olive oil is also certified organic. The oil is a blend of various types of Frantoio, Leccino, Pendolino, Maurino, Coratina and Leccio del Corno olives. Olive oil has a very fine texture and a soft aftertaste. The oil has an acidity of only 0.02% instead of the usual 0.5-0.99%. Aromas of almonds, apple, banana, spices and shades of marzipan. Delicious with salads, bruschetta or Italian bread.
SKU: 5963
Brand: San Felice
Produced with olives of the Correggiolo, Moraiolo, Leccino and Pendolino varieties harvested manually and pressed in the modern company oil mill, 'Il Velato' has a typical bitter taste.
SKU: 5922
Brand: San Felice
Oil that in the bright green color reveals its Chianti character, with typical herbaceous aromas and a slightly bitter and spicy taste, mainly Frantoio olives, with small quantities of Moraiolo and Leccino harvested by hand in November and pressing on the same day. it is a better way to taste its aromas than using it raw on grilled meats, ribollita and Tuscan soups or simply on a tomato bruschetta.
SKU: 2451
Brand: Argiano
Argiano oil is obtained manually from harvesting to organic pressing because we believe in soft, intense and fruity biodiversity with notes of artichoke, almond and apple.
SKU: 2217
Brand: Avignonesi
The hills between Val d'Orcia and Val di Chiana are ideal for the cultivation of olives and for the production of excellent quality extra virgin olive oil. In Avignonesi we have 2,270 plants and in 2018 we produced 2,175 liters of certified organic extra virgin olive oil, all processed in our oil mill. Yellow in color with vibrant green undertones, our 2018 olive oil reveals delicate aromas of green grass and artichokes. Silky and velvety to the taste it expresses notes of almond and a slightly spicy finish.
SKU: 2102
Brand: Frescobaldi
Laudemio dei Marchesi Frescobaldi oil represents the maximum expression of the oil, intense and bright green, with a marked scent of cut grass and artichoke, an intense and typically spicy taste.
SKU: 2068
Brand: Frescobaldi
BELONGING TO 1 btg. 500 ml LAUDEMIO Extra Virgin Olive Oil 6 saucers Laudemio oil Excellent for a gift idea!
SKU: 1893
Brand: Tua Rita
Alongside the reds and whites, another Tua Rita production is oil. Obtained from a careful selection of the best cultivars, from Leccino, to Moraiolo, to Frantoio, it is appreciated for its bitter and spicy notes, hallmarks of quality.
SKU: 1403
Brand: Fontodi
Format | 50 cl |
Country | Italy |
Region | Tuscany |
Area | Chianti Classico |
Produced from quality Correggiolo and Moraiolo olive trees with a total production of 5,000 liters of bottled oil.
SKU: 1168
Brand: Castellare di Castellina
Unlike wine which generally improves with time, extra virgin olive oil gives its best as soon as it is pressed. For this reason, to underline this characteristic, Castellare has patented the name L'Olionovo, the authentic expression with which the farmers define the oil as soon as it comes out of the mill. Intense green, spicy enough to make it lively and pleasant on the palate.