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SKU: 11705

Abruzzo is the natural cradle of the Montepulciano grape. The effort of the best Abruzzo producers has been aimed at creating excellent wines, worthy of being counted among the best in the world for expressive capacity, power, structure, elegance and amplitude of olfactory nuances, superb even with aging. Diubaldo, on the border with the Marche, in a true cru, for exposure, altitude and type of soil, wisely produces Marcuzzo, a young red wine with great expressions. It accurately identifies the historical cultural territory straddling the border of the MARC-he and the abr-UZZO, formerly the territory of the Piceni, even before the Romans, where all this evolves and manifests itself.

SKU: 10422
Abruzzo is the natural cradle of the Montepulciano grape. The effort of the best Abruzzo producers has been aimed at creating excellent wines, worthy of being counted among the best in the world for expressive capacity, power, structure, elegance and amplitude of olfactory nuances, superb even with aging. Diubaldo, on the border with the Marche, in a true cru, for exposure, altitude and type of soil, wisely produces Marcuzzo, a young red wine with great expressions. It accurately identifies the historical-cultural territory straddling the border of the MARC-he and the abr-UZZO, formerly the territory of the Piceni, even before the Romans, where all this evolves and manifests itself.
SKU: 6075
Abruzzo is the natural cradle of the Montepulciano grape. The effort of the best Abruzzo producers has been aimed at creating excellent wines, worthy of being counted among the best in the world for expressive capacity, power, structure, elegance and amplitude of olfactory nuances, superb even with aging. Diubaldo, on the border with the Marche, in a true cru, for exposure, altitude and type of soil, wisely produces Marcuzzo, a young red wine with great expressions. It accurately identifies the historical cultural territory straddling the border of the MARC-he and the abr-UZZO, formerly the territory of the Piceni, even before the Romans, where all this evolves and manifests itself.
SKU: 8387
Abruzzo is the natural cradle of the Montepulciano grape. The effort of the best Abruzzo producers has been aimed at creating excellent wines, worthy of being counted among the best in the world for expressive capacity, power, structure, elegance and amplitude of olfactory nuances, superb even with aging. Diubaldo, on the border with the Marche, in a true cru, for exposure, altitude and type of soil, wisely produces Marcuzzo, a young red wine with great expressions. It accurately identifies the historical cultural territory straddling the border of the MARC-he and the abr-UZZO, formerly the territory of the Piceni, even before the Romans, where all this evolves and manifests itself.

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