Wines of Molise

SKU: 20891
Il nostro vino Rosso del Molise DOC “Antico Podere” nasce dal più vecchio vigneto di famiglia. Si contraddistingue per la maturità del frutto e una leggera speziatura. Alla vista ricorda un prezioso rubino e con lui condivide eleganza e preziosità. Il processo di affinamento avviene in acciaio e per una parte in botti di rovere francese per poi soggiornare 8 mesi in bottiglia prima del consumo. Se fosse un racconto sarebbe un biografia: diretta e coinvolgente.
SKU: 20890
Dal colore rosso porpora e dal sapore marcatamente territoriale, Tintilia nasce dal vitigno autoctono molisano per eccellenza e da quest'ultimo prende il nome. Affinato per una parte in botti di rovere, è un vino generoso, romantico e innamorato della sua terra. Il suo sapore è ampio e ricorda i frutti rossi, la balsamicità della macchia mediterranea, le spezie dell’entroterra. Se fosse una storia sarebbe un romanzo che non finisce mai di sorprendere.
SKU: 20889
Il nostro vino Rosso del Molise DOC “Antico Podere” nasce dal più vecchio vigneto di famiglia. Si contraddistingue per la maturità del frutto e una leggera speziatura. Alla vista ricorda un prezioso rubino e con lui condivide eleganza e preziosità. Il processo di affinamento avviene in acciaio e per una parte in botti di rovere francese per poi soggiornare 8 mesi in bottiglia prima del consumo. Se fosse un racconto sarebbe un biografia: diretta e coinvolgente.
SKU: 20888
Dal colore rosso porpora e dal sapore marcatamente territoriale, Tintilia nasce dal vitigno autoctono molisano per eccellenza e da quest'ultimo prende il nome. Affinato per una parte in botti di rovere, è un vino generoso, romantico e innamorato della sua terra. Il suo sapore è ampio e ricorda i frutti rossi, la balsamicità della macchia mediterranea, le spezie dell’entroterra. Se fosse una storia sarebbe un romanzo che non finisce mai di sorprendere.
SKU: 20887
La versura era anticamente un’unità di misura che identificava un appezzamento di circa 12345 metri quadrati. Il nostro Due Versure Rosso ha un gusto pieno, rotondo, fresco e fruttato. Ottenuto da uve Montepulciano, il vitigno più diffuso nella regione, in ogni bicchiere ricorda il gioco delle carte, i camini accesi, i taglieri imbanditi. Affinato in acciaio, il suo profumo ricorda i fiori macerati in alcol e china, il suo sapore la ciliegia, la prugna e altri frutti a polpa rossa. Se fosse una storia sarebbe una raccolta di usi e costumi tramandata nel tempo.
SKU: 20886
Dopo due anni di sperimentazione Tenute Martarosa ha dato vita a Moscato Underwater, un vino Moscato secco affinato in mare per almeno sei mesi ad una profondità di 55 metri. L’ambiente subacqueo, caratterizzato da temperatura costante e luce assente favorisce un’evoluzione unica ed esclusiva delle sostanze aromatiche di questo vino.
SKU: 20885
Da una lavorazione attenta e puntuale del vitigno Tintilia, nasce il Tintilia Rosato di Tenute Martarosa. Apprezzato per la sua unicità, al palato esprime freschezza e sapidità, il suo colore rosa tenue restituisce riflessi ramati, il suo sapore armonia e persistenza. Un vino divertente, croccante, sorprendente. Se fosse una storia sarebbe un racconto delle nuove generazioni, testimonianza di un futuro che diventa presente.
SKU: 20884
La nostra Tintilia del Molise ci regala anche un Brut Rosè Spumante, la bollicina vivace che stupisce il palato, regalando un tocco di freschezza ai momenti di convivialità. Dal colore rosa tenue con riflessi ramati, emana note fiorite e fruttate. Si lascia bere con gusto e, sorso dopo sorso, cattura l’attenzione della memoria gustativa. Se fosse una storia sarebbe una poesia, breve e romantica quel tanto che basta per non essere mai più dimenticata.
SKU: 20883
Il nostro vino Rosso del Molise DOC “Antico Podere” nasce dal più vecchio vigneto di famiglia. Si contraddistingue per la maturità del frutto e una leggera speziatura. Alla vista ricorda un prezioso rubino e con lui condivide eleganza e preziosità. Il processo di affinamento avviene in acciaio e per una parte in botti di rovere francese per poi soggiornare 8 mesi in bottiglia prima del consumo. Se fosse un racconto sarebbe un biografia: diretta e coinvolgente.
SKU: 20882
Dal colore rosso porpora e dal sapore marcatamente territoriale, Tintilia nasce dal vitigno autoctono molisano per eccellenza e da quest'ultimo prende il nome. Affinato per una parte in botti di rovere, è un vino generoso, romantico e innamorato della sua terra. Il suo sapore è ampio e ricorda i frutti rossi, la balsamicità della macchia mediterranea, le spezie dell’entroterra. Se fosse una storia sarebbe un romanzo che non finisce mai di sorprendere.
SKU: 20586
VINIFICAZIONE Sassius è ottenuto dalle uve Aglianico di cui una parte è vendemmiata tardivamente tra metà e fine di novembre. Le uve permangono per molto tempo a contatto con le vinacce. Successivamente il vino matura per 24 mesi nelle barrique e tonneau di rovere francese e 12-18 mesi in bottiglia.
SKU: 20436

Intense ruby red color. Hints of berries and licorice root on a vanilla base.

SKU: 20280

The first wine from Tintilia grapes obtained from vinification in terracotta amphora, an ancient technique that allows to enhance the authentic characteristics of the wine. Intense ruby red, with aromas of black cherry jam, raspberry and plum. Its astringency is quite marked and its freshness is pleasantly perceptible. A wine with great body and balance.

SKU: 20279

Light coppery pink colour. Delicate nose. Primary flavors of red fruit, flowers, citrus, melon and a nice crunchy green flavor on the celery or rhubarb-like finish. Aromas of melon, strawberry and magnolia. Both fruity and sharp on the palate.

SKU: 20278

Intense ruby red color. Hints of berries and licorice root on a vanilla base.

SKU: 20277

Intense ruby red. Intense bouquet with hints of black currant, black cherry, red fruits and ripe plums. Delicate notes of vanilla and vegetal nuances. Strong, warm on a soft and enveloping background. Sweet and round tannins in a body of excellent structure. Excellent balance and aromatic persistence.

SKU: 20276

Deep straw yellow. Intense, with notes of orange blossom and yellow pulp fruit. Fresh, balanced with a marked minerality.

SKU: 20275

Intense red. Wide bouquet reminiscent of wild violets, but also a scent of morello cherry with a pleasant herbaceous note. The taste is dry, acidulous and austere, rich in body. rightly tannic.

SKU: 18511

Di colore giallo paglierino intenso, ha note di fiori bianchi, frutta a polpa bianca, agrumi. Fresco e scorrevole esprime equilibrio e mineralità.

SKU: 18510

Vino moscato secco con profumo di uva spina, salvia, timo, pesca bianca, un naso sexi e dolce che invita subito alla beva. La bocca di estrema facilità lascia ricordi di frutti dolci. La sua invitante freschezza regala un finale fruttato e pulito.

SKU: 18509

Bianco di colore giallo paglierino con riflessi dorati, al naso è invitante. Pieno di fiori bianchi, frutta esotica, agrumi. Al palato la beva è piena, piacevolmente fresca e scorrevole, ha un finale minerale, lungo ed equilibrato.

SKU: 17824

The Contado is obtained from the vinification in purity of Aglianico grapes grown on the hills of Molise in the Camarda vineyard. Vinified in small steel fermenters with long maceration. The wine is aged for about three years, one of which in barriques and tonneaux.

SKU: 17823

It is mainly produced with Montepulciano and Aglianico grapes, harvested by hand towards the end of October. The vinification takes place in the traditional way, with maceration on the skins for about 1 month and malolactic fermentation. Subsequently the wine is aged partly in barrique and partly in steel tanks, resting for a further 6 months in the bottle before being placed on the market.

SKU: 17822

Dry and soft wine, with a bright red color. Vinified and aged exclusively in steel. The olfactory tone recalls the cherry and the Mediterranean scrub with pleasant spicy and leathery memories. The sip shows warmth and fullness, balanced by a decisive freshness and a well-sculpted tannic texture

SKU: 17821

Deep straw yellow. Intense, with notes of orange blossom and yellow pulp fruit. Fresh, balanced with a marked minerality.

€11.90 €10.71
SKU: 17820

Intense red. Wide bouquet reminiscent of wild violets, but also a scent of morello cherry with a pleasant herbaceous note. The taste is dry, acidulous and austere, rich in body. rightly tannic.

SKU: 15967

This cru comes from the selection of the best grapes predominantly Falanghine and Fiano, grown in the Ramitello vineyard in Campomarino.

SKU: 15965

Light coppery pink colour. Delicate nose. Primary flavors of red fruit, flowers, citrus, melon and a nice crunchy green flavor on the celery or rhubarb-like finish. Aromas of melon, strawberry and magnolia. Both fruity and sharp on the palate.

€12.00 €10.80
SKU: 15964

Brut Charmat method sparkling wine.

SKU: 15082

This wine, which represents the Molise typicality, is obtained from the native vine of the region: the Tintilia. A recently re-evaluated variety, it is characterized by the difficulty of breeding and harvesting and by low productivity which had led to its abandonment in the past. The wine produced is slightly tannic, ruby red in color with spicy varietal notes. It is recommended to serve the wine at a temperature of 18°C. It is best expressed with hors d'oeuvres, fresh cheeses, cured meats, white meats.

SKU: 14129

Peaches Tintilia del Molise Rosso DOC 2021 - Campi Valerio

Colle dei Limi Tintilia del Molise Rosso DOC 2021 - Campi Valerio

Valley of the Tintilia mill of Molise Rosso DOC 2021 - Campi Valerio

Guado San Nicola Tintilia del Molise Rosso DOC 2021 - Campi Valerio

SKU: 14048

Extra Dry Charmat method sparkling wine.

SKU: 14047

AE is a tribute to the city of Isernia. Ruby red color with violet reflections. the nose is complex and persistent with hints reminiscent of balsamic herbs and ripe red berries. Full-bodied, rightly tannic.

SKU: 14024

Ruby red color tending to purplish. On the nose there are hints of berries and dried fruit. On the palate it is full-bodied, simple and pleasant. Ready to drink.

SKU: 14023

Grapes Montepulciano 85 %%, Tintilia 15%

SKU: 14022

Intense ruby red color. Hints of berries and licorice root on a vanilla base.

SKU: 13622

This wine produced exclusively in Molise, in a limited edition in particular favorable vintages, unique for alcohol content, comes from a careful collection and manual selection in the vineyard of very ripe grapes grown at 550 meters above sea level It is obtained from the native grape of the region: the Tintilia , recently revalued variety. It is a fine and elegant wine that is best expressed with “important” dishes, braised meats, game, red meats, sausages and aged cheeses. Even drunk alone it is a worthy ending to an evening meal or it can be the companion of a pleasant meditation.

SKU: 13621

This wine produced exclusively in Molise, in particularly hot years, comes from a careful selection, in the vineyard, of ripe grapes grown at 550 meters above sea level. It is obtained from the native vine of the region: Tintilia, a recently rehabilitated vine variety. It is a full-bodied and elegant wine whose tannic structure is enriched by the 18-month aging in French oak barrels. It expresses its full potential with important dishes, such as braised meats, game, red meats, cured meats and aged cheeses.

SKU: 12981

This wine comes from a careful manual selection of ripe Falanghina grapes grown in the hills. The high quality of the raw material and careful vinification give the wine a straw yellow color and an intense flavor. It is best expressed with seafood recipes, aged cheeses and dry desserts. It is recommended to serve the wine at a temperature of 10 ° C.

SKU: 12980

This wine derives from a careful manual selection of Montepulciano grapes grown in the hills. The high quality of the raw material and careful vinification give the wine a ruby color and a high brightness. It is a fine and elegant wine, moderately tannic, which is best expressed with cured meats, braised meats, game, red meats and aged cheeses.

SKU: 12979

This wine produced exclusively in Molise, in a limited edition in particular favorable vintages, unique for alcohol content, comes from a careful collection and manual selection in the vineyard of very ripe grapes grown at 550 meters above sea level It is obtained from the native grape of the region: the Tintilia , recently revalued variety. It is a fine and elegant wine that is best expressed with “important” dishes, braised meats, game, red meats, sausages and aged cheeses. Even drunk alone it is a worthy ending to an evening meal or it can be the companion of a pleasant meditation.

SKU: 12978

This wine, which represents the Molise typicality, is obtained from the native vine of the region: the Tintilia. A recently re-evaluated variety, it is characterized by the difficulty of breeding and harvesting and by low productivity which had led to its abandonment in the past. The wine produced is slightly tannic, ruby red in color with spicy varietal notes. It is recommended to serve the wine at a temperature of 18°C. It is best expressed with hors d'oeuvres, fresh cheeses, cured meats, white meats.

SKU: 12969

This wine produced exclusively in Molise, in a limited edition in particularly favorable years, unique in its alcohol content, comes from a careful selection in the vineyard of very ripe grapes grown at 550 meters slm . It is obtained from the native vine of the region: Tintilia, a variety of recently reevaluated. It is a fine and elegant wine, its tannic structure is enriched by the 18-month aging in French oak barriques. It is best expressed with "important" dishes, braised meats, game, red meats, cured meats and aged cheeses. Even drunk alone it is a worthy finish to an evening meal or it can be the companion of a pleasant meditazione.freschi Fresh, cured meats, white meats.

SKU: 12968

It is obtained from the pure selection of the best Montepulciano grapes. It is traditionally vinified with long contact of the must with the marc and aged in small oak barrels.

SKU: 10864

Intense ruby red color. Hints of berries and licorice root on a vanilla base.

SKU: 10863

Intense ruby red color. Hints of berries and licorice root on a vanilla base.

SKU: 10862

AE is a tribute to the city of Isernia. Ruby red color with violet reflections. the nose is complex and persistent with hints reminiscent of balsamic herbs and ripe red berries. Full-bodied, rightly tannic.

SKU: 10861

Intense ruby red. Intense bouquet with hints of black currant, black cherry, red fruits and ripe plums. Delicate notes of vanilla and vegetal nuances. Strong, warm on a soft and enveloping background. Sweet and round tannins in a body of excellent structure. Excellent balance and aromatic persistence.

SKU: 10860

Intense ruby red. Intense bouquet with hints of black currant, black cherry, red fruits and ripe plums. Delicate notes of vanilla and vegetal nuances. Strong, warm on a soft and enveloping background. Sweet and round tannins in a body of excellent structure. Excellent balance and aromatic persistence.

SKU: 10859

Intense red. Wide bouquet reminiscent of wild violets, but also a scent of morello cherry with a pleasant herbaceous note. The taste is dry, acidulous and austere, rich in body. rightly tannic.

SKU: 10857

Ruby red color tending to purplish. On the nose there are hints of berries and dried fruit. On the palate it is full-bodied, simple and pleasant. Ready to drink.

SKU: 10856

Intense red. Wide bouquet reminiscent of wild violets, but also a scent of morello cherry with a pleasant herbaceous note. The taste is dry, acidulous and austere, rich in body. rightly tannic.

SKU: 10855

The color expresses a deep ruby. The nose is complex with notes of small red fruits. There are persuasive balsamic notes and scented resins, eucalyptus stands out. In the finish there are notes of coffee and wood. Powerful and structured tannins.

SKU: 10854

The color expresses a deep ruby. The nose is complex with notes of small red fruits. There are persuasive balsamic notes and scented resins, eucalyptus stands out. In the finish there are notes of coffee and wood. Powerful and structured tannins.

SKU: 10853

The color expresses a deep ruby. The nose is complex with notes of small red fruits. There are persuasive balsamic notes and scented resins, eucalyptus stands out. In the finish there are notes of coffee and wood. Powerful and structured tannins.

SKU: 10852

The color expresses a deep ruby. The nose is complex with notes of small red fruits. There are persuasive balsamic notes and scented resins, eucalyptus stands out. In the finish there are notes of coffee and wood. Powerful and structured tannins.

SKU: 10851

Grapes Montepulciano 85 %%, Tintilia 15%

SKU: 10850

Intense ruby red color. Hints of berries and licorice root on a vanilla base.

SKU: 10849

Intense ruby red. Intense bouquet with hints of black currant, black cherry, red fruits and ripe plums. Delicate notes of vanilla and vegetal nuances. Strong, warm on a soft and enveloping background. Sweet and round tannins in a body of excellent structure. Excellent balance and aromatic persistence.

SKU: 10848

Crystalline and balanced. The scent is rich in ripe fruit and bread yeast. Very fine-grained perlage with great persistence. The taste is fresh, savory with a silky and enveloping finish.

SKU: 10847

Extra Dry Charmat method sparkling wine.

SKU: 10846

Brut Charmat method sparkling wine.

SKU: 10845

Rosé wine made from Montepulciano grapes. Fruity, fragrant with a marked freshness.

€9.81 €8.83
SKU: 10844

Deep straw yellow. Intense, with notes of orange blossom and yellow pulp fruit. Fresh, balanced with a marked minerality.

€11.90 €10.71
SKU: 10843

AE is a tribute to the city of Isernia. Ruby red color with violet reflections. the nose is complex and persistent with hints reminiscent of balsamic herbs and ripe red berries. Full-bodied, rightly tannic.

SKU: 10842

The first wine from Tintilia grapes obtained from vinification in terracotta amphora, an ancient technique that allows to enhance the authentic characteristics of the wine. Intense ruby red, with aromas of black cherry jam, raspberry and plum. Its astringency is quite marked and its freshness is pleasantly perceptible. A wine with great body and balance.

SKU: 10841

Our first Falanghina wine obtained from vinification in terracotta amphora. Straw yellow color, enveloping bouquet. The elevation in amphora particularly enhances the natural freshness of the wine.

SKU: 10840

This Falanghina pays homage to the city of Isernia. Deep straw yellow color with bold aromas of citrus flowers and apple and pear flavors. Fresh, well balanced with strong mineral notes.

SKU: 10312

The Contado is obtained from the vinification in purity of Aglianico grapes grown on the hills of Molise in the Camarda vineyard. Vinified in small steel fermenters with long maceration. The wine is aged for about three years, one of which in barriques and tonneaux.

SKU: 9149
It is obtained from the pure selection of the best Montepulciano grapes. It is traditionally vinified with long contact of the must with the marc and aged in small oak barrels.
SKU: 9147
The Aglianico Biorganic of the Di Majo Norante winery is an important wine, produced from 100% Aglianico grapes grown in Ramitello (Molise).
SKU: 9146

Falanghina Biorganic Molise DOC is one of the most qualitative proposals of the Di Majo Norante company. Renowned maison of the South, it has its main estates in Molise, more precisely in the province of Campobasso

SKU: 9145

Very complex nose with hints of ripe red fruits and spicy returns, typical of Aglianico.

SKU: 9144

It is obtained from the pure selection of the best Montepulciano grapes. It is traditionally vinified with long contact of the must with the marc and aged in small oak barrels.

SKU: 9143

It is produced exclusively with Tintilia grapes, harvested during the first ten days of October. The vinification takes place with maceration in contact with the skins for about 1 month and subsequent malolactic fermentation. The wine, therefore, refines partly in barrique and partly in steel tanks, resting for about 6 months in the bottle before being placed on the market.

SKU: 9142

The Contado is obtained from the vinification in purity of Aglianico grapes grown on the hills of Molise in the Camarda vineyard. Vinified in small steel fermenters with long maceration. The wine is aged for about three years, one of which in barriques and tonneaux.

SKU: 9141

It is mainly produced with Montepulciano and Aglianico grapes, harvested by hand towards the end of October. The vinification takes place in the traditional way, with maceration on the skins for about 1 month and malolactic fermentation. Subsequently the wine is aged partly in barrique and partly in steel tanks, resting for a further 6 months in the bottle before being placed on the market.

SKU: 9140

Dry and soft wine, with a bright red color. Vinified and aged exclusively in steel. The olfactory tone recalls the cherry and the Mediterranean scrub with pleasant spicy and leathery memories. The sip shows warmth and fullness, balanced by a decisive freshness and a well-sculpted tannic texture

SKU: 9139

This wine comes from the vinification of Aglianico grapes

SKU: 9138

From this ancient vine dear to the Popes, which was cultivated in Italy as early as 200 BC with the name of Apicia, Apicius or Apianae - according to Colummella and the other Georgics, a sweet wine with a Moscato flavor was obtained.

SKU: 9137

Ancient vine much appreciated by the Samnites, who considered it among the best of their wine tradition.

SKU: 9136
According to Aristotle this ancient vine came from Thessaly. Cato, Varrone and Virgilio praised the rare qualities of this grape, distinguishing five clones among which the most famous is the Aminea Gemina Maior, from which this wine derives.
SKU: 9135

This cru comes from the selection of the best grapes predominantly Falanghine and Fiano, grown in the Ramitello vineyard in Campomarino.

€10.90 €8.72
€5.67 €4.54
SKU: 883

Deep ruby red with violet reflections. The fruity scents, of ripe plum and undergrowth, blend harmoniously with the tertiary aromas of licorice and leather. It is full-bodied, structured and leaves the palate velvety.

It goes well with game and game preparations, and is good with aged cheeses. Try it with baked kid.


Taste the tradition: The wines of Molise, between history and interesting flavours

Molise is one of the smallest regions of Italy, but also one of the richest in terms of winemaking tradition. The region boasts a wide range of wines, from whites to reds, which have an ancient history dating back some two thousand years. The vineyards extend from the Adriatic coast to the Apennine mountains, producing wines of great quality.

The history of Molise wines

The ancient Greek settlers brought with them the first vines to the region, around the 9th century aC After them, the Romans arrived and brought with them some wild vine varieties that were well adapted to the Mediterranean climate.

Later on, the medieval era saw a growth in wine production, with monks cultivating vines and vineyards extending up into the mountains, resulting in the wines known today as the wines of Molise.

The main grape varieties of Molise

The wines of Molise are mainly produced from three native vines: Montepulciano,Aglianico del Molise and Trebbiano.

Montepulciano is one of the most widespread grape varieties, with a production that extends over the whole region. It is a very aromatic red berried variety which produces high quality wines.

Aglianico is a black grape variety grown in the hilly areas of Molise. The wines produced are of good quality, with hints of ripe red fruit and spicy notes.

Trebbiano is a white grape variety very common in the region, which produces light and fruity wines.

The denominations of controlled origin of Molise

Molise has over twenty denominations of controlled origin (DOC) for its wines. Some of the best known are Campomarino, Montepulciano del Molise, Pentro di Isernia, Biferno and Pentro di Campobasso.

All these wines have a DOC which guarantees their quality and authenticity. The Campomarino DOC, for example, has been a denomination recognized since 1996 and requires that the wines produced are made with at least 80% Montepulciano grapes.

Taste the wines of Molise

The wines of Molise are an excellent choice for those looking for quality wines, with a rich history behind them. Most of these wines are full-bodied, with aromas of ripe fruit and spices. They are excellent paired with meat dishes, but can also be enjoyed on their own.

Furthermore, many producers offer tastings and guided tours of their vineyards, to make the wines of Molise and their traditions better known. This is a great opportunity to learn more about these wines, taste them and discover all they have to offer.

Where to buy Molise wines?

Molise wines can be purchased in many specialized shops, but also online. Many producers offer the possibility to buy their wines online directly from their website.

Furthermore, many restaurants and wine bars in the region offer a selection of Molise wines, with the possibility of tasting them on site. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about wines and choose the one that best suits your taste.

The wines of Molise are a real experience to savour, rich in tradition and interesting flavours. Thanks to their rich history, native grape varieties and recognized DOC, these wines are an excellent choice for those looking for quality wines.

Whether you buy them online or taste them on site, the wines of Molise are an opportunity not to be missed to learn more about the rich winemaking tradition of the region.

Denomination Wines of Molise: All You Need to Know

If you are a wine lover and want to know the best wines of Molise , you are in the right place. This article will give you all the information you need on the denomination of Molise wines.

Molise is a region located in central-southern Italy, between Abruzzo and Puglia. This region is famous for its fine wines, which have obtained the denomination DOC (Denomination of Controlled Origin) and DOCG (Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin).

History of Molise wine

The history of Molise wine dates back to Roman times, when vineyards were cultivated throughout the region. Over the centuries, the viticulture of Molise has been influenced by the nearby regions of Abruzzo and Puglia.

In 1984 the DOC Molise denomination was established, which included only two wines: the Biferno DOC and the Pentro di Isernia DOC. In 1998, the appellation was extended and now includes nine DOC wines and two DOCG wines.

The Denomination of the Wines of Molise

The denomination of wines of Molise was established to protect and promote the wines of the region. DOC and DOCG wines must comply with certain standards of quality and tradition.

DOC wines are produced in specific areas of the region, using selected grapes. These wines must be aged for a certain period of time and comply with production requirements. DOCG wines, on the other hand, are the most valuable and expensive wines of Molise.

The DOC wines of Molise

The DOC wines of Molise are produced in nine areas of the region: Biferno, Molise, Pentro di Isernia, Tintilia del Molise, Trebbiano di Molise, Moscato di Molise, Falanghina del Molise, Sangiovese del Molise and Malvasia del Molise.

Biferno DOC is a red wine produced in the Campobasso area, with a blend of Montepulciano and Aglianico grapes. This wine has a full and soft flavour, with notes of red fruit and spices.

Pentro di Isernia DOC is another red wine, produced in the Isernia area, with a blend of Montepulciano and Trebbiano grapes. This wine has a fresh and fruity flavour, with notes of cherry and plum.

The DOCG wines of Molise

Molise has only two DOCG wines: the Tintilia del Molise DOCG and the Pentro di Isernia Riserva DOCG.

Tintilia del Molise DOCG is a red wine produced with Tintilia grapes, a native vine of Molise. This wine has an intense and complex flavour, with notes of berries, spices and tobacco.

Pentro di Isernia Riserva DOCG is a red wine produced in the Isernia area, with a blend of Montepulciano and Aglianico grapes. This wine is aged for at least three years in oak barrels, which gives it a structured and complex flavour, with notes of ripe fruit, chocolate and vanilla.

How to taste the wines of Molise

To better taste the wines of Molise, it is important to follow some basic steps:

  • Begin by observing the color of the wine, to evaluate its intensity and hue.
  • Next, smell the wine to perceive its aromas, which can range from fruity to floral to spicy.
  • Finally, taste the wine, paying attention to its structure, flavor and persistence.

Molise is a region that offers fine and high quality wines, recognized nationally and internationally. The wines of Molise are distinguished by their structure and complexity, which make them suitable to accompany meat dishes and aged cheeses.



What are the most used vines in the production of Molise wines?

The most used vines are Montepulciano, Aglianico, Trebbiano, Malvasia and Tintilia.

What does the acronym DOCG mean?

The acronym DOCG means Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin.

What are the DOCG wines of Molise?

The DOCG wines of Molise are Tintilia del Molise and Pentro di Isernia Riserva.

What are the production areas of Molise DOC wines?

The production areas are Biferno, Molise, Pentro di Isernia, Tintilia del Molise, Trebbiano di Molise, Moscato di Molise, Falanghina del Molise, Sangiovese del Molise and Malvasia del Molise.

When is the best time to visit the cellars of Molise?

The best period is between September and October, when the grape harvest takes place and you can taste the new wines.

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