An exclamation that would seem obvious if the person making it were not a beautiful Chinese lady. The first Chinese woman to have invested in the world of wine in Italy, in Abruzzo. It would seem a story like many others. Arriving in a region, falling in love with the place and choosing to invest, work and stay. A story like many others if it were not for the gracious and kindly Qu Hua, Gioia, from Beijing, writing it. She came from the East to study, then to work and finally to fall in love with the uniqueness of Abruzzo, what she calls 'my Abruzzo'. We are in the province of Chieti in Ripa Teatina in the middle of the Teatine Hills between the Majella massif and the Adriatic Sea.
An exclamation that would seem obvious if the person making it were not a beautiful Chinese lady. The first Chinese woman to have invested in the world of wine in Italy, in Abruzzo. It would seem a story like many others. Arriving in a region, falling in love with the place and choosing to invest, work and stay. A story like many others if it were not for the gracious and kindly Qu Hua, Gioia, from Beijing, writing it. She came from the East to study, then to work and finally to fall in love with the uniqueness of Abruzzo, what she calls 'my Abruzzo'. We are in the province of Chieti in Ripa Teatina in the middle of the Teatine Hills between the Majella massif and the Adriatic Sea.