Wines of Sardinia

SKU: 20716
Desàia è un Cannonau di Sardegna doc che racchiude in sé tutte le sfumature del più noto dei vitigni sardi a bacca rossa. Vino che beneficia di un periodo di affinamento in bottiglia.
SKU: 20715
932 Vermentino di Sardegna DOC vuole valorizzare il lavoro di un’intera comunità, quella di Calasetta, celebrandolo con un vino intenso e persistente che matura in botti di rovere francese. Nato da una selezione attenta delle uve vermentino coltivate nei vigneti costieri del sud Sardegna.
SKU: 20714
932 è un Carignano del Sulcis DOC Superiore in purezza 100% che vuole valorizzare il lavoro di un’intera comunità, quella di Calasetta, celebrandolo con un vino elegante e armonico che matura in botti di rovere francese. Nato da una selezione attenta delle uve carignano provenienti da uve di viti ad alberello a piede franco coltivate nell’isola di Sant’Antioco.
SKU: 20713
Demà è un Vermentino di Sardegna DOC fresco e fruttato, da consumare giovane. Nasce dalle uve raccolte nelle zone collinari del basso Sulcis, in prossimità del mare.
SKU: 20712
Destè è un Carignano del Sulcis DOC Rosato ottenuto in purezza, fresco e fruttato, da consumare preferibilmente giovane. Ottenuto dalla vinificazione delle uve provenienti dalle zone collinari del basso Sulcis, in prossimità del mare.
SKU: 20711
Desea è un Carignano del Sulcis DOC in purezza ottenuto dalle uve provenienti dalle zone collinari del basso Sulcis, in prossimità del mare. Nato per esaltare le caratteristiche di freschezza e bevibilità di questo vitigno.
SKU: 20710
Bricco delle Piane è un Carignano del Sulcis DOC Riserva di grande complessità ottenuta da uve Carignano in purezza provenienti dai vigneti allevati ad alberello su piede franco. La sua notevole struttura lo rende adatto a lunghi affinamenti in bottiglia.
SKU: 20709
Aina è un Carignano del Sulcis DOC Riserva ottenuto dalla vinificazione di uve raccolte nei vigneti dei nostri soci nel Basso Sulcis. La matrice calcareo argillosa del suolo, la maturità delle vigne e l’influenza delle brezze marine, ci donano un vino di struttura che spicca per i suoi aromi di frutta matura contornati da eleganti note di vaniglia. Ideale per accompagnare i migliori piatti della tradizione italiana.
SKU: 20708
Franco di Piede è un Carignano del Sulcis DOC ottenuto dalla vinificazione di uve provenienti esclusivamente da viti ad alberello a piede franco. La matrice sabbiosa del suolo, l’età molto avanzata e la bassissima resa delle vigne unita alla vicinanza del mare ci donano un Carignano che spicca per la sua profondità gustativa. Ideale per accompagnare squisiti primi piatti e importanti arrosti di carne.
SKU: 20707
Sette è un Carignano del Sulcis DOC che spicca per la sua freschezza che gli dona una grande bevibilità. Prodotto dalle uve raccolte nei vigneti dei nostri soci nel Basso Sulcis. La giovane età delle vigne unito al microclima ideale della zona ci permettono di ottenere delle uve dal grande spessore aromatico. Ideale come aperitivo o per accompagnare squisiti primi piatti.
SKU: 20706
Sette è un Vermentino di Sardegna DOC che spicca per la sua vena minerale unita ad una grande bevibilità. Prodotto dalle uve raccolte nei vigneti dei nostri soci nel Basso Sulcis dove le estati particolarmente calde e ventilate uniti ad inverni miti e poco piovosi, danno uve dal grande spessore aromatico. Ideale come aperitivo o per accompagnare squisiti piatti a base di pesce.
SKU: 20569
Il nostro Moscato Spumante Dolce si presente nel calice con un colore brillante, giallo paglierino e riflessi dorati. Il perlage è finissimo e persistente.
€6.50 €5.85
SKU: 20194
Brand: Andaras
Fermentazione spontanea con lieviti indigeni. Macerazione per 10-15 giorni
SKU: 20193
Brand: Andaras
Fermentazione spontanea con lieviti indigeni. La vinifcazione è di circa 10 giorni
SKU: 20192
Brand: Andaras
Fermentazione spontanea con lieviti indigeni per conferire una qualità di freschezza e fragranza, la macerazione è di circa 10 giorni
SKU: 20191
Brand: Andaras
Macerazione 10 ore, fermentazione a temperatura controllata, mallolatica non svolta
SKU: 19757
Brand: Argiolas

Fresh, savory and harmonious, with a fine and balanced tannin.

SKU: 19709
Brand: Argiolas


Angialis Isola dei Nuraghi Igt by Argiolas is a wine with an intense straw yellow color. On the nose they result in very intense primary aromas, markedly Mediterranean. Terpenic characters typical of Nasco.

SKU: 19634

Light and bright straw yellow. It is a wine that finds its main characteristic in its delicacy, which is expressed on the nose with aromas of aromatic herbs such as thyme, rosemary, chamomile and fresh licorice root. Sapidity to the taste is its characteristic, combined with delicate acidity and good persistence.

€13.18 €11.20
SKU: 19632

Bright red colour; the characteristic aroma is the one that recalls the moment of racking in the cellar, together with wild berries and especially blackberry.

SKU: 19631

Bright and intense red color with garnet reflections, with delicate aromas ranging from violets, roses, red fruits, to notes of aromatic herbs. In the mouth it is soft in the attack, sapid and round, greedy with the aromas of fresh berries and supported by a good acidity that gives it freshness and ease of drinking.

SKU: 19630

Obtained from a selection of aromatic and non-typical white berried grapes of the Mogorese area: a white with intense and elegant scents and aromas, with a pleasant structure and softness, similar in some ways to the Aromatic of the Su 'Entu winery.

SKU: 19628

Bright red with purple hues. To the scent of racking is added that of fresh berries.

SKU: 19627

Vignaruja DOC is a cannonau from Sardinia, winner of the bronze medal at the IWSC (International Wine & Spirit Competition) 2016, held in London. Composed of 90% Cannonau grapes and 10% of bovale type grapes, this wine from the Cantina di Mogoro is the essence of red, which gathers in its warmth and intensity the chromatic notes of a strong and lively. Fruity and flowery scents swirl in complex vortexes of taste, in the center of which the island sails.

SKU: 19626

The Tiernu Campidano di Terralba DOC Bovale wine of the Cantina Sociale di Mogoro Il Nuraghe owes its name to its discreet softness: tiernu in Sardinian means "tender". The bovale grosso is a very ancient autochthonous vine, widespread above all in the Campidano area of Terralba, capable of giving coloured, intense and well-structured wines: the Tiernu vineyards are located precisely in the Terralba area, trained using the sapling and espalier system on sandy soils and rich in clay.

SKU: 19625

Brilliant and bright golden yellow. It is a wine that stands out for the balance of its taste and smell characteristics. It has perfumes that are revealed in progression, from broom, to beeswax, to helichrysum. In the mouth, the typical salinity and freshness accompany the persistence of fruity notes.

€24.40 €21.96
SKU: 19624

Cavaliere Sardo is the red that the Cantina Sociale di Mogoro Il Nuraghe wanted to dedicate to Leonardo Alagon, the last Marquis of Oristano, who in 1470 waged battle against the Aragonese militias by defeating them in the plain of Uras, the last heroic battle for the independence of Sardinia from the Aragonese crown before the definitive defeat, in 1478, in Macomer, where the Marquis was definitively defeated.

SKU: 19520
Brand: Argiolas

Vino di colore rosso rubino intenso, dalla presenza di un di bouquet ricco e complesso. Al palato si presenta di grande struttura, equilibrato, fine e persistente. Indice di "souplesse" molto elevato. Si abbina perfettamente con cinghiale in umido, selvaggina da pelo, carni rosse speziate e pecorino sardo stagionato. Si consiglia di servire alla temperatura 18 °C.

SKU: 18223
Brand: Argiolas


Angialis Isola dei Nuraghi Igt by Argiolas is a wine with an intense straw yellow color. On the nose they result in very intense primary aromas, markedly Mediterranean. Terpenic characters typical of Nasco.

SKU: 17908
Brand: Argiolas

Intense ruby red, the nose expresses elegant notes of currant, plums, tobacco and leather, sweet spices. A toasted trace opens to a taste of great structure, balanced, fine and persistent, concentrated, warm, whose finish fades into tones of licorice.

SKU: 17572
Brand: Audarya

It has a taste of history and centuries, a scent of the peoples who have passed here, with notes of passion, will and respect. - Nuracada IGT Bovale Audarya.

SKU: 17571
Brand: Audarya

Vermentino di Sardegna Camminera Audarya: “Sa Camminera” is the walkway that runs along the vineyards. For some, certainly for us, it is the gateway to a magical world. Our Vermentino di Sardegna is also called Camminera, obtained from selected grapes from our best vineyards, selected for the characteristics and exposure of the soil.

SKU: 17570
Brand: Audarya

The Cannonau di Sardegna Audarya is a strong and elegant DOC wine, obtained with only Cannonau grapes from the vineyards of Ussana, in the Cagliari area.

SKU: 17569
Brand: Audarya

Vermentino di Sardegna Audarya is like reverse magic, in which it is the rabbit who pulls the magician out of the hat and not vice versa

SKU: 17568
Brand: Audarya

White wine with a golden yellow color with hints of honey and acacia.

SKU: 17567
Brand: Audarya

Estissa – Malvasia di Cagliari DOC Audarya, dry white wine from Malvasia grapes, golden straw yellow colour, aromas of peach blossom and pear on the nose, the sip is sapid and slightly aromatic, in a centered and balanced context. 750ml bottle. Grapes: 100% Malvasia.

SKU: 17566
Brand: Audarya

Nuragus di Cagliari Audarya is a wine that expresses the two souls of Sardinia, the land and the sea.

SKU: 17484
Brand: Audarya

Audarya Monica is produced from monica grapes only, from sapling vineyards located on clayey-calcareous soils in the countryside

SKU: 16444

It is a warm, round red, of great balance and elegance, a Mediterranean wine in all respects. A proud ambassador of his land, which rests in small oak barrels for 5-6 months before completing the refinement in the bottle.

SKU: 16443

It is born on clayey soils and the harvest is carried out in the early hours of the morning. The vinification aims to enhance the authenticity of the vine and gives life to a white with a clear, precise impact, where freshness, fruity notes and flavor emerge. Its character makes it extremely versatile: a Vermentino that exalts the most genuine nature of Sardinia in every sip

SKU: 16272

The members of AGRILOGICA cultivate vineyards, olive groves and vegetable gardens in Sardinia with organic methods, respecting the land and European regulations.

SKU: 15492

Very welcome as an aperitif, it goes well with delicate flavours, delicate hams, pasta or rice with vegetables, raw fish in carpaccio or enhanced by delicate cooking and fresh aromatic herbs.

SKU: 15491

Perfect as an aperitif, appreciated with simple appetizers such as ham and melon, carpaccio of delicate fish; rice salads, raw seafood.

SKU: 15490

She loves the typical sweets of the Sardinian tradition, prepared with almond paste, dry pastries, fruit tarts. Excellent accompaniment to cow's milk cheese, aged pecorino and goat's cheese, even blue cheeses. Also excellent with dark chocolate ... Splendid with friends, a chat, or one's thoughts.

SKU: 15489

It is an excellent aperitif but it can accompany menus with delicate flavours, from crunchy sautéed vegetables scented with fresh herbs to fish, even raw, to cold rice salads, as long as they do not contain pickles or garlic.

SKU: 15391

Bright red with purple hues. To the scent of racking is added that of fresh berries.

SKU: 15390

Bright red colour; the characteristic aroma is the one that recalls the moment of racking in the cellar, together with wild berries and especially blackberry.

SKU: 14930
The Cannonau di Sardegna DOC "Primo Scuro" of the Mesa company was born in the Sulcis area, in the south-west end of Sardinia. Aged on the noble lees for at least six months, it then matures for another two in the bottle and boasts a satisfying intensity on the nose as well as a harmonious and well-structured body. Pleasant to the sip like few others.
SKU: 14928
Vermentino di Sardegna DOC Omphalos from Cantina del Mandrolisai is a still white wine obtained from Vermentino grapes from the Mandrolisai area.This fresh and fruity white wine recalls an unexpected Sardinia, a paradise surrounded by the mysterious halo and the great charm of the lost city of Atlantis.
SKU: 14263

Red wine of typical Sulcis grapes with a modest addition of French varieties vinified in purity from the spurred cordon vineyards grown in the lower Sulcis in the vineyards of Narcao and Barrua. The quality of the Sulcitane red grapes is excellent not only for its colour, but also for the softness of its extractive components.

SKU: 14036
Brand: Audarya

Bessiu is the new label of the Audarya winery, a dry Nasco di Cagliari DOC, with great minerality, full body and long persistence

SKU: 14035
Brand: Audarya

Estissa – Malvasia di Cagliari DOC Audarya, dry white wine from Malvasia grapes, golden straw yellow colour, aromas of peach blossom and pear on the nose, the sip is sapid and slightly aromatic, in a centered and balanced context. 750ml bottle. Grapes: 100% Malvasia.

SKU: 14034
Brand: Audarya

It has a taste of history and centuries, a scent of the peoples who have passed here, with notes of passion, will and respect. - Nuracada IGT Bovale Audarya.

SKU: 14033
Brand: Audarya

White wine with a golden yellow color with hints of honey and acacia.

SKU: 14032
Brand: Audarya

Vermentino di Sardegna Camminera Audarya: “Sa Camminera” is the walkway that runs along the vineyards. For some, certainly for us, it is the gateway to a magical world. Our Vermentino di Sardegna is also called Camminera, obtained from selected grapes from our best vineyards, selected for the characteristics and exposure of the soil.

SKU: 14031
Brand: Audarya

Vermentino di Sardegna Audarya is like reverse magic, in which it is the rabbit who pulls the magician out of the hat and not vice versa

SKU: 14030
Brand: Audarya


SKU: 14029
Brand: Audarya

Audarya Monica is produced from monica grapes only, from sapling vineyards located on clayey-calcareous soils in the countryside

SKU: 14028
Brand: Audarya

Nuragus di Cagliari Audarya is a wine that expresses the two souls of Sardinia, the land and the sea.

€10.90 €9.27
SKU: 14027
Brand: Audarya

The Cannonau di Sardegna Audarya is a strong and elegant DOC wine, obtained with only Cannonau grapes from the vineyards of Ussana, in the Cagliari area.

€8.90 €7.57
SKU: 13432

Vignaruja DOC is a cannonau from Sardinia, winner of the bronze medal at the IWSC (International Wine & Spirit Competition) 2016, held in London. Composed of 90% Cannonau grapes and 10% of bovale type grapes, this wine from the Cantina di Mogoro is the essence of red, which gathers in its warmth and intensity the chromatic notes of a strong and lively. Fruity and flowery scents swirl in complex vortexes of taste, in the center of which the island sails.

SKU: 13213

Obtained from a selection of aromatic and non-typical white berried grapes of the Mogorese area: a white with intense and elegant scents and aromas, with a pleasant structure and softness, similar in some ways to the Aromatic of the Su 'Entu winery.

€9.90 €8.42
SKU: 13212

Light and bright straw yellow. It is a wine that finds its main characteristic in its delicacy, which is expressed on the nose with aromas of aromatic herbs such as thyme, rosemary, chamomile and fresh licorice root. Sapidity to the taste is its characteristic, combined with delicate acidity and good persistence.

€13.18 €11.20
SKU: 13211

Bright and intense red color with garnet reflections, with delicate aromas ranging from violets, roses, red fruits, to notes of aromatic herbs. In the mouth it is soft in the attack, sapid and round, greedy with the aromas of fresh berries and supported by a good acidity that gives it freshness and ease of drinking.

SKU: 13210

Cavaliere Sardo is the red that the Cantina Sociale di Mogoro Il Nuraghe wanted to dedicate to Leonardo Alagon, the last Marquis of Oristano, who in 1470 waged battle against the Aragonese militias by defeating them in the plain of Uras, the last heroic battle for the independence of Sardinia from the Aragonese crown before the definitive defeat, in 1478, in Macomer, where the Marquis was definitively defeated.

SKU: 13209

Brilliant and bright golden yellow. It is a wine that stands out for the balance of its taste and smell characteristics. It has perfumes that are revealed in progression, from broom, to beeswax, to helichrysum. In the mouth, the typical salinity and freshness accompany the persistence of fruity notes.

€24.74 €22.27
SKU: 13208

The origins of the vine are not yet certain, but literary sources mention it in texts around 1300, and in particular during the period of Aragonese domination in Sardinia, from around 1400 to 1700. It finds its best enological expression in the sunny and loose soils of the Terralba area, in the Oristano area.

SKU: 13205

Nabui is one of the prestigious reds, together with Chio and Cavaliere Sardo, from the Cantina Sociale di Mogoro Il Nuraghe: a Monica di Sardegna DOC Superiore obtained exclusively from the native vine of the same name, whose name is a tribute to Neapolis, an ancient city Carthaginian not far from Mogoro, whose remains arise not far from some monica vineyards of the contributing members.

SKU: 13204

Cavaliere Sardo is the red that the Cantina Sociale di Mogoro Il Nuraghe wanted to dedicate to Leonardo Alagon, the last Marquis of Oristano, who in 1470 waged battle against the Aragonese militias by defeating them in the plain of Uras, the last heroic battle for the independence of Sardinia from the Aragonese crown before the definitive defeat, in 1478, in Macomer, where the Marquis was definitively defeated.

SKU: 13200

The Tiernu Campidano di Terralba DOC Bovale wine of the Cantina Sociale di Mogoro Il Nuraghe owes its name to its discreet softness: tiernu in Sardinian means "tender". The bovale grosso is a very ancient autochthonous vine, widespread above all in the Campidano area of Terralba, capable of giving coloured, intense and well-structured wines: the Tiernu vineyards are located precisely in the Terralba area, trained using the sapling and espalier system on sandy soils and rich in clay.

SKU: 13199

Nabui is one of the prestigious reds, together with Chio and Cavaliere Sardo, from the Cantina Sociale di Mogoro Il Nuraghe: a Monica di Sardegna DOC Superiore obtained exclusively from the native vine of the same name, whose name is a tribute to Neapolis, an ancient city Carthaginian not far from Mogoro, whose remains arise not far from some monica vineyards of the contributing members.

SKU: 13101

Prima Macerazione is a new red wine with Typical Geographical Indication - Isola dei Nuraghi, obtained from Monica grapes.

SKU: 13032
Brand: Argiolas

The Korem Magnum proposed by the famous Argiolas winery, an important family-run production company in southern Sardinia, is an Isola dei Nuraghi Typical Geographical Indication wine. A product of considerable interest, for a label that is a real pride of Sardinian oenology. This red is produced from the blend of Carignano, Bovale Sardo and Cannonau grapes, fruit of native varieties grown at 300 meters above sea level, on a medium-textured soil with the presence of clay and limestone.

SKU: 13031
Brand: Argiolas

Intense ruby red, the nose expresses elegant notes of currant, plums, tobacco and leather, sweet spices. A toasted trace opens to a taste of great structure, balanced, fine and persistent, concentrated, warm, whose finish fades into tones of licorice.

SKU: 13029
Brand: Argiolas

Color: ruby red with violet reflections.
Nose: intense and persistent aroma with clear notes of ripe fruit and jam.
Palate: full, harmonious and warm, with persistent fruity notes.

SKU: 12023
Brand: Argiolas

Fresh, savory and harmonious, with a fine and balanced tannin.

SKU: 11850

The Cannonau di Sardegna DOC "Primo Scuro" of the Mesa company was born in the Sulcis area, in the south-west end of Sardinia. Aged on the noble lees for at least six months, it then matures for another two in the bottle and boasts a satisfying intensity on the nose as well as a harmonious and well-structured body. Pleasant to the sip like few others.

SKU: 10466
  • Production area: Mogoro and surrounding areas (OR)
  • Grapes: 100% Vermentino
  • Color: White
  • Serving temperature: 10-12 ° C
SKU: 10465
  • Production area: Mogoro and surrounding areas (OR)
  • Grapes: 100% Cannonau
  • Color: Red
  • Serving temperature: 16-18 ° C
SKU: 10464
  • Production Area: Mogoro (OR)
  • Grape variety: 100% Monica
  • Color: Red
  • Serving temperature: 16-18 ° C
SKU: 10463
  • Production area: Mogoro and surrounding areas (OR)
  • Grapes: 85% Monica 15% Cannonau 5% Bovale
  • Color: Red
  • Serving temperature: 16-18 ° C
SKU: 10230

The Isola dei Nuraghi IGT Samas AgriPunica is a white wine capable of combining simplicity and exceptionality.

SKU: 10208

Red wine of typical Sulcis grapes with a modest addition of French varieties vinified in purity from the spurred cordon vineyards grown in the lower Sulcis in the vineyards of Narcao and Barrua. The quality of the Sulcitane red grapes is excellent not only for its colour, but also for the softness of its extractive components.

SKU: 10168

The Isola dei Nuraghi Montessu di Agripunica was born in vineyards located in the lower Sulcis, in the south-western part of Sardinia. It is mainly produced with Carignano grapes and with Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot grapes, harvested and selected entirely by hand, between the second half of September and mid-October. Fermentation takes place, with maceration in contact with the skins, in stainless steel tanks at a controlled temperature of 25-30°C. After the malolactic fermentation, the wine ages for 15 months in French oak barriques before being bottled. It has a dark and deep ruby red colour. The nose opens with intense aromas of cherry and black raspberry, enriched with notes of rosemary and licorice. On the palate it is full and elegant, pleasantly concentrated, with soft and velvety tannins. Perfect to accompany rich first courses and red meats, this red wine is ideal in combination with game and aged cheeses. Serve at 16 degrees.

SKU: 10097

Red wine of typical Sulcis grapes with a modest addition of French varieties vinified in purity from the spurred cordon vineyards grown in the lower Sulcis in the vineyards of Narcao and Barrua. The quality of the Sulcitane red grapes is excellent not only for its colour, but also for the softness of its extractive components.

SKU: 10018

The "Montessu" by Agripunica is a Sardinian red wine of great structure and elegance. It has an intense ruby red color and has a strong fruity aroma on the nose with notes of licorice on the finish. In the mouth it is full, voluminous and elegant. Full taste that develops notes of salinity and softness with prevailing fruity sensations on elegant aromas of Mediterranean spices. Velvety finish.

SKU: 9777

Red wine of typical Sulcis grapes with a modest addition of French varieties vinified in purity from the spurred cordon vineyards grown in the lower Sulcis in the vineyards of Narcao and Barrua. The quality of the Sulcitane red grapes is excellent not only for its colour, but also for the softness of its extractive components.

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Explore the authentic flavors of Sardinia: discover its wines!

While Sardinia is famous for being one of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean, it is also known for its flavours. Sardinian cuisine is rich and diverse, with a wide range of traditional ingredients and dishes. But Sardinia is also well known for its excellent wine. Sardinian wine is one of the most appreciated wines in all of Italy and throughout the world.

Sardinia is divided into four main provinces which produce quality wines. They are the province of Cagliari, the province of Oristano, the province of Nuoro and the province of Sassari. Each of these provinces produces wines of great quality that are appreciated by all Italian wine fans.

The main Sardinian vines

One of Sardinia's most famous grape varieties is Cannonau di Sardegna DOC . This grape variety is a variety of Grenache, a grape variety that is native to the south of France. Cannonau di Sardegna has a unique and intense flavor with notes of ripe red fruits, spices and vanilla. It is a powerful and intense red wine that is perfect to serve with meat dishes or aged cheeses.

Another grape variety that is produced in Sardinia is the Vermentino di Gallura DOCG. This varietal is a white wine that has a complex flavor with notes of ripe fruit, herbs and lemon. It is a light, fresh and fruity wine that goes perfectly with fish dishes.

The best known Sardinian wines

One of the best known Sardinian wines is Vermentino di Gallura DOCG. It is a white wine with a strong and complex flavour, with notes of ripe fruit, aromatic herbs and lemon. It is a light, fresh and fruity wine that goes perfectly with fish dishes. Another famous variety of Sardinian wine is the Cannonau di Sardegna DOC. This grape variety is a Grenache variety that is native to the south of France. Cannonau di Sardegna has a unique and intense flavor with notes of ripe red fruits, spices and vanilla. It is a powerful and intense red wine that is perfect to serve with meat dishes or aged cheeses.

Where to buy Sardinian wines

Many of Sardinia's wines are readily available in Italian wine stores, but if you can't find the ones you're looking for, you can also order them online. There are many online stores that offer quality Sardinian wines at affordable prices. If you want to taste a variety of Sardinian wines before deciding what to buy, you can also visit a Sardinian winery or wine tasting. These cellars are often open to the public and offer guided tours and tastings of Sardinian wines.

Why try Sardinian wines?

Sardinian wines are an excellent way to explore the authentic flavors of Sardinia and enjoy a unique tasting experience. Sardinia is a region rich in history and tradition and Sardinian wine has been produced for centuries. Sardinian wines are full of flavor, with notes of ripe fruit, spice and other complex notes that make them an excellent choice to accompany a dinner or an aperitif. If you are a wine lover, you cannot miss the chance to taste Sardinian wines.

Denomination Wines of Sardinia

Sardinia is an island that boasts a long winemaking tradition. The region offers a climate conducive to the cultivation of vines, with mineral-rich soils and a varied landscape that is home to numerous grape varieties.

The Sardinian wine denomination is a classification system that helps to identify the wines produced on the island based on their characteristics and their territory of origin. In this article we will explore the main wine denominations of Sardinia and their vines, discovering the flavors and aromas that make these bottles truly excellent.

Introduction to wine production in Sardinia

The production of wine in Sardinia dates back to antiquity, with traces of viticulture dating back to the Nuragic era. The island is characterized by a great variety of microclimates, which allow the cultivation of many native vines. The vineyards are often cultivated in the traditional way, on terraces or dry, without the use of chemical pesticides. This makes Sardinian wines produced according to artisanal and environmentally friendly methods.

The main wine denominations of Sardinia

The wine denominations of Sardinia are divided into four main categories: Denomination of Controlled Origin ( DOC ), Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin ( DOCG ), Typical Geographical Indication ( IGT ) and Table Wines. Let's see in detail the characteristics of each one.

Denomination of Controlled Origin (DOC)

The denomination of controlled origin ( DOC ) is a quality mark assigned to wines that meet specific production criteria. These criteria concern the production area, the type of vine used, the cultivation and winemaking methods. In Sardinia there are 20 DOCs, among which Cannonau di Sardegna, Vermentino di Sardegna and Monica di Sardegna stand out.

Cannonau of Sardinia

Cannonau di Sardegna is one of the most famous wines of the island. The vine used is Cannonau, a native variety that grows mainly in the Campidano area. The wine is characterized by an intense red colour, a fruity aroma and a dry and persistent flavour. It goes perfectly with red meats and aged cheeses.

Vermentino of Sardinia

Vermentino di Sardegna is a fresh and fragrant white wine, which goes perfectly with fish and seafood dishes. The vine used is Vermentino, which grows mainly in the Gallura area.

Monica of Sardinia

Monica di Sardegna is a dry red wine, produced with grapes from the vine of the same name that grow mainly in the Campidano area. The wine has a ruby red colour, a delicate aroma and a soft and fruity flavour. It goes perfectly with white meat and fish dishes.

Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin (DOCG)

The denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin ( DOCG ) is the maximum expression of the quality of Italian wines. In Sardinia there is only one DOCG , Vermentino di Gallura. This dry white wine is produced in the Gallura area, in the north-east of the island, with grapes from the Vermentino vine. The wine has an intense straw yellow colour, a complex aroma and a fresh and persistent flavour. It goes perfectly with fish, shellfish and seafood dishes.

Typical Geographical Indication (IGT)

The Typical Geographical Indication (IGT) identifies wines produced in a specific geographical area and which have some typical characteristics. In Sardinia there are four IGTs: Isola dei Nuraghi, Sardegna, Tharros and Colli del Limbara. IGT wines can be produced with international grape varieties, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot or Chardonnay, but also with native varieties.

Table wines

Table wines are wines produced in Sardinia that do not fall into the DOC , DOCG or IGT categories. Despite this, many of them are of the highest quality, produced with native grapes and according to traditional methods. Among the best known are the Carignano del Sulcis and the Nuragus of Cagliari.

In Sardinia, the production of wine is a millenary tradition, which has been handed down from generation to generation. The appellation wines of Sardinia helps to enhance the characteristics of this territory and its grapes, allowing to identify the most representative wines of the island. From DOC to IGT, from white wines to red wines, Sardinia offers a wide range of bottles to discover and taste.



What are the native vines of Sardinia?

Among the main native vines of Sardinia are Cannonau, Vermentino, Monica, Nuragus and Carignano.

How many DOC wines are there in Sardinia?

In Sardinia there are 20 DOC wines.

What are the main pairings of Sardinian wines?

The red wines of Sardinia go perfectly with red meats and aged cheeses, while the white wines are ideal with fish and seafood dishes.

What is the most famous Sardinian wine?

The most famous Sardinian wine is Cannonau di Sardegna, a red wine produced with grapes from the Cannonau vine.

What is the difference between DOC and DOCG?

The main difference between DOC and DOCG is that the latter guarantees a superior quality of wine, with even stricter production criteria and more frequent controls.

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