
SKU: 19230

Vivi un'esperienza autentica di sapore italiano con la nostra Grappa Monovitigno Prosecco 100%. Distillata esclusivamente da vinacce selezionate di uve Prosecco, questa grappa offre un bouquet aromatico ricco e una finitura pulita e vivace. Perfetta per chiudere una cena elegante o come regalo raffinato, la nostra grappa celebra l'arte distillatoria italiana con ogni sorso.

SKU: 19229
Questa grappa deriva da un mix di vinacce provenienti dalla più vocata zona dell’Italia Nord-orientale; essenziale è l’aspetto delle vinacce, che giungono in distilleria fresche e ancora vinose, in modo da conservare in pieno l’intensità organolettica delle uve d’origine. L’affinamento in botti di acciaio per 6 mesi. Di aspetto trasparente e cristallino, presenta un elegante olfatto di frutta fresca, dove emergono note di pesca, albicocca e ribes, insieme a sensazioni floreali di fiori di sambuco e gelsomino. Il gusto è fresco nei rimandi agrumati, deciso nel corpo strutturato ma anche morbido e rotondo. Volume alcolometrico: 38%
SKU: 19228
Questa grappa deriva da un mix di vinacce provenienti dalla più vocata zona dell’Italia Nord-orientale; essenziale è l’aspetto delle vinacce, che giungono in distilleria fresche e ancora vinose, in modo da conservare in pieno l’intensità organolettica delle uve d’origine. L’affinamento in botti di acciaio per 6 mesi. Di aspetto trasparente e cristallino, presenta un elegante olfatto di frutta fresca, dove emergono note di pesca, albicocca e ribes, insieme a sensazioni floreali di fiori di sambuco e gelsomino. Il gusto è fresco nei rimandi agrumati, deciso nel corpo strutturato ma anche morbido e rotondo. Volume alcolometrico: 38%
SKU: 19227
La Grappa Chardonnay è ottenuta per distillazione, con alambicchi di rame, di vinacce risultanti dalla vinificazione dell’uva a bacca bianca Chardonnay, utilizzata per la produzione del medesimo vino. È una grappa sbarazzina, semplice da bere, pulita e che sa donare al palato una buona persistenza.
SKU: 19226
Una grappa monovitigno, che nasce dalla distillazione di vinacce di sola uva Prosecco, colta sana e ben matura. La lenta distillazione trasmette la ricchezza aromatica dell‘uva di origine, con un profumo fruttato e fragrante che ben la distingue. Il colore è trasparente e al palato si caratterizza per la grande morbidezza.
SKU: 19225
Grappa Candolini Bianca, dall’aroma e gusto equilibrato e particolarmente delicato. Prodotta con distillati dalla qualità accuratamente selezionata, limpida e piacevole è una Grappa fresca che seduce e conquista per la sua raffinatezza. Ideale come dopo pasto è la Grappa preferita dagli italiani. Vol. alcolometrico: 40%
SKU: 19224
Distillato di frutta - Pere Williams di montagna - Fermentazione: Lieviti indigeni - Metodo di produzione: Distillazione Pot Still Per produrre il distillato Capovilla di pere williams, il procedimento è accuratissimo fin dalla scelta delle materie prime. Le pere vengono raccolte da una piccola cooperativa e selezionate dallo stesso Capovilla. Nel rispetto rigoroso delle tradizioni antiche, vengono poi triturate e trasformate in purea, lasciate fermentare sui propri lieviti e infine distillate lentamente due volte nell'alabicco pot still Muller a bagnomaria.
SKU: 19223
vinacce di Casicna degli Ulivi, La Stoppa, Montanar Dennis e altri dell Triple A - Fermentazione: Lieviti indigeni - Metodo di produzione: Distillazione Pot Still Per la produzione della Grappa Punto G di Capovilla vengono usate vinacce già fermentate o rifermentate in distilleria con aggiunta di mosto e lieviti naturali. La lenta distillazione avviene a bagnomaria con doppio passaggio e riposo in acciaio prima dell'imbottigliamento
SKU: 19222
Brand: Frattina
Una grappa dal gusto deciso e di grande equilibrio, con una notevole pulizia che esalta la franchezza degli aromi del vitigno Chardonnay. Presenta una leggera nota balsamica, con delicati sentori di mela verde e pera. Volume alcolometrico: 40%
SKU: 19221
Perfetto equilibrio tra acquaviti di vinacce diverse, distillate separatamente in esclusivi alambicchi di rame e poi riunite in proporzione ideale. Al palato si rivela armonica e ben strutturata, avendo in sè la forza ed il corpo delle vinacce di uve rosse, insieme al profumo e alla leggerezza delle bianche. È ideale per chi ama la grappa affinata in legno, intensa e raffinata. Caratterizzata dal colore ambrato, tipico dell’affinamento in barriques, profuma di spezie e fiori secchi, frutta candita, tabacco e vaniglia. Al gusto è armoniosa e strutturata, calda e morbida, con chiusura prolungata su ritorni di tostatura. Volume alcolometrico: 40%
SKU: 19220
La 903 Tipica è ottenuta mediante la distillazione separata, con alambicchi di rame, delle vinacce fresche di varie tipologie di uve a bacca rossa del Friuli Venezia Giulia, assemblate poi in varie proporzioni, affinché il prodotto raggiunga l’armonia desiderata. Colore cristallino, profuma di uva, mela cotogna e pera, erbe aromatiche e note speziate. Il gusto è pieno e delicato, strutturato e, al contempo, leggero. Volume alcolometrico: 45% Regione: Veneto
SKU: 19219
Brand: Marzadro
La grappa stravecchia 18 Lune di Marzadro è un’acquavite di vinaccia ottenuta dalla distillazione di alcune tra le varietà più note del Trentino: Merlot, Marzemino, Teroldego, Chardonnay e Moscato, invecchiata per ben 18 lune, un anno e mezzo circa, regala aromi intensi, eterei ed eleganti. Affina in piccole botti di Ciliegio, Frassino, Rovere e Robinia che regalano ciascuno le proprie caratteristiche di profumo, aroma. Color dell’ambra, profuma di ciliegie sotto spirito e uvetta, vaniglia, tabacco e frutta secca. Al palato è calda e secca, armonica e con lungo finale boisé. Volume alcolometrico: 41%
SKU: 19218
Brand: Marzadro
La grappa stravecchia 18 Lune di Marzadro è un’acquavite di vinaccia ottenuta dalla distillazione di alcune tra le varietà più note del Trentino: Merlot, Marzemino, Teroldego, Chardonnay e Moscato, invecchiata per ben 18 lune, un anno e mezzo circa, regala aromi intensi, eterei ed eleganti. Affina in piccole botti di Ciliegio, Frassino, Rovere e Robinia che regalano ciascuno le proprie caratteristiche di profumo, aroma. Color dell’ambra, profuma di ciliegie sotto spirito e uvetta, vaniglia, tabacco e frutta secca. Al palato è calda e secca, armonica e con lungo finale boisé. Volume alcolometrico: 41%
SKU: 19217
Brand: Marzadro
La grappa stravecchia 18 Lune di Marzadro è un’acquavite di vinaccia ottenuta dalla distillazione di alcune tra le varietà più note del Trentino: Merlot, Marzemino, Teroldego, Chardonnay e Moscato, invecchiata per ben 18 lune, un anno e mezzo circa, regala aromi intensi, eterei ed eleganti. Affina in piccole botti di Ciliegio, Frassino, Rovere e Robinia che regalano ciascuno le proprie caratteristiche di profumo, aroma. Color dell’ambra, profuma di ciliegie sotto spirito e uvetta, vaniglia, tabacco e frutta secca. Al palato è calda e secca, armonica e con lungo finale boisé. Volume alcolometrico: 41%
SKU: 19216
Brand: Marzadro
La grappa Giare Amarone viene prodotta dalle preziose vinacce di Amarone distillate a bagnomaria in alambicco discontinuo, nella storica sede di Marzadro a Nogaredo. L'affinamento del distillato dura in totale 36 mesi in piccole botti di rovere da 500 litri, dove è fondamentale il ruolo del mastro distillatore che ne controlla i sentori e gli aromi durante tutto il processo dell'affinamento. Risulta così una grappa dai profumi ampi e decisi di legno, che in bocca si rivela decisa seppur vellutata e di straordinaria persistenza. Vol. Alcolometrico: 41%
SKU: 19215
Brand: Marzadro
Le vinacce di vitigni tipici della regione come il Moscato, lo Chardonnay e il Gewürztraminer, vengono distillate a bagnomaria in alambicco discontinuo a vapore e successivamente, la grappa viene affinata per alcuni mesi nelle stesse botti usate per l'invecchiamento della grappa Stravecchia Le Diciotto Lune. Questo passaggio, conferisce a La Trentina Barrique dei caratteristici profumi aromatici legnosi, con un inevitabile richiamo olfattivo a Le Diciotto Lune, con i suoi sentori eterei e di vaniglia. La struttura è morbidissima e vellutata, con perfetta persistenza. Regione: Trentino Volume alcolometrico: 41%
SKU: 19214
Brand: Marzadro
Le vinacce con cui viene prodotta questa grappa appartengono a due vitigni tipici del Trentino come il Teroldego e il Marzemino, alle quali vengono aggiunte vinacce di Merlot, tutte distillate a bagnomaria in alambicco discontinuo. La Trentina Tradizionale si caratterizza per essere una grappa dai sentori secchi e decisi, con dei richiami olfattivi di erbe alpine tipiche del Trentino. In bocca la struttura risulta molto elegante con un'ottima persistenza. Regione: Trentino Volume alcolometrico: 41%
SKU: 19213
Veneto - Volumealcolometrico: 39% L'Acquavite "Prime Uve Bianche" di Bonaventura Maschio è un distillato immediato, fresco e piacevole, di ottimo nitore espressivo e notevole piacevolezza di beva. Nasce da una selezione di uve bianche e si esprime in tonalità morbide, delicate e leggere di frutta e fiori bianchi. Il processo di produzione avviene grazie all’utilizzo di affascinanti alambicchi di rame che lavorano sottovuoto, mantenendo così gli aromi originali più intensi presenti all’interno del mosto. Alla fine della lavorazione l’acquavite non viene fatta invecchiare in legno, mantenendo così un profilo fresco e pulito.
SKU: 19212
Volume alcolometrico: 40% Nasce dall'uva Noah, comunemente chiamata Fragola Bianca per quel suo aroma particolare che ricorda molto da vicino le fragoline di bosco. L'uva viene sottoposta a soffice pigiatura ed a fermentazione controllata. La successiva distillazione in alambicchi di rame a boule, sottovuoto e a bassa temperatura, garantisce la salvaguardia degli aromi primari. Presenta un profumo intenso e caratteristico ed un sapore armonico .Esprime pienamente il suo bouquet servita a temperatura ambiente, eccellente anche fresca.
SKU: 19211
Il "Prime Uve Nere" nasce dalla distillazione non delle vinacce, ma direttamente del mosto d’uva di due vitigni a bacca rossa: Refosco e Cabernet e grazie ad alambicchi che lavorano sottovuoto si garantisce la presenza di tutti gli aromi originari presenti nel mosto. Al termine del processo di produzione, l’Acquavite ottenuta viene fatta riposare per un breve periodo in botticelle di legno conferendo sensazioni di morbidezza e rotondità. Si presenta con un colore dorato particolarmente carico e sgargiante. Al naso risulta composto da note speziate in cui emerge un chiaro sentore di vaniglia, alternato a sfumature più legnose. Regione: Veneto Volume alcolometrico: 38.5%
SKU: 19210
Brand: Segnana
E' ottenuta da vinacce fresche e selezionate, con una prevalenza di Chardonnay trentino impiegato per le bollicine Ferrari, che conferisce la caratteristica eleganza, ed una parte di vinaccia rossa che dona al distillato fragranza e persistenza. Regione: Trentino Alto Adige Volume alcolometrico: 40%
SKU: 19209
Brand: Segnana
Proviene dalla scelta accurata delle migliori vinacce di chardonnay e pinot nero da cui nascono i pregiati spumanti Ferrari. Un’esplosione di aromi e persistenza gustativa, garantiti da questa speciale selezione e dal metodo di "ridistillazione della flemma",unico al mondo e coperto da brevetto, che riesce a sublimare la parte più pura e pregiata delle vinacce. Ne esce una grappa molto complessa, dall’intenso color ambrato che vira verso aromi di frutta secca. Regione: Trentino Alto Adige Volume alcolometrico: 42%
SKU: 19208
Brand: Tosolini
Le vinacce vengono distillate secondo il "Metodo Tosolini" in caldaie tradizionali a vapore, fresche di vendemmia per preservarne gli aromi e i profumi che rivelano una grappa morbida, equilibrata ed estremamente aromatica. Solo le migliori uve di Chardonnay vengono selezionate dalla famiglia Tosolini unicamente nell'area di produzione friulana. Nasce così una grappa 100% friulana dall'intenso profumo floreale. Regione: Friuli Venezia Giulia Volume alcolometrico: 40%
SKU: 19207
Brand: Tosolini
La Most, l'acquavite d'uva nasce nel 1985 nella distilleria Tosolini dalla pigiatura di uve pregiate ancora fresche di vendemmia. Gli acini, con la loro polpa profumata e zuccherina si trasformano in mosto, distillato secondo il "Metodo Tosolini" con alambicchi Charante tradizionali a vapore. Dal bouquet aromatico, con sentori di fiori, la Most ha origine da alcuni dei più preziosi vitigni friulani. Regione: Friuli Venezia Giulia Volume Alcolometrico: 40%
SKU: 19206
Brand: Tosolini
Distillata entro 48 ore dalla pigiatura per mantenere inalterati i profumi intensi della vinaccia a bacca rossa, Refosco, Cabernet e Merlot: Sentori di uva sultanina, frutti di bosco maturi. Regione: Friuli Venezia Giulia Volume alcolometrico: 50%
SKU: 19205
Brand: Tosolini
La grappa Vigna nuova è un distillato proveniente da vinacce da vari tipi d'uva. Bianca, morbida al palato. Regione : Friuli Venezia Giulia Volume alcolometrico : 38%
SKU: 18656
Temperatura di servizio: 14° - 16° Abbinamento consigliato: Fine pasto
SKU: 18655
Temperatura di servizio: 14° - 16° Abbinamento consigliato: Fine pasto
SKU: 18287
Grappa di monovitigno Aglianico , da nostre vinacce di uva Aglianico di Taurasi destinate alla produzione dell’Irpinia DOC “Rosso Tau”.
SKU: 18286
Grappa monovitigno di Greco di Tufo, da nostre vinacce di uva Greco destinate alla produzione del Greco di Tufo DOCG “Don Raffaele”.
SKU: 18285
Grappa di monovitigno di Fiano di Avellino Barricata, da nostre vinacce di uva Fiano destinate alla produzione del Fiano di Avellino “Eugenia”.
SKU: 18035
Brand: La Versa

La distillazione avviene in alambicchi di rame discontinui a bagnomaria, con un lento processo che ne esalta al meglio i profumi varietali. Ainamento di 8 anni in fusti di rovere di Slavonia.

SKU: 18034
Brand: La Versa

La distillazione avviene in alambicchi di rame discontinui a bagnomaria, con un lento processo che ne esalta al meglio i profumi varietali. Ainamento di 8 anni in fusti di rovere di Slavonia.

SKU: 17775
Brand: La Versa

La distillazione avviene in alambicchi di rame discontinui a bagnomaria, con un lento processo che ne esalta al meglio i profumi varietali. Ainamento di 8 anni in fusti di rovere di Slavonia.

SKU: 17606
Ambra chiaro. Il bouquet evoca scorza d’arancia candita, erbe aromatiche, fiori di campo macerati, un inconfondibile tocco di vaniglia bourbon, fine speziatura.In bocca richiama decisamente immagini esotiche, con cumino, fieno greco e pepe bianco. Decisamente secca ma non scontrosa.
SKU: 17532
A clear, transparent Grappa rich in perfumes and inebriating notes. A product of excellence for the small local reality Tramin Sudtirol Alto Adige, which summarizes all the typical characteristics of its land. This fine Gewürztraminer Nussbaumer grappa represents the enchantment of nature and the suggestions of the sensorial poles, the creative and productive precision towards constant quality, the ability to create a system and cooperate at a territorial level.
SKU: 17474
The distillation method used for our grappas involves continuous de-alcoholization of the fermented pomace, followed by discontinuous distillation in copper stills in a bain-marie.
SKU: 17473
The distillation method used for our grappas involves continuous de-alcoholization of the fermented pomace, followed by discontinuous distillation in copper stills in a bain-marie. This is how 2 excellent products are born that best represent a great Italian tradition.
SKU: 17170
Aged Gran Sasso grappa is obtained by aging for 24 months in large barrels which give it a natural straw yellow color deriving from the wood.
SKU: 17161
Gran Sasso grappa is obtained from the distillation of pomace selected from the best grapes, which gives it a light and brilliant colour.
SKU: 16702
The Active Principle is an absolute novelty from the Francoli house.
SKU: 16701
From the places where the vine has found one of its maximum expressions come the Nebbiolo pomace whose spirit, virtuous and powerful, finds an extraordinary and exciting balance after a long period of aging in wood.
SKU: 16696
Aunt Mina's recipesBlueberry liqueur with grappaThis grappa is the result of a skilful blend of grappa from fresh Piedmontese pomace, distilled as soon as it arrives at the distillery, alcohol, infusion and cranberry juice.
SKU: 16695
Aunt Mina's recipesGreen apple liqueur with grappaGrappa-based liqueur, obtained from the mixture of grappa from fresh Piedmontese pomace, distilled as soon as it arrives in the distillery, alcohol and cloudy green apple juice.
SKU: 16694
Aunt Mina's recipesGrappa-based honey liqueurThis grappa is the result of a skilful blend of grappa from fresh Piedmontese pomace, distilled as soon as it arrives at the distillery with the addition of acacia and chestnut honey.
SKU: 16693

Aunt Mina's recipes Liqueur with strawberries and grappa Grappa-based liqueur, obtained from the mixture of grappa from fresh Piedmontese pomace, distilled as soon as it arrives in the distillery, alcohol, infusion of wild strawberries and whole fruit, added to the bottle

SKU: 16692

Aunt Mina's recipes Grappa-based chamomile liqueur

SKU: 16691
Grappa aged in wood, distilled from Nebbiolo grapes. Aged for months in toasted Limousin oak barriques.
SKU: 16690
The Grappa Riserva di Nebbiolo da Barolo is an aged grappa of Nebbiolo from the Barolo vineyards aged for over 18 months in barrique. With a bright golden color, it has intense and enveloping aromas and a soft aromatic profile of vanilla and raisins
SKU: 16689
Color: Limpid and crystallineSmell: It is expressed on the nose with fruity and flowery notes together among which a peppery note stands outPalate: The palate has a soft and balanced flavor
SKU: 16688
Typology: Grappa aged in woodGrapes: Moscato and BrachettoPomace origin: cultivation areas of the respective DOCG wines
SKU: 16687
Characteristics of the alembic: descending path of the pomace, in a continuous alembic with three stages of distillation, with counter-current flow of water vapor, with production of phlegm at 35/40% vol. Subsequent fractional distillation of the phlegm in a 23-plate copper column.Refinement: 6 months in inert stainless steel containers
SKU: 16686
A grappa for pure lovers, a rare grappa, from rare marcs of Erbaluce from Canavese, from high Piedmont.
SKU: 16685
Typology: Young non-aromatic GrappaGrape variety: Vespolina and Nebbiolo in a 70/30 ratioOrigin of pomace: hills of Ghemme, in the province of Novara
SKU: 16684
intense gold, with amber veins. BOUQUET: intense, balanced, attributable to the permanence in wood: vanilla, tobacco, raisins. TASTE: refined on the palate, enveloping and enchantingly fine.
SKU: 16683
Young non-aromatic grappa from 100% Erbaluce vines, vineyards in the Novara and Canavese areas.
SKU: 16682
Color: Amber. Nose: Delicate, toasted hazelnuts, candied fruit, vanilla, sultanas. Taste: Round, tropical fruits, hazelnuts. Finish: long lasting
SKU: 16681
Color: Bright amber. Perfumes: The nose is characterized by intense notes of almond and hazelnut, followed by notes of dried flowers and spices such as vanilla, raisins and candied fruit, creating an ample and highly refined bouquet. Taste: In the mouth it is extraordinarily balanced, rich and complex, enveloping, round, with recurring vanilla aromas and hints of wood. Final of very long taste - olfactory persistence.
SKU: 16680
In the glass it has a golden color, decidedly bright and transparent. The nose is crunchy, where typically tertiary references are perceived, enriched by touches of tobacco and hints of leather.
SKU: 16679
A beautiful golden, clear and brilliant, welcomes the view. Fruit, especially candied fruit, dominates the nose, enriched by hints of hazelnut and vanilla.
SKU: 16678
Bouquet: Complex, ample, enveloping, with great personality. A splendid concert of sensations in which ripe fruit, cherry and vanilla stand out. Taste: Rich, enveloping, the seductive sensations perceived by the perfume are confirmed.
SKU: 16677
Oro di Barolo' is a grappa obtained from Nebbiolo pomace from the Barolo area, aged for 48 months in Slavonian casks and barriques. An aged grappa with ample and complex hints of tobacco, spices, raisins and tea leaves and a warm and enveloping taste
SKU: 16676
Oro di Barolo' is a grappa obtained from Nebbiolo pomace from the Barolo area, aged for 48 months in Slavonian casks and barriques. An aged grappa with ample and complex hints of tobacco, spices, raisins and tea leaves and a warm and enveloping taste
SKU: 16675
The alchemical art of Luigi Francoli has never forgotten its traditions. Gentian roots, rhubarb rhizomes and flowery tops of wormwood are just some of the all-natural ingredients which, when infused, give life to this herbal liqueur with penetrating but harmonious aromas
SKU: 16674
COLOUR: crystal clear and brilliant. BOUQUET: pleasantly floral with spice inserts. TASTE: velvety entrance, predominant note of licorice. Of long persistence
SKU: 16673
Typology: Young GrappaGrape variety: NebbioloOrigin of pomace: Nebbiolo grapes from the Piedmont area only
SKU: 16672
Typology: young aromatic grappaGrape variety: MoscatoOrigin of pomace: Langhe and Monferrato, the areas of Moscato Piemontese
SKU: 16671
Typology: Young GrappaGrape variety: BarberaOrigin of pomace: entirely from Barbera grapes from Piedmont
SKU: 16670
Typology: Young GrappaGrape variety: ChardonnayOrigin of pomace: vineyard areas in the province of Asti
SKU: 16669
An inimitable expression of seductive perfumes. A structured taste, a balanced character. The use of pomace from different sources is a secret that has been handed down from generation to generation. Each marc brings its own personality to the grappa, the result is a brilliant expression of what our land can offer.
SKU: 16668
La Visione di Luigi Riserva grappa undergoes a double maturation: the first is a prolonged rest in Slavonian oak vats, the second is a more rapid passage in small Limousin oak barrels.
SKU: 16667
SKU: 16666
Color: Amber. Smell: Fragrances such as pepper, tobacco and vanilla persist on the nose. Palate: In the mouth it is warm, harmonious, soft. Persuasive and balanced overall on the palate.
SKU: 16665
Typology: Grappa aged in wood Grapes: Nebbiolo 60%, Dolcetto 35%, Moscato 5% Origin of pomace: from grapes grown in the suitable wine-growing areas of Piedmont
SKU: 16664
Young grappa from Barbera pomace, with a clear, transparent and crystalline colour. The Barbera vine, like Moscato and Nebbiolo, is the emblem and symbol of Piedmontese viticulture. We wanted to distill these marcs for their freshness and their quality thanks to a careful selection since they were still and only grapes.
SKU: 16663
Aged Grappa Sherry Cask Finish 40° cl.50 Case
SKU: 16662
The fresh Rue seedling is introduced into the bottle a few minutes before pouring the Grappa. Rue herb (botanical nomenclature Ruta graveolens L) is a small plant covered with bitter-tasting leaves that grows spontaneously in many temperate areas of the Mediterranean. It is used in medicine as a valid and effective digestive: this property is accentuated by the alcoholic infusion of the herb (e.g. Grappa Ruta). When used in small quantities, Ruta is also considered an effective antiseptic. In Grappa the Ruta gives pleasantly bitter characteristics.
SKU: 16661
SKU: 16660
On 1st March 1999 Grappa Luigi Francoli was introduced on the market. From this moment on, Grappa assumed, for Distillerie Francoli, the true connotation of a brand. The characterizing features of the brand are: the clean, essential image, which highlights the very essence of Distillerie Francoli (the long tradition in the distillation of Grappa) and the well-defined and absolutely differentiated contents.
SKU: 16659
Luigi Francoli Grappa from Piedmont reserve 3 years Barrique
SKU: 16658
Balance, Harmony, Truth. These are the keywords of our Baldinello reserve grappa. Perfumes imbued with emotions, enveloping. from the note of vanilla to raisins, from toasted hazelnuts to crusty bread. Sensations to bite like oak wood, perfumed and persuasive, where this grappa rests for long months.
SKU: 16657
SKU: 16656
La Nonfiltrata by Luigi Francoli is a Millesimata grappa that ages for 8 years in Limousin oak barriques. It is a totally natural, unfiltered grappa that gives the palate an apotheosis of taste.
SKU: 16655
SKU: 16654
SKU: 16653
. The balance of taste is enhanced by the body and persistence of the distillate which "holds the mouth" with great authority and personality. Sweet, balsamic nuances and hints of acacia honey. The aftertaste is clean and confirms the initial olfactory sensations. Long and persistent but never cloying or sugary.
SKU: 16652
A limited edition Grappa for certified aging.
SKU: 16651
very intense, brilliant and transparent golden yellow colour.
SKU: 16650
From a mix of Piedmontese pomace comes this extremely dry, white grappa, suitable for the end of a meal and for the most demanding palates. Alcohol content: 40.0% vol.
SKU: 16649
It is golden and brilliant in the glass, it releases citrus and vanilla notes on the nose: it is harmonious and persistent on the palate.
SKU: 16648
SKU: 16647
SKU: 16646
Grappa Luigi Francoli in Decanter
SKU: 16644
Wooden Gift Box Luigi Francoli Grappa reserve 88 Barriques
SKU: 16643
Native vines personally selected by the Master Distiller, historic woods to enrich it with elegant notes. Grappa Barrique d'Autore is ready to give emotions to your palate. The Barrique d'Autore deserves a version with tasting glasses that enhance its contents.
SKU: 16641
Wooden Gift Box (20 x 33.5 h 8.5 cm) - Grappa Luigi Francoli Riserva 5 Edition - Magnifying glass with beech wood handle stained cherry and 14K gold-plated brass - Compass in oil bath made of 14K gilded brass
SKU: 16640
Distilled from traditional red pomace of Piedmont; it rests for at least three years in medium-capacity oak barrels: the scents of the wood refine its tenacious traits and enrich them with elegant spicy notes.
SKU: 16639

Wooden Gift Box (2 4 x 27 h 9 cm)

SKU: 16587
WOODEN GIFT BOX Contents: Gin Acqueverdi La Valdôtaine (200 ML) Vermouth Verney La Valdotaine (200 ML) La Valdôtaine Artisan Bitter (200 ML) Three RCR Tattoo Glasses
SKU: 16586
Blueberries are very tasty berries and rich in mineral salts and vitamins.
SKU: 16585
Heroic plant that grows in arid places, both on the mountains where water is scarce in winter due to the frost, and on the arid promontories of the Mediterranean.
SKU: 16584
Grand Miel is a liqueur made from grappa and honey.
SKU: 16582
Torrette is the Valle d'Aosta DOC wine produced in the greatest quantities and in the widest area of the valley.
SKU: 16581
From vineyards located on the left of the Dora Baltea in the municipality of Arvier, in a natural amphitheater of splendid beauty, terraced and in full southern exposure with a slope that exceeds 100% up to 800 meters above sea level.
SKU: 16580
La Valdôtaine is a small mountain distillery where the beautiful stills, in shiny hand-worked copper and with discontinuous breathing, with single batches, distill small quantities of unique spirits, made inimitable by the mineral-rich waters, sometimes with an amazing color, which give mountains tumble down to the distillery.
SKU: 16579
Direct steam distilled from the pomace of the Prie' Blanc vine in small discontinuous copper stills.
SKU: 16566
We have selected for you our Grappa, crystalline, strong, full and dry flavour. It is a source of real pleasure, sipped or sipped at the end of a meal, or at any time of the day. Taste in thin crystal glasses, with a slender and elongated stem with a tulip corolla-shaped chalice
SKU: 16513
Brand: Nicolis
Grappa obtained from the distillation of the pomace of Amarone della Valpolicella DOCG Classico, with a color tending towards golden. Intense aroma, with hints of dried fruit, spices and vanilla. Soft and elegant taste, with important notes of grapes left to dry.
SKU: 16405
Obtained from the pomace of Chardonnay di Franciacorta. Stays for over 18 months in French Allier oak barriques. Golden yellow colour.Sweet, aromatic and refined, in the mouth with velvety delicacy it leaves a long persistence enriched by hints of fungal undergrowth, dried and ripening plums (wood and eucalyptus on vanilla).Sweet licorice on fine wood, undergrowth with moss and leaves, sweet tobacco and delicate spices. It evolves in the glass with broader sensations and dried flowers.
SKU: 16404
Obtained from the pomace of Chardonnay di Franciacorta. Colorless, limpid and crystalline.Good balance between softness and strength, very captivating that leaves an excellent mouth full of fragrant sensations with a pleasant finish of licorice and honey.Scent of hawthorn oils on notes of sweet licorice, musk and wild fennel seeds.
SKU: 16348
Grappa from mixed pomace aged in cherry barrels. Cherry wood is little used as it allows a high percentage of evaporation of the distillate. At the same time, however, it gives unmistakable and refined notes to the nose. On the palate the flavor is extraordinary.
SKU: 16320
Balsamic tones of resin and spices and a full and decisive taste, very pleasant, best express the spirit of Traminer Aromatico.
SKU: 16319
From selected pomace of Merlot, Barbera and Sangiovese grapes and Montagner's passion for distillates, here is a grappa with an intense aroma of wood, deriving from a long period of aging in barrique. Amber in colour, with a delicate fruity bouquet, it has a dry taste and a slight smoky aroma on the aftertaste. Packaged in the elegant "Antica Farmacia" bottle, it is very beautiful to leave in sight and for a gift idea.
SKU: 16318
Grappa obtained from the distillation of pomace from the Campania region, suitable for the production of Aglianico da Taurasi. The pomace arrives at the distillery contained in small bags suitable for food, in order to guarantee freshness and the maintenance of all the typical aromas and characteristics of the vine.
SKU: 16317
Grappa with a noble, velvety and fresh flavor characteristic of the Prosecco grapes grown in the Valdobbiadene area. Very aromatic bouquet and rather marked aftertaste.
SKU: 16316
Montanger has extensive experience in making its grappas, highly sought after and appreciated by passionate consumers throughout Italy, from north to south. For the production of pinot grappa, the pomace was not pressed, still remaining well "drowned" by the newly obtained wine. It is a grappa with a winy and at the same time fresh and fruity character, with a hint of almond aftertaste. It is packaged in the elegant "Antica Farmacia" bottle, beautiful to display and to give as a gift.
SKU: 16315
From the distillation of the pomace of golden Muscat grapes from the most suitable wine-growing areas for the cultivation of this vine, Montagner produces this grappa of great finesse and value, ideal for a welcome gift, thanks also to the elegant packaging in the "Antica Farmacia" format bottle. Crystalline in color, it has an aromatic scent typical of Moscato, on the palate it is soft and floral, with an aftertaste full of personality. Try it with fresh goat cheese, dried fruit, citrus marmalade.
SKU: 16314

A scrupulous selection of marcs and an eighteen-year aging in different types of barriques give this grappa uniqueness and exceptional personality. With a full and harmonious taste, we recommend serving it in a large glass, which can be heated with the warmth of the hand to allow the aromas and scents to emerge and be released. It is packaged in an elegant “Decanter” bottle, ideal for a precious gift.

SKU: 16313
Product characterized by a strong strawberry aroma. The pomace is distilled at a low temperature in order to obtain a pleasant and fruity aroma.
SKU: 16312
For the production of this grappa, the pomace is collected in hermetically sealed bags, in order to be able to distill a very fresh and oxidation-free raw material and preserve all the fruity aromas and aftertastes. In this way a high quality distillate is obtained, with a full and harmonious bouquet. Packaged in the "Antica Farmacia" format bottle, beautiful to keep in sight and to give as a gift.
SKU: 16311
From selected pomace of Barbera, Merlot and Raboso grapes and from Montagner's great experience comes this exquisite grappa, aged for eighteen months in small barrels built with precious chestnut wood. Intense straw-yellow in colour, it expresses a pleasant bouquet, with toasted notes, and a marked aroma of ripe mountain chestnut. Ideal at the end of a meal, with dried fruit-based sweets, and beautiful as a gift, in its elegant "Antica Farmacia" format bottle.
SKU: 16310
From carefully selected pomace and from the experience of the prestigious Motta di Livenza company comes the Montagner cabernet grappa, excellent to sip slowly in moments of relaxation and meditation in the typical "tulip" glass. It has a crystalline colour, an intense and persistent aroma, with fruity hints, and a full, typical, mature and delicate flavour. Also beautiful as a gift, thanks to the elegant packaging in the "Antica Farmacia" format bottle.
SKU: 16309
The peculiarity of this very fine grappa is given by the blend of Dolcetto and Cabernet marcs which give it a delicate and gentle structure.
SKU: 16308
Grappa obtained from the distillation of freshly drained pomace, aged for eighteen months in medium toasted oak barriques. It has a warm amber colour, sweet aromas of black cherries and vanilla, an intense and full flavour. For great enthusiasts and for a very special gift, thanks to the beautiful decanter-sized bottle.
SKU: 16307
As precious as a jewel, Montagner's Grappa "18 Carati" is produced with the best pomace of Barbera, Dolcetto and Merlot grapes and aged for at least eighteen months in small barriques. It has an amber color with golden reflections, an aromatic scent, balanced by the toasting of the small oak barrels. It is packaged in an elegant "ancient pharmacy" bottle, very beautiful to display and to give as a gift.
SKU: 16306
It has a crystalline color, very intense and fruity with hints of berries, ripe marsaca and citrus fruits.Obtained with pomace from areas suited for the cultivation of Brunello di Montalcino.The photo is for advertising purposes, the bottle does not have its own box.
SKU: 16304

Grappa Colli di Luni DOC with Vermentino pomace is produced with native grapes from the DOC area of La Spezia, grown in the municipalities of Ortonovo, Castelnuovo Magra, and Sarzana. The total alcohol content is 40% vol. It should be served at a temperature of 8°C to allow the taster to fully enjoy the scents of Vermentino and appreciate the intense olfactory notes. Grappa di Vermentino DOC Colli di Luni is obtained from a careful selection of the best Vermentino pomace, it has a white and brilliant color on the nose. It is intense, rich in floral notes, delicately harmonic. The taste is fresh, of great persistence, notes of rennet apple emerge in the finish.

SKU: 16123
Produced exclusively with fermented pomace of grapes destined for Brunello. Steam distilled with the traditional method in copper discontinuous alembic stills. The distillation of the pomace takes place practically in a bain-marie allowing to enhance the floral and fruity notes. The result is a clear and transparent grappa; intense, delicate, fruity bouquet; dry, warm, persistent, very pleasant taste and without alcoholic aggression. It is recommended to serve it at room temperature in order to better appreciate the fragrance and harmony of this grappa. Excellent as a digestive, ideal for an elegant gift, to be enjoyed alone or with pure chocolate, tiramisu and chestnut honey.
SKU: 16122
Produced exclusively with fermented pomace of grapes destined for Brunello. Steam distilled with the traditional method in copper discontinuous alembic stills. The distillation of the pomace takes place practically in a bain-marie allowing to enhance the floral and fruity notes. The result is a clear and transparent grappa; intense, delicate, fruity bouquet; dry, warm, persistent, very pleasant taste and without alcoholic aggression. It is recommended to serve it at room temperature in order to better appreciate the fragrance and harmony of this grappa. Excellent as a digestive, ideal for an elegant gift, to be enjoyed alone or with pure chocolate, tiramisu and chestnut honey.
SKU: 16108

Excellent after a meal, excellent pairing with a seasonal fruit tart.

SKU: 16104
Valdipiatta grappa is produced with unpressed pomace of Sangiovese and Canaiolo Nero grapes, the same used for the production of Vino Nobile di Montepulciano and distilled in ancient copper barrels. Clear and pleasantly aromatic, it gives the nose and the palate all the characteristics of its original grapes, while revealing a strong personality.
SKU: 16073
Tasting notes Color: Intense amber. Bouquet: Elegant and intense, with persuasive notes of raisins, tobacco, coffee and black cherry. Taste: Soft, velvety and rich, with persistent notes of dried fruit and spices.
SKU: 16072
Tasting notes Color: Dark amber. Bouquet: Rich and complex, it recalls hints of cocoa, honey and candied fruits. Flavour: On the palate it is round, intense and elegant, with references to tobacco and sweet spices.
SKU: 16071
Tasting notes Color: Bright amber. Bouquet: Warm and enveloping, it reveals notes of honey, candied fruit and sweet spices. Taste: A round grappa reserve, soft and pleasant, but also decisive and with a long persistence.
SKU: 16070
Brand: Sutto
Tasting notes The aromatic framework of this grappa is of great expressive power, with intense olfactory sensations that recall sweet spices and fruity scents.Service Excellent after a meal, alone or in combination with dark chocolate.
SKU: 16069
Brand: Sutto
Tasting notes It is a grappa that stands out for its extreme cleanliness and digestibility. On the palate it is elegant and light, with aromatic notes reminiscent of fresh fruit and white flowers.Service Excellent served cold, alone or accompanied by ice cream or a fruit salad
SKU: 16068
Brand: Sutto
Tasting notes The olfactory sensations are intense and varied, from the lightest fruity aromas up to more full-bodied notes of gentian and rhubarb, passing through refreshing notes of dandelion. On the palate it is full and intense, rich and complex but at the same time elegant and never cloying.Service Bitter for tasting, for connoisseurs or for those who want and know how to appreciate the best that nature offers. Excellent drunk cold or on the rocks.
SKU: 15990
“From the heart of the earth, the heart of grappa”.
SKU: 15979
Brand: Terenzi

Grappa Terenzi is distilled exclusively from our fresh pomace within 24 hours of pressing, using the discontinuous steam artisanal method. The cutting of the head and tail is done manually at each batch, no aroma is added to guarantee that every single drop is the best expression of the vine of origin.

SKU: 15958
Obtained from the distillation of fresh pomace of Chianti Classico.In the freshly pressed skins or fresh marc, 4-5% of alcohol remains which is recovered through distillation.Our Grappa is distilled from the fresh pomace of Chianti Classico with the traditional method of copper steam boilers. It is produced in limited quantities (1500 bottles per year) exclusively from pomace from the Lilliano Estate.
SKU: 15911
Brand: Tiezzi
Obtained from the distillation of "Brunello" marc.
SKU: 15758
Brand: Roxan
SKU: 15667

The Aqua Vitae Riserva 18 years was aged for 18 years in used barriques, supplied at the time by the Le Pergole Torte winery to the Nannoni distillery. Only 911 specimens, really for enthusiasts…

SKU: 15146

It is obtained from a careful selection of fine pomace of Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, a vine much appreciated for its extraordinary characteristics. It is a well-structured Grappa with a full and enveloping taste.

SKU: 14771
Elegant metal display including six Poli Grappas: the four single-variety Grappas PO' di Poli and the Polivitigno® Grappas Sarpa di Poli and Sarpa Oro di Poli.
SKU: 14770
Wooden gift box containing a young Poli Bassano Classica Grappa and two Grappa-based liqueurs: Poli Miele and Poli Mirtillo.
SKU: 14769
Wooden gift box containing a Sarpa di Poli (young Grappa) and a Sarpa Oro di Poli (Grappa patiently kept in the underground cellars in oak barrels).
SKU: 14768
Wooden gift box containing a bottle of Grappa Poli Bassano 24 Carat Gold and two crystal tasting glasses.
SKU: 14767
Cardboard gift box contains five Poli Grappas in 100 ml "baby" format: four assorted PO' di Poli and a Sarpa Oro di Poli.
SKU: 14766
Elegant wooden box made up of 5 Grappas patiently kept for many years in the underground cellars of the Poli Distillerie in 100ml "Baby" format oak barriques: Poli Sarpa Oro - Cleopatra Moscato Oro - Grappa Due Barili - Cleopatra Amarone Oro - Grappa di Sassicaia.
SKU: 14765
Elegant wooden box containing 3 Grappas patiently kept for many years in the underground cellars of the Poli Distillerie in 100ml "Baby" format oak barriques: Sarpa Oro di Poli, Cleopatra Moscato Oro and Grappa di Sassicaia.
SKU: 14764
Whiskey aged 5 years and aged in Amarone barrels.
SKU: 14758
Grappa with natural infusion of rue twigs.
SKU: 14750
Aromatic grape brandy distilled in a traditional bain-marie.
SKU: 14749
Aromatic grape brandy distilled in a traditional bain-marie.
SKU: 14748
Aromatic grape brandy distilled in a traditional bain-marie.
SKU: 14747
Aromatic grape brandy distilled in a traditional bain-marie.
SKU: 14744
Wine brandy aged 10 years in oak barrels, distilled in a traditional bain-marie.
SKU: 14743
Wine brandy aged 10 years in oak barrels, distilled in a traditional bain-marie. In the 1,500 ml "Magnum" format.
SKU: 14742
One of the historic products of Poli Distillerie is Grappa Amorosa di Settembre, produced for the past thirty years using the pomace of a native DOC vine of Breganze, the Vespaiolo.
SKU: 14741
One of the historic products of Poli Distillerie is Grappa Amorosa di Settembre, produced for the past thirty years using the pomace of a native DOC vine of Breganze, the Vespaiolo.
SKU: 14740
Polivitigno® young grappa, distilled with flowing steam. In the 1,500 ml "Magnum" format.
SKU: 14739
Polivitigno® young grappa, distilled with flowing steam.
SKU: 14738
Grappa Riserva aged with the solera method, distilled with flowing steam.
SKU: 14737
Aged 8 years in the barriques of the most prestigious Château Premier Cru of Pauillac, France. Flowing steam distilled.
SKU: 14736
Grappa aged 2 years in French oak barriques and 2 years in Sherry PX barrels, distilled with flowing steam. The ardor and elegance of a toreador.
SKU: 14735
Cleopatra Oro is a line of Grappas from the Poli Distillerie obtained from very fresh pomace, characterized by an extreme finesse and aromatic cleanliness, due to a vacuum distillation with a unique system of its kind: Crysopea.
SKU: 14734
Cleopatra Oro is a line of Grappas from the Poli Distillerie obtained from very fresh pomace, characterized by an extreme finesse and aromatic cleanliness, due to a vacuum distillation with a unique system of its kind: Crysopea.
SKU: 14733
Grappa Poli Bassano Classica is transformed and acquires added value: it becomes Poli Bassano 24 Carati, Grappa made from pomace from our area ennobled by being aged for 24 months in carats, a very Italian term to indicate small oak barrels.
SKU: 14732
Grappa Poli Bassano Classica is transformed and acquires added value: it becomes Poli Bassano 24 Carati, Grappa made from pomace from our area ennobled by being aged for 24 months in carats, a very Italian term to indicate small oak barrels.
SKU: 14731
A Grappa to honor tradition and the territory with simplicity and genuineness: Poli Bassano Classica aims to be a timeless Grappa, which recalls the scent of freshly distilled pomace without any pungency on the palate.
SKU: 14726
Grappa Polivitigno®, patiently kept for many years in the underground cellars of the Poli Distillerie in oak barriques, distilled with flowing steam. In the comfortable 100 ml "baby" format.
SKU: 14725
Grappa Polivitigno®, distilled with flowing steam. In the comfortable 100 ml "baby" format.
SKU: 14724
Grappa Polivitigno®, patiently kept for many years in the underground cellars of the Poli Distillerie in oak barriques, distilled with flowing steam. Charming as a Malaysian tiger.
SKU: 14723
Grappa Polivitigno®, patiently kept for many years in the underground cellars of the Poli Distillerie in oak barriques, distilled with flowing steam. Charming as a Malaysian tiger.
SKU: 14722
Grappa Polivitigno®, distilled with flowing steam. Manly as a proud white horse.
SKU: 14721
Grappa Polivitigno®, distilled with flowing steam. Manly as a proud white horse.
SKU: 14720
PO' Elegante clearly indicates the main characteristic of this Grappa, due to the Pinot pomace. Thanks to steam distillation, the aromas of the fermenting grape must pass into the Grappa, making it clear and gentle.
SKU: 14719
PO' Elegante clearly indicates the main characteristic of this Grappa, due to the Pinot pomace. Thanks to steam distillation, the aromas of the fermenting grape must pass into the Grappa, making it clear and gentle.
SKU: 14718
Young grappa distilled with flowing steam. Invigorating like a walk in the mountains in winter.
SKU: 14717
Young grappa distilled with flowing steam. Invigorating like a walk in the mountains in winter.
SKU: 14716
Aromatic grappa distilled in a traditional bain-marie. Like a downpour that refreshes the pine forest in summer.
SKU: 14715
Aromatic grappa distilled in a traditional bain-marie. Like a downpour that refreshes the pine forest in summer.
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Discover the Unique Charm of Grappa: From Antiquity to the Best Spirits Online

Grappa is a unique alcoholic distillation of its kind, with roots that date back to Italian antiquity. This precious distillate, obtained from the distillation of pomace, has a charm and aromatic complexity that make it a true icon of our wine heritage. In this article, we will guide you to discover the world of grappa, from its origins to the best products available online, to help you fully understand the richness and versatility of this extraordinary distillate.

What is Grappa and How is it Produced?

Grappa is an alcoholic distillate produced in Italy, obtained from the distillation of residual pomace from wine production. This distillation process generally takes place in bain-marie stills , in order to preserve the integrity of the aromas and perfumes contained in the pomace . The result is a distillate with a strong and aromatic character, which can vary considerably based on the grapes used and the production methods adopted by individual producers .

The Origins of Grappa

When was Grappa born?

The origins of grappa have their roots in Italian antiquity. Already in Roman times, there is evidence of the use of pomace for the production of an alcoholic distillate, albeit with techniques very different from those of today. The name "grappa" appears for the first time at the end of the 15th century, when producers began to use the term to distinguish this type of distillate from others.

What is the Historical Role of Grappa?

In addition to being an icon of the Italian wine heritage, grappa has also played an important role in the socioeconomic history of our country. In particular, during periods of crisis and poverty, grappa was often used as a form of barter or even constituted part of the workers' wages . This demonstrates the importance that grappa has played in the daily life of Italians since ancient times.

The Different Styles of Grappa

What are the main types of grappa?

There are numerous types of grappa , which differ mainly in the grapes used, the production methods adopted and any aging . Some of the main categories are white grappa , aged grappa and flavored grappa , each with unique characteristics and organoleptic profiles.

What Are the Best Brands of Grappa?

Among the best brands of grappa at a national and international level we find names such as Nonino, Bocchino, Nardini and Poli. These companies stand out for their long tradition, the excellent quality of their products and innovation in distillation and aging methods. Discover our selection of the best grappas available online now!

Why Buy Grappa Online?

Buying grappa online offers numerous advantages compared to traditional purchases. Firstly, you will have access to a much wider selection of products, with the ability to explore the best brands and rarest types of grappa. Furthermore, by buying online you can benefit from competitive prices and exclusive promotions, as well as the convenience of receiving your order directly at home.

How to Choose the Right Grappa for You

What are the Differences between the Different Types of Grappa?

The main differences between the various types of grappa concern the grapes used, the production methods and any refinement . For example, white grappa is characterized by a fresher and cleaner aromatic profile, while aged grappa has more complex notes, due to the interaction with the wood of the barrels. Choose grappa based on your personal tastes and the way you want to enjoy it.

What is the Right Alcohol Content for Grappa?

The alcohol content of grappa can vary greatly, usually between 37.5% and 50% vol. A higher alcohol content gives the distillate greater body and persistence, while a lower alcohol grappa is generally softer and more drinkable. Opt for the alcohol content based on your personal tastes and the way you want to taste the grappa.

How to Best Enjoy Grappa

What Are the Best Ways to Serve Grappa?

Grappa can be served in different ways to best enhance its character and aromas. The most traditional method involves serving it in tulip glasses at room temperature, in order to allow oxygenation and the opening of the aromas. You can also experiment with grappa in cocktails or use it for flambés and other preparations in the kitchen, taking advantage of its versatility.

What Are the Best Pairings for Grappa?

Grappa pairs perfectly with numerous desserts , such as biscuits, cakes and mature cheeses. Furthermore, it can be an excellent travel companion for a good coffee or for cigar tasting. The ideal combinations vary based on the style and organoleptic characteristics of the chosen grappa.


In conclusion, grappa is a unique and fascinating distillate, with a history that has its roots in Italian antiquity. Thanks to its versatility and the quality of the best producers, grappa continues to be appreciated and celebrated throughout the world. Whether you are an expert connoisseur or a curious enthusiast, grappa awaits you to give you an unforgettable sensory experience. Start your journey to discover this extraordinary spirit today!

  • Grappa is an alcoholic distillate obtained from the distillation of residual pomace from wine production.
  • The origins of grappa date back to Italian antiquity, and it has long been an integral part of the country's socioeconomic life.
  • There are different types of grappa, which are distinguished by the grapes used, production methods and refinement.
  • Buying grappa online offers numerous advantages, such as a wider selection and competitive prices.
  • Grappa can be served in different ways to enhance its aromas and aromas, and is excellent paired with desserts and coffee.

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