
SKU: 19892

This bottle of the 2011 vintage is one of the very few produced by Maso Martis with a careful selection of its grapes, combining the elegance of Pinot Noir with the fragrance of Chardonnay and the softness of Meunier. 9 years of very long aging in the bottle are his style signature.

SKU: 19891

This bottle of the 2011 vintage is one of the very few produced by Maso Martis with a careful selection of its grapes, combining the elegance of Pinot Noir with the fragrance of Chardonnay and the softness of Meunier. 9 years of very long aging in the bottle are his style signature.

SKU: 19890

This bottle of the 2011 vintage is one of the very few produced by Maso Martis with a careful selection of its grapes, combining the elegance of Pinot Noir with the fragrance of Chardonnay and the softness of Meunier. 9 years of very long aging in the bottle are his style signature.

SKU: 19889

This bottle of the 2011 vintage is one of the very few produced by Maso Martis with a careful selection of its grapes, combining the elegance of Pinot Noir with the fragrance of Chardonnay and the softness of Meunier. 9 years of very long aging in the bottle are his style signature.

SKU: 18833
Brand: Ferrari
Un mosaico di millesimi a dosaggio zero che esprime l’essenza dello Chardonnay di montagna L’ingresso in bocca è asciutto, sapido e dinamico, caratterizzato da una piacevole avvolgenza iniziale che sfuma lentamente in una lunga e sapida persistenza aromatica, offrendo così un sorso preciso, profondo ed elegante.
SKU: 18832
Brand: Ferrari
Il Perlé Rosé Riserva è caratterizzato da un colore rosa antico. Al naso si apre con un profumo intenso, fine ed elegante, tra cui spiccano sentori fruttati di ribes, fragoline di bosco e lamponi, arricchiti da piacevoli aromi d'arancia, rosa e cumino. Al palato rivela un'ottima struttura, con piacevoli note speziate e profumi di mandorla dolce e lievito. Nel complesso è un vino dalla grande armonia, con un'ottima e piacevole persistenza
SKU: 18831
Brand: Ferrari
Ricchezza aromatica di straordinaria espressività: sentori di mela renetta e agrumi, toni di pesca bianca, fiori di mandorlo e note tostate. Elegante e armonioso: si distingue l’inconfondibile fondo aromatico tipico dello Chardonnay. Segue un finale lievemente ammandorlato e di grande persistenza, frutto del lungo affinamento sui lieviti.
SKU: 18830
Brand: Ferrari
Spumante di grande qualità, morbido e delicato, che nasce da un’accurata selezione di uve di pinot nero e di chardonnay, la cui maturazione sui lieviti dura per circa 36 mesi prima di un’ulteriore sosta in bottiglia. Fragranza delicata con sentori di lievito, conferiti dagli oltre tre anni di affinamento in bottiglia, e sensazioni di piccoli frutti, tipici del Pinot Nero. Morbidezza gustosa, ricca sapidità e una vinosità intrigante.
SKU: 18829
Brand: Ferrari

Luminoso giallo paglierino e perlage di notevole persistenza. Sensazioni di mela sostenute da toni di biscotto e cedro. Nelle note di frutta matura si riconoscono piacevoli sentori di crosta di pane conferiti dagli oltre tre anni sui lieviti. Impianto gustativo fresco e vitale, impreziosito dalla morbidezza vellutata delle bollicine. Alle note fruttate tipiche dello Chardonnay si accostano fragranze di lievito.

SKU: 18302

There are only 100 bottles of this exceptional 2009 vintage classic method, which the company wanted to produce with its own best grapes, combining the elegance of Pinot Noir with the fragrance of Chardonnay and the softness of Meunier. "Madame Martis" is the successful synthesis of the precious elements that have always characterized the harmonious and decisive style of Maso Martis sparkling wines.

SKU: 18301

This bottle of the 2009 vintage is one of the very few produced by Maso Martis with a careful selection of its grapes, combining the elegance of Pinot Noir with the fragrance of Chardonnay and the softness of Meunier. "Madame Martis" is the successful synthesis of the precious elements that have always characterized the harmonious and decisive style of Maso Martis sparkling wines.

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Trento Designation

Winemaking in Trentino is renowned worldwide, and the Trento Designation represents excellence in the Italian wine sector. In this article, we will explore the history, characteristics, and prestige of Trento wines.

The Trento Designation refers to sparkling wines produced in Trentino, a region in northern Italy famous for its winemaking tradition. These wines are renowned for their quality and symbolize excellence in the Italian wine landscape.

History of the Trento Designation

The origins of viticulture in Trentino date back to the Roman era, but it is in the Middle Ages that wine production begins to develop significantly. Over the centuries, viticulture in Trentino has undergone various transformations and has become an integral part of the region's identity.

Terroir and Viticulture in Trentino

The terroir of Trentino is characterized by a unique combination of soil, climate, and altitude that gives Trento wines their distinctive characteristics. The main grape varieties grown include Chardonnay, Pinot Nero, and Pinot Bianco. Traditional cultivation and winemaking techniques are respected and preserved to ensure the quality of the wines.

Trento Wines

Trento wines are known for their elegant and refined sensory profile. They are high-quality sparkling wines, produced according to the classic method, and feature complex aromas and pleasant effervescence. The main geographical designations of Trento wines include Trento DOC and Trento DOCG.

Awards and Prestige

Trento wines have received numerous international awards and recognitions, confirming their prestige and quality. They are highly appreciated both in the domestic and international markets and hold a prominent position in the finest restaurants and wine shops worldwide.

Enogastronomic Experience in Trentino

Exploring Trento wines offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the fascinating world of Trentino's gastronomy and wine. Enogastronomic itineraries allow visitors to discover the breathtaking landscapes of the region and to taste wines accompanied by typical dishes of the local cuisine.

Sustainability and Innovation

The wine sector in Trentino is committed to environmental sustainability and technological innovation. Producers adopt eco-friendly agricultural practices and invest in innovative technologies to improve the quality and sustainability of wine production.

In conclusion, the Trento Designation represents excellence in the world of Italian sparkling wines. Trento wines are appreciated for their quality, prestige, and their ability to tell the story and territory of Trentino through their unique flavors.


What are the most common grape varieties used in the production of Trento wines? The most common grape varieties used are Chardonnay, Pinot Nero, and Pinot Bianco.

What is the difference between Trento DOC and Trento DOCG? The main difference lies in the stricter and more restrictive criteria imposed on Trento DOCG wines compared to Trento DOC wines, reflecting superior quality and a controlled and guaranteed origin.

How long does it take for a Trento wine to mature? The maturation period varies depending on the type of wine and the production method, but generally, Trento wines require at least 15 months of aging before being marketed.

What are the typical sensory characteristics of Trento wines? Trento wines are known for their elegant and complex sensory profile, with aromas of fresh fruit, floral notes, and a pleasant acidity that lends freshness and liveliness to the palate.

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