Wines of Campania

SKU: 20565
Il Novello è vinificato da uve Aglianico con la tecnica della macerazione carbonica. Prodotto della nuova vendemmia, fresco e dal profumo intensamente fruttato.
SKU: 19834
Prodotto esclusivamente nelle migliori annate con uve raccolte nell'omonimo vigneto, uno dei più vecchi e meglio esposti della tenuta collinare di San Castrese alle falde del vulcano spento di Roccamonfina. Il colore rosso cupo e profondo, il profumo intenso e persistente di frutti di bosco rossi e neri, pepe, cioccolato, caffè, liquirizia e vaniglia ed il gusto asciutto e caldo descrivono un vino complesso, elegante e potente.
SKU: 19803
Caratteristiche Organolettiche Colore rosso rubino intenso. Odore fruttato, complesso, con note di liquirizia e vaniglia su un fondo elegante di piccoli frutti di bosco.
SKU: 19790
Giallo paglierino deciso, al naso esprime tutta la tipicità varietale grazie ad un profilo olfattivo che spazia dai fiori freschi di camomilla alla frutta appena colta ed al cedro candito. In bocca ecco fare capolino tutta l’eleganza del Fiano di Avellino grazie ad una morbidezza perfettamente bilanciata da una freschezza ed una mineralità vive. Un assaggio meraviglioso, che chiude con un finale di rara persistenza. Il Fiano di Avellino DOCG Pietracalda è un vino bianco profondo e sfaccettato, slanciato ed elegante, esempio perfetto di un vino e di un territorio unici in un’annata, particolarmente fortunata per la produzione di eccellenti vini bianchi.
SKU: 18527
Brand: Olivella

Vino di grande complessità olfattiva, con una serie di note floreali che si svelano una dopo l'altra. Al sorso non delude e porta con sè una magnifica sapidità. Note Degustative: Summa di Cantine Olivella è un vino dal colore giallo oro. All'olfatto è delicato, con note di fiori e frutta, complesso, e sapido. Abbinamenti alimentari: Sformati di pasta, torte di verdure, formaggi a pasta filata.

SKU: 18526
Brand: Olivella

Fermentazione e Affinamento: affina sulle fecce fini per 4 mesi e 2 mesi di bottiglia Uvaggio: Caprettone 80%, Catalanesca 20%

SKU: 18525
Brand: Olivella

Nel calice è consistente con colore giallo dorato, naso fruttato con note di albicocca, sentori delicati di fiori e mineralità. L’assaggio dà sensazioni di freschezza e morbidezza con un piacevole finale ammandorlato

SKU: 18524
Brand: Olivella

Nel calice è consistente con colore giallo dorato, naso fruttato con note di albicocca, sentori delicati di fiori e mineralità. L’assaggio dà sensazioni di freschezza e morbidezza con un piacevole finale ammandorlato.

SKU: 18463
Giallo solare con riflessi dorati. Al naso una predominanza di pietra focaia, fior d’arancio e macchia mediterranea che evolve in note più fruttate con una leggera traccia di eucalipto. In bocca il primo impatto è di freschezza sostenuto dall’acidità.
SKU: 18462
Cantine Di Marzo Fiano di Avellino DOCG ha un colore giallo paglierino luminoso e leggero con riflessi verdolini. Al naso è intenso e complesso e sprigiona note floreali di tiglio e gelsomino accostati dalla parte fruttata di pera e frutto della passione.
SKU: 18459
Colore giallo paglierino scarico e delicato profumo di frutta che riporta agli inconfondibili odori mediterranei della zona di origine. Il sapore è ampio ed equilibrato con una lieve dominanza della nota acidula a sostegno della freschezza degli aromi.
SKU: 18380
Brand: Joaquin

This red wine Taurasi Riserva DOCG Della Società is the result of the passion and pride for the land of the Irpinia winemakers. Raffaele Pagano with his Cantina Joaquin , founded in 1996, is one of them: expert winemaker and winemaker, always outside the box. Its wines have a particular production history, marked by vintages and vintages. Della Società's Taurasi Riserva DOCG comes from the hilly and volcanic soils of Irpinia that give the wine a fresh mineral note. Made with historic Aglianico Taurasi di Avellino vines, only a few bottles produced for a precious wine, to be reserved for special occasions. The vinification takes place with natural methods, only top quality grapes left to ferment for a long time with native yeasts. This red wine ages in acacia wood barrels for two years and finishes in glass bottles for another year.

SKU: 18282
Il Tenus IGT Falanghina è un vino bianco frutto della commistione di uve di qualità Falanghina(95%) Greco di Tufo e Fiano di Avellino(5%), raccolte a mano in cassette. E’ caratterizzato da un profumo floreale, che richiama un’essenza di frutta a bacca gialla, e al palato sprigiona grande sapidità e acidità, in un buon equilibrio con la sua componente alcolica. Durante la fase di fermentazione viene conservato in botti di acciaio a temperatura controllata, può raggiungere una gradazione alcolica di circa 12,5% Vol e va servito a una temperatura di 14° C.
€5.98 €5.38
SKU: 18281
Il Fiano di Avellino DOCG "Eugenia" è un vino dal colore giallo paglierino acceso con sfumature verdine. All’olfatto presenta dei delicati sentori di nocciola e albicocca che si fondono con fragranze di frutta tropicale e, nella fase di invecchiamento, di pera. Il vigneto che lo produce è situato su un terreno dalle caratteristiche morfologiche argillose e calcaree e, come per le vigne di Greco, viene lavorato attraverso il sistema di allevamento definito guyot.
€12.46 €11.21
SKU: 18280
Il Benevento Falanghina IGP (Indicazione Geografica Tipica) è un vino bianco dal colore giallo paglierino e dal profumo estremamente fruttato e floreale con sentori di acacia, albicocca secca e agrumi canditi. Le sue vigne sono situate su un terreno argilloso e calcareo, che vengono lavorate tramite il sistema di allevamento definito guyot.
€7.41 €6.66
SKU: 18279
Il Greco di Tufo DOCG "Don Raffaele" proviene dal vitigno denominato Greco ed è un vino bianco che presenta un colore giallo paglierino carico, dal profilo olfattivo molto complesso, con note di frutta matura e sentori di pesca, albicocca, cedro e mandorla. I suoi vigneti sono situati su un terreno di natura tufacea e sono lavorati attraverso un sistema di allevamento definito guyot, che prevede un tipo di potatura invernale che seleziona accuratamente i tralci che porteranno i nuovi grappoli per le raccolte successive.
€12.46 €11.21
SKU: 18278
La linea Centenus nasce dalla volontà dell’azienda di produrre un vino dalla struttura fresca e giovane, contraddistinto da un’ampia versatilità per quanto riguarda gli abbinamenti in cucina e soprattutto da bere a casa senza rinunciare alla qualità.
SKU: 18277
L'Irpinia Aglianico DOC “Rosso Tau” è un vino dal colore rosso rubino intenso e dal profumo di marasca, prugna e frutti di bosco, ai quali si aggiungono alcune note speziate. I suoi vitigni, che producono un’uva di qualità Aglianico, sono situati su un terreno misto e sono allevati mediante il sistema definito cordone speronato.
SKU: 18276

L'Irpinia Campi Taurasini DOC “Sella” è un vino dal colore rosso rubino e dal profumo di marasca, prugna e frutti di bosco, ai quali si aggiungono alcune note speziate.

SKU: 18275

L'Irpinia Campi Taurasini DOC “Sella” è un vino dal colore rosso rubino e dal profumo di marasca, prugna e frutti di bosco, ai quali si aggiungono alcune note speziate.

SKU: 18274
Il Taurasi DOCG “Vigna Piano D’Angelo” è un vino dal colore rosso rubino intenso e dal profumo ampio e fruttato, che richiama i sentori di prugne e ciliegie e le fragranze del sottobosco collinare che caratterizzano i territori taurasini.
SKU: 18273
Il Taurasi DOCG “Vigna Piano D’Angelo” è un vino dal colore rosso rubino intenso e dal profumo ampio e fruttato, che richiama i sentori di prugne e ciliegie e le fragranze del sottobosco collinare che caratterizzano i territori taurasini.
SKU: 18272
Il Taurasi DOCG “Vigna Piano D’Angelo” è un vino dal colore rosso rubino intenso e dal profumo ampio e fruttato, che richiama i sentori di prugne e ciliegie e le fragranze del sottobosco collinare che caratterizzano i territori taurasini.
SKU: 18271

Il Taurasi DOCG “Vigna Piano D’Angelo” è un vino dal colore rosso rubino intenso e dal profumo ampio e fruttato, che richiama i sentori di prugne e ciliegie e le fragranze del sottobosco collinare che caratterizzano i territori taurasini.

SKU: 18213

Mastroberardino 's Taurasi "Radici" is a full-bodied red wine, very representative of the appellation. Aging in wood for 18 months makes it ample, elegant and complex: notes of wild berries combine with aromas of tobacco, spices and black pepper for a balanced and enveloping result

SKU: 18211
Pigiatura delle uve che vengono subito raffreddate a 10 °C per 4-6 ore. Successiva pressatura soffice con decantazione statica. Fermentazione in tini di acciaio a 14-16°C per 15 gg. Fermentazione malottica non svolta.Le uve utilizzate per produrre questa falanghina provengono dal cuore del Taburno.
SKU: 18210
Il Greco di Tufo è un bianco immediato nell’approccio aromatico di frutta gialla matura e succosa, seguito da sensazioni di cedro e una bocca cremosa, dal sapore ben prolungato da sensazioni di anice e menta.
SKU: 18209
“L’uva della api”: il Fiano di Avellino DOCG è un vino adatto a piatti di mare gustosi che ricordano le sensazioni minerali del mare.Ottimo con granchi e aragoste rispecchia questa considerazione tanta è la piacevolezza nel riscoprire gli odori che si avvertono nel passeggiare tra i filiari di fiano a Montefalcione, culla di origine di quest’uva.
SKU: 18208
Raccolta manuale di grappoli, dopo spremitura il mosto è subito avviato alla fermentazione alcolica in fermentini di acciaio termocondizionati.La macerazione post fermentazione sulle bucce per questo importante vino è di 15 gg. Fermentazione malolattica interamente svolta in barriques.
SKU: 18207
Taurasi DOCG Riserva per UmbertoImbottigliato da un’unica Barrique scelta dal nostro Enologo con dedica:“Ad Umberto, uomo di classe e imprenditore illuminato. Per me un amico caro”.Riccardo Cotarella.
SKU: 18206
Agrumi, note vegetali e crosta di pane
SKU: 18205
Questo rosato è ottenuto con uve 100% Aglianico del nostro vigneto in Torre le Nocelle nel cuore dell’areale del Taurasi.La fermentazione alcolica del solo mosto fiore, avviene in tini d’acciaio per almeno 20 gg tra i 12 ed i 16 C°.Breve sosta sulle fecce fini per poi procedere alle operazioni di refrigerazione e filtrazione.L’etichetta di questo vino è stata realizzata da “TONI VIOLA e i suoi Amici” ospiti presso la coperativa sociale Herasmus nata a Formia per volere dell’Afdf (associazione famiglie disabili Formia).
SKU: 18204
Vino ottenuto esclusivamente nelle migliori annate da vigne sottoposte a diradamento estivo mirato al contenimento della produzione.Raccolta manuale con accurata selezione dei grappoli che vengono pigiati in modo soffice.Previsto un lungo periodo di macerazione sulle bocce di 20 gg. Fermentazione malolattica interamente svolta in barriques.
SKU: 18203
Raccolta manuale di grappoli, dopo spremitura il mosto è subito avviato alla fermentazione alcolica in fermentini di acciaio termocondizionati.La macerazione post fermentazione sulle bucce per questo importante vino è di 15 gg. Fermentazione malolattica interamente svolta in barriques.
SKU: 18202
Fermentazione alcolica interamente in acciaio per 15 gg ad una temperatura di 20-22 °C.Macerazione post fermentativa sulle bucce di 10 gg che gli attribuisce grande struttura.Fermentazione malolattica interamente svolta in barrique.
SKU: 18201
Vino fresco e piacevole, il ridotto numero di follature ed il breve periodo di macerazione sulle bucce lo rendono un vino morbido ed elegante.Breve passaggio in barriques di 3 mesi per questo vino, periodo in cui svolge la fermentazione malolattica.
SKU: 18200
Arte e Vino continuano a coltivare la liaison fatta di punti di contatto semantici, di condivisione di un lessico con un duplice livello di lettura: due mondi che puntano all’eccellenza espressiva e che dialogano con un pubblico per raccontare “cosa sta dietro”, a un vino appunto o un’ispirazione artistica. A questo dialogo crede fermamente Donnachiara, che porta nel mondo, con queste bottiglie dalle etichette inconfondibili, la grande storia del design grafico italiano.
SKU: 18199
Per la produzione di questo Greco di Tufo vengono utilizzate soltanto le migliori uve del vigneto di Santa Paolina, in zona Tufo.A tal proposito viene fatta un’accurata selezione delle uve e la vendemmia è rigorosamente manuale.Dopo la fermentazione alcolica segue un affinamento sulle fecce fini di 12 mesi ed ulteriori 2 mesi in bottiglia.
SKU: 18198
Per la produzione di Resilienza – Falanghina del Beneventano IGT vengono utilizzate soltanto le migliori uve dei vigneti più vocati. A tal proposito viene fatta un’accurata selezione delle uve e della vendemmia, che è rigorosamente manuale ed avviene nelle ore più fresche della giornata.
SKU: 18197
“L’uva della api”: il Fiano di Avellino DOCG è un vino adatto a piatti di mare gustosi che ricordano le sensazioni minerali del mare.Ottimo con granchi e aragoste rispecchia questa considerazione tanta è la piacevolezza nel riscoprire gli odori che si avvertono nel passeggiare tra i filiari di fiano a Montefalcione, culla di origine di quest’uva.
SKU: 18196
Il Greco di Tufo è un bianco immediato nell’approccio aromatico di frutta gialla matura e succosa, seguito da sensazioni di cedro e una bocca cremosa, dal sapore ben prolungato da sensazioni di anice e menta.
SKU: 18195
Pigiatura delle uve che vengono subito raffreddate a 10 °C per 4-6 ore. Successiva pressatura soffice con decantazione statica. Fermentazione in tini di acciaio a 14-16°C per 15 gg. Fermentazione malottica non svolta.Le uve utilizzate per produrre questa falanghina provengono dal cuore del Taburno.
SKU: 18090

The label of this Falanghina from the La Guardiense winery, belonging to the Cru line, is vinified starting with carefully selected 100% pure Falanghina grapes. The origin is the classic one of Sannio Beneventano in the suitable heart of eastern Campania. The harvest, as per company tradition, takes place in the second half of September and provides for the vinification with cryo-maceration at a controlled temperature of 8° C in reduction with following soft pressing in stainless steel, for 20 days, fermentation at a controlled and constant temperature 13° c.

€10.89 €9.80
SKU: 18029

The San Pietro vineyard is on a ridge of the Taburno, all stone and clay, the scent of this wine leaves you stunned by its texture and kaleidoscopic aromatic qualities. Iovi Tonan was the tombstone of a temple, destroyed after the Roman civil war and placed at the base of the church of Purita' in Montesarchio, then chapel of the palace of the d'Avalos, grandees of Spain and princes of Montesarchio.

SKU: 17616
L'Irpinia rosato Flavia dell'Azienda agricola Fiorentino nasce nel vigneto Barbassano, a un'altitudine media di 400 m. s.l.m.Le uve Aglianico, vendemmiate a mano a metà ottobre, seguono la vinificazione in bianco, dove vinaccioli e vinacce sono subito separati dal mosto. Il vino ottenuto affina per 5 mesi sulle fece fini e successivamente in bottiglia.
SKU: 17615

Il Taurasi Riserva dell'Azienda agricola Fiorentino nasce nel vigneto Calore, a un'altitudine media di 400 m. s.l.m. Le uve, vendemmiate a mano tra fine ottobre e inizio novembre, seguono una classica vinificazione in rosso con macerazione sulle bucce a temperatura controllata. Il vino ottenuto affina per 18 mesi in botte grande da 10 hl e successivamente in acciaio e bottiglia.

SKU: 17614

Il Taurasi dell'Azienda agricola Fiorentino nasce nel vigneto Calore, a un'altitudine media di 400 m. s.l.m. Le uve, vendemmiate a mano tra fine ottobre e inizio novembre, seguono una classica vinificazione in rosso con macerazione sulle bucce a temperatura controllata. Il vino ottenuto affina per 12 mesi in botte grande da 25 hl e successivamente in acciaio e bottiglia.

SKU: 17613

L'Irpinia Coda di Volpe Zirpoli dell'Azienda agricola Fiorentino nasce nel vigneto Barbassano, a un'altitudine media di 450 m. s.l.m.

SKU: 17612

L’aglianico Celsì non è da considerarsi come un’etichetta “minore” rispetto al Taurasi, quanto piuttosto come un vino di pari livello, nonostante la differenza di prezzo. Trattasi di un grande vino, complesso e strutturato, dal lungo potenziale d’invecchiamento. Nuances fruttate si alternano a toni affumicati, al palato è ampio e agile, dalle note saline e tannini vellutati. Circa 4mila bottiglie prodotte, tutte numerate a mano. Imperdibile!

SKU: 16787

Impenetrable ruby red with hints of red fruits, sour cherries and hints of undergrowth; in the mouth direct, vigorous and never invasive; pronounced and persistent tannins, good structure; complex sense of smell.

SKU: 16786

A fruity aftertaste, a fine persistence, a fresh and savory timbre, a good body with floral notes, an intense and soft tone.

€9.90 €8.91
SKU: 16229
Brand: N/A

Crushing-destemming, fermentation in steel at uncontrolled temperature for 15 days. Stop for 12 months on the fine lees and at least 4 months in the bottle. A wine that the vintage has made easy to drink without betraying the olfactory and spicy qualities typical of this wine.

SKU: 15942

Aglianico Torre Varano is the red wine that you will appreciate for its gustatory balance, acquired with the aging time.

SKU: 15731

Aglianico is the vine which, together with Fiano, represents the peasant culture of the Campania region. The soil where this vine is found is composed of clayey and calcareous marl with a South/East exposure. The company begins harvesting the grapes from the beginning of November and, after pressing, the must ferments in contact with the skins for about 25 days. This is followed by malolactic fermentation and subsequent aging in barriques for 12 months and 12 in Slavonian oak barrels. The refinement in the bottle is for another 18 months. In the glass this wine has an intense ruby red colour. The nose is intoxicated by its large bouquet of black cherry, plum, spices, tobacco and balsamic notes. On the palate it is decisive, warm, rich and rightly tannic. The finish is long and persistent with an aroma reminiscent of ripe fruit. On the table it is excellent in combination with first courses with meat sauce, roasted red meats and aged cheeses. A quality red to be enjoyed and savored in good company.

SKU: 15730
The grapes harvested in the first ten days of October undergo a short cryomaceration process in which the clarified must is first fermented in purity at about 12 °C for a period of thirty days to obtain a strong floral note.
SKU: 15729

Cru Tognano is obtained by selecting the grapes produced by plants grafted with the centenary Fiano clone. Exposure East Clayey sandy soil of medium texture, dry and windy climate, altitude 550 above sea level, presence of numerous water springs, a set of factors that characterize this cru. The company begins harvesting the grapes in the first ten days of October and, after pressing, subjected to maceration on the skins for about 15 hours, the free-run juice obtained ferments in steel for about 45 days. The alcoholic fermentation is followed by an aging in steel for 12 months and a further aging in the bottle for a minimum of 12 months. In the glass this wine is straw yellow in color with delicate greenish reflections. On the nose, the aromas of citrus fruits and white-fleshed fruit, mint, toasted notes and hydrocarbons stand out which evolve over time, becoming increasingly striking and intense. In the mouth the taste is fresh and with a long aromatic persistence with returns of citrus and smoky notes. This white is excellent in combination with fish dishes, white meats and fresh cheeses.

SKU: 15728

Rocca del Principe presents its pure Fiano, the first born in the "Riserva" version. The wine must have aged for at least 12 months, starting from the month of November following the harvest. An excellent wine capable of making its origin known even with closed eyes: the territory of Lapio where the cellar is located. An area particularly suited to viticulture, especially for Fiano grapes, especially in the north, north-east side. The particular characteristic of the wines produced in this area is an unexpected longevity. In the glass it shows a beautiful clear and light yellow color. The nose is extremely intense, the hints of yellow fruit such as peach are evident as well as aromas of more exotic fruit, combined with brackish nuances and hints of flint. Perfect harmony between nose and mouth. The taste is decidedly fresh and salty, with an energetic acidity. A highly versatile wine that goes perfectly with many dishes based on fish or white meat. Excellent with margherita pizza.

SKU: 15727

Every year this wine, produced exclusively with Fiano grapes obtained from the company's vineyards, is the expression of a territory. The only factor that can significantly vary the characteristics is represented by the climatic trend of the different years. The company begins harvesting the grapes in the first ten days of October and, after pressing, follows the alcoholic fermentation in steel tanks at a controlled temperature of 12/14° for about 40 days. Malolactic fermentation is partially carried out, followed by aging in steel on fine lees for 10 months. The refinement in the bottle is for another 4 months. In the glass this wine is straw yellow in color with delicate greenish reflections. The nose is fine and delicate but at the same time persistent and intense with fruity, floral, mineral and vegetable notes. The aromas of orange blossom, cedar, fresh almonds and aromatic herbs stand out in particular, which over time evolve into aromas of toasted hazelnuts, dried fruit and hints of hydrocarbons. In the mouth the taste is dry, fresh, sapid and with a long aromatic persistence. At the table it marries beautifully in combination with fish dishes, white meats and fresh cheeses.

€27.28 €24.55
SKU: 15726

Aglianico is the vine which, together with Fiano, represents the peasant culture of the Campania region. This vine has always been cultivated by the ancestors to make a wine which, left to mature in chestnut barrels for 12 months, was then sold in bulk to local merchants. Today, the company begins harvesting the grapes from the beginning of November and, after pressing, the must ferments in contact with the skins for about 15 days, followed by malolactic fermentation and subsequent aging in French oak barrels for 12 months and 6 months in the bottle. In the glass this wine has an intense ruby red colour. The nose releases a riot of aromas and perfumes; a large and complex bouquet with hints of black cherry, plum, spices and balsamic notes. On the palate it is decisive, warm, rich, with well-defined but soft tannins. The finish is long and persistent, excellent to be enjoyed in the company of pasta dishes, cheese platters and meat-based dishes. An exceptional red that exudes passion and tradition, this Aglianico is the right wine to bring when you are invited to a meat lunch or dinner with friends or relatives.

SKU: 15719
Falanghina del Sannio Taburno Passito DOP "Melissa" is an emblematic wine, capable of embodying the great brightness of the products made in Campania. Fattoria La Rivolta produces it starting from a strict selection of dried grapes, characterized by a strong concentration of sugars and flavours, which convey a full and decisive taste to the final sip. Freshness and minerality are perfectly blended together, enhancing a sweetness that is never cloying. The ideal bottle to place on the table at the end of dinner, to amaze your guests.
SKU: 15718
Paolo, Giovanna, Gabriella and Giancarlo: a tireless quartet to say the least, who from harvest to harvest carry on the dream of Fattoria La Rivolta with dedication and passion, with the aim of carving out an important place for themselves within the Campania viticulture. An ambitious path, which passes through each label created: the "Ellenikos", Metodo Martinotti Brut Rosé is no exception, which offers fine aromas to the nose, a prelude to an always satisfying and balanced sip. The perfect Spumante to make an aperitif something special.
SKU: 15717
The "Sogno di Rivolta" is characterized by delicate fruity and floral aromas, very harmonious, and by a satisfying sip. The grapes ferment both in steel and in barriques, and then mature for 5 months in barriques and are bottled. A wine that cannot be missing on the table of every true enthusiast.
€22.33 €20.09
SKU: 15716
The magic of Taburno lives on in the wines from Fattoria La Rivolta, a production reality strongly linked to the territory, which with this Riserva DOCG expresses all the beauty of the Benevento area. An Aglianico with an important sip, endowed with a linear structure where each element is in perfect harmony. The grapes ferment in steel for 20-25 days at a controlled temperature of 27 °C, and then refine first in barriques for 18 months and then, after bottling, for another 18 months in glass. “Terre di Rivolta”: to be appreciated down to the last drop!
SKU: 15715
The magic of Taburno lives on in the wines from Fattoria La Rivolta, a production reality strongly linked to the territory, which with this Riserva DOCG expresses all the beauty of the Benevento area. An Aglianico with an important sip, endowed with a linear structure where each element is in perfect harmony. The grapes ferment in steel for 20-25 days at a controlled temperature of 27 °C, and then refine first in barriques for 18 months and then, after bottling, for another 18 months in glass. “Terre di Rivolta”: to be appreciated down to the last drop!
SKU: 15714
It was October 6, the day of San Bruno was celebrated in the farmyard. Departing from the annual gathering in Fragneto, two multi-coloured hot air balloons land at the edge of the vineyard while the first Aglianico grapes are being harvested. This wine is dedicated to that magical day of celebration and its unforgettable protagonists who look down on us from their stupendous flights.
SKU: 15713
The Beneventano Rosso IGT 'Simbiosi' of Fattoria La Rivolta is made up of 85% Aglianico and 15% Piedirosso. A red wine with a harmonious character and good longevity. The grapes, harvested in mid-October, ferment in stainless steel for 20-25 days, at a controlled temperature of 27 degrees. Refinement follows, first carried out for 12 months both in barrique and in tonneau, and then, after bottling, for the following 6 months directly in glass.
SKU: 15712

Aglianico is a grape brought by the Greeks from which the name of "Uva Ellenica" transformed during the Kingdom of Naples into "Uva Aglianica" by the Aragonese due to their pronunciation of the double "l" in "gl".

SKU: 15711
Greco is a grape so named because it was brought to southern Italy by the Pelasgians of Thessaly in the 8th century AC It is also called "aminea gemina" due to the twin shape of the small bunches.
SKU: 15710
Fiano, a grape called by the Latins "Vitis Apiana" because the bees are particularly fond of the sweetness of this grape.
SKU: 15709
Piedirosso called by the ancients "Per' 'e Palummo" (pigeon's foot) for the reddish color of the peduncle of its grain and the branching of the leaves, similar to the leg of the pigeon.
SKU: 15708
Coda di Volpe, a grape already mentioned by Pliny the Elder in his "Naturalis Historia" with the name of "Cauda Vulpium" due to its bunch which, when fully ripe, takes on the shape of a fox's tail.
€13.83 €11.76
SKU: 15707
Falanghina from the Greek-Latin term "Falango", i.e. "Palo", as the characteristic of Campania viticulture is that of the "vine tied to the pole", or always from the Greek-Latin term "Falange", however giving it the meaning of "Falange ” of the finger to which you would like the grape to resemble.
SKU: 15541
Brand: Mito

"Amato Taurasi" is a refined red wine produced with carefully selected Aglianico grapes. In Nusco, a small town between the Ofanto and Calore valleys, three friends together produce a red wine capable of representing a typically Irpina reality, but which at the same time demonstrates and encompasses an international style, the Taurasi Amato. The color with which it appears to the eye is a dark, intense and brilliant ruby red. A wine capable of giving the nose pleasant floral and fruity odorous sensations, reminiscent of black fruits and rose flowers, amalgamated with hints of wild violets and a surprising aroma of licorice. In the mouth the sip is refined, rich and soft, with silky tannins and the long finish to be savored without haste which guarantees a broad sense of satisfaction on the palate. Excellent to serve together with pasta with meat sauce, game stews, aged cheeses or with delicious grilled livers.

SKU: 15540
Brand: Mito
"Dunsogno" is an excellent red wine produced with 100% Aglianico grapes. Contrada Mito operates in Nusco, in the Irpinia area, entrusted to Riccardo Cotarella who has produced excellent wines including the Aglianico "Dunsogno", a name born as a tribute to the dream of the three partners of the cellar.When poured, the color is a dark and attractive ruby red. On the nose the first aromas perceived are the fruity ones of small black fruits, such as juicy blackberry and blueberry. Pleasant floral notes and hints of freshly roasted coffee follow.The sip is elegant, structured and fresh, with smooth and soft tannins; the closure is rich and soft and leaves a pleasant taste in the mouth to be savored.It goes perfectly with game and red meat, first courses with elaborate sauces, and spicy second courses.
SKU: 15539
Brand: Mito
Greco di Tufo "Lincanto" presented by Contrada Mito, is an excellent white wine produced with grapes from the homonymous vine. The company was born from the intention of the Palmieri brothers to enhance the family lands in Nusco destined for vineyards for four generations, producing wines with infinite facets, focusing on excellence.After pouring it into the glass you can admire its wonderful bright yellow colour. The nose mainly stands out the floral and strong scent of jasmine, with hints of sweet and ripe yellow peach, and pleasant slightly almond notes.On the palate it is rich and harmonious, but it is also intense and with an aftertaste of candied citrus fruits. A sip with excellent persistence in the mouth.It can be enjoyed as an aperitif, but it can be combined with light fish appetizers, first courses with clams or with vegetables and fresh cheeses.
SKU: 15538
Brand: Mito
"Lessenza" is a fantastic white wine produced by the Mito winery with 100% Fiano grapes, in Nusco. The constant control over the entire process of the supply chain allows clear traceability of the wines, guaranteeing a high quality standard.The careful visual examination of the glass reveals a beautiful straw yellow color with golden and greenish reflections. The nose expresses an aromatic baggage of tropical fruit, with citrus notes of lemon zest, hints of aromatic thyme and sweet acacia flowers.On the palate the taste is fresh and mineral, its aftertaste has floral and dried fruit references, for a particularly long and persistent sip.It goes perfectly with seafood first courses and white meat main courses, exceptional with grilled vegetables.
SKU: 15499

Costa d'Amalfi Bianco is characterized by a straw yellow color with an elegant aroma of acacia, lemon verbena and aromatic herbs and a finish reminiscent of toasted almonds. The taste is appreciated for its balance and lively freshness.

SKU: 15498

Costa d'Amalfi Bianco is characterized by a straw yellow color with an elegant aroma of acacia, lemon verbena and aromatic herbs and a finish reminiscent of toasted almonds. The taste is appreciated for its balance and lively freshness.

SKU: 15388
Porconero Aglianico Campania PGI. Only Aglianico passed in steel for about eight months.
SKU: 15387

Porconero Falanghina Campania IGP white wine. Only falanghina aged in steel tanks for six months.

SKU: 15386
Porconero Fiano Campania igp. Pure Fiano aged in steel tanks for about eight months.
SKU: 15371
The newborn is called Picco dell'Angelo Spumante Extra Dry Millesimato 2018 Martinotti Method, which saw the light far from its usual location and packaged only with Glera grapes, like a classic Triveneto Prosecco. A ready and light sparkling wine that goes alongside the Gioì Rosé Brut Classic Method certainly more structured and drier the latter, which over the years has gone on to establish itself more and more at high levels.
SKU: 15369
Organic wine with residual sugar less than 15 g/l. Only Aglianico: 24 months spent on the lees and 3 months in the bottle after disgorgement.
SKU: 15368
Organic wine with residual sugar less than 15 g/l. Only Aglianico: 24 months spent on the lees and 3 months in the bottle after disgorgement.
SKU: 15367
100% Fiano, fermentation and maturation in steel.
€24.89 €21.15
SKU: 15366

100% Aglianico worked in steel, aged in new French oak barriques for two years and then aged in glass. Dedicated to the late and great Trieste scientist Gillo Dorfles, friend of Peppino Pagano.

SKU: 15365
100% Aglianico worked in steel, aged in new French oak barriques for two years and then aged in glass. Dedicated to the late and great Trieste scientist Gillo Dorfles, friend of Peppino Pagano.
SKU: 15364
100% Aglianico worked in steel, aged in new French oak barriques for two years and then aged in glass. Dedicated to the late and great Trieste scientist Gillo Dorfles, friend of Peppino Pagano.
SKU: 15363

100% Aglianico worked in steel, aged in new French oak barriques for two years and then aged in glass. Dedicated to the late and great Trieste scientist Gillo Dorfles, friend of Peppino Pagano.

SKU: 15362
The San Salvatore 1988 farm was born in the shadow of the temples of Paestum in Cannito, in the heart of the Cilento National Park. From the desire to experiment with the classic method on the vine par excellence of the local tradition, Aglianico in purity, "Gioì Extreme" was born, the perfect synthesis between the uniqueness of the Campania region and processing technique. These great grapes grow in a unique and rich terroir, where rolling hills and small promontories overlook the sea, at an altitude of 150/210 m slm sea level in clayey soil rich in skeleton. The characteristic production area with a typically Mediterranean climate positively influences the vegetative cycle of the vineyards, which are trained on the espalier system with guyot pruning. Pruning is done manually as per tradition, and the branches are tied with small willow twigs. This elegant rosé Spumante produced from the most important red berried grapes of the area, has a splendid bright coppery pink color and is fine and elegant to the eye. On the nose, the scent is characterized by aromas of ripe red strawberries and wild strawberries, with hints of melannurca and green apple, with hints of almond and freshly baked croissants.
SKU: 15361
Only Fiano raised on high altitudes. Maturation in steel.
SKU: 15360
Only Fiano raised on high altitudes. Maturation in steel.
SKU: 15359
100% Pinot noir produced in a few thousand bottles. Vine grown at over 500 meters above sea level in the municipality of Stio. Aging in second and third passage barriques for a year and then elevage in boccia for a year and a half.
SKU: 15358
100% Pinot noir produced in a few thousand bottles. Vine grown at over 500 meters above sea level in the municipality of Stio. Aging in second and third passage barriques for a year and then elevage in boccia for a year and a half.
SKU: 15357
Only Aglianico aged in steel and then in large wood for one year.
SKU: 15356
100% Greek, 90% worked in steel and the remainder in first passage French oak barriques.
SKU: 15355
Pure Greek. Maturation in steel.
SKU: 15354
Pure Greek. Maturation in steel.
SKU: 15353
100% Aglianico. Maturation of the wine for 40% in second passage French oak barriques, 40% in 25 hl barrels and the remainder in steel tanks.
SKU: 15352

100% Aglianico. Maturation of the wine for 40% in second passage French oak barriques, 40% in 25 hl barrels and the remainder in steel tanks.

SKU: 15350

100% Aglianico aged in steel.

SKU: 15349

100% Aglianico aged in steel.

SKU: 15348

100% Aglianico aged in steel.

SKU: 15347
Pure Fiano, worked in steel.
SKU: 15346
100% Aglianico worked in steel.
SKU: 15345
100% Aglianico worked in steel.
SKU: 15344
Blend of Fiano, Greco and Falanghina. Maturation and elevation in steel and glass.
SKU: 15343

Pure Falanghina worked in steel.

SKU: 15342

The Capranera Aglianico Campania IGP red wine. 100% Aglianico processed for eight months in steel tanks.

SKU: 15341
The Capranera Falanghina Campania IGP white wine. Only falanghina aged in steel tanks for six months.
SKU: 15340
The Capranera Fiano Campania IGP white wine. Pure Fiano aged in steel tanks for eight months.
SKU: 15309
Brand: Nativ

Important red wine whose vines are grown on volcanic soil on the hills of Taurasi. The name of our wine derives from the place where horses were once said to graze in the wild, and where the remains of the ancient hermitage of S. Quirico can still be found. A wine so precious as to dress it with a work of art by the contemporary painter Moreno Bondi.

SKU: 15293
Brand: Nativ

Spumante Brut Varnish is crystalline in colour, yellow with greenish reflections, with a light, fine, rapid perlage. It has a pleasant, fruity, floral, intense, flagrant aroma. On the palate, a development of CO2, lively acidity, good acidity/sugar balance.

SKU: 15291
Brand: Nativ

Rue De' Passi is a Campania Rosso Amabile IGT, the fruit of an Aglianico vineyard located in close proximity to the cellar, in the heart of Paternopoli. The harvest of this vineyard is carried out late, giving the grapes a greater residual sugar. The name "Rue de Passi" is in memory of the path that leads from the cellar to the vineyard in a few steps.

SKU: 15290
Brand: Nativ

Wine produced from the vinification of Aglianico grapes from bicentenary vineyards that survived the phylloxera parasite that almost entirely destroyed the vineyards in Europe in the 1950s. The longevity of these vineyards inspired the name of this wine, available in limited quantities.

SKU: 15289
Brand: Nativ

The name "Suadens" was carefully selected to represent the persuasive character of this wine, which constitutes a molecular project aimed at enhancing not only the native vines of Irpinia, but also the typical local fruit, grown exclusively in this area.

SKU: 15288
Brand: Nativ

Precious red wine whose vineyards grow on volcanic soils, on the Corne di Turasi. The name of this wine is due to the longevity of the vineyards from which it is made, which are 200 years old. Bicento literally means "twice a hundred".

SKU: 15287
Brand: Nativ

Suadens Rosso – Campania Rosso IG T. The name "Suadens" was carefully selected to represent the persuasive character of this wine, which constitutes a molecular project aimed at enhancing the native vines of Irpinia, but also the typical local fruit, grown exclusively in this area. Suadens Rosso is a selection of the best Aglianico grapes from the Irpinia area.

SKU: 15286
Brand: Nativ

Important red wine whose vines are grown on volcanic soil on the hills of Taurasi. The name of our wine derives from the place where horses were once said to graze in the wild, and where the remains of the ancient hermitage of S. Quirico can still be found. Eremo Gold is the selection of the best Eremo Barriques. On the occasion of the last bottling, before the Christmas period, each barrique of Eremo is personally tasted by the enologist Ercolino who personally selects the best aromas and refinements.

SKU: 15285
Brand: Nativ

Eremo San Quirico ‐ Aglianico Campi Taurasini DOC Important red wine whose vines are grown on volcanic soil on the hills of Taurasi. The name of our wine derives from the place where horses were once said to graze in the wild, and where the remains of the ancient hermitage of S. Quirico can still be found. A wine so precious as to dress it with a work of art by the contemporary painter Moreno Bondi.

SKU: 15284
Brand: Nativ

Choose Anniversary for your special occasions: a wine designed for memorable dates, a real pleasure for the palate in a unique and unmistakable packaging

SKU: 15283
Brand: Nativ

Eremo Nero, born from the vinification of Aglianico grapes grown on volcanic soils in the Paternopoli countryside. The composition of these sandy soils, with very fine and particularly permeable ash, is the ideal condition for obtaining high quality grapes and still red wines rich in anthocyanins and tannins.

SKU: 15282
Brand: Nativ

Valentina was arrogant, know-it-all, presumptuous, like her beauty, pure, alive, unique. If you wanted to define her in one word, there was no more suitable adjective: vain. At every step there was no mirror in which she didn't like to reflect herself, shop windows were her favorite mirrors because the whole city was full of them; the mirrors of the boutiques and beauty salons represented a daily practice in which to look in the mirror; even the pure porcelain saucers of the bistros were an excellent mirror for her, when, raising her cup to sip tea, she admired her reflection.

SKU: 15281
Brand: Nativ

In 1950, in the town of Paterdoro there was a young girl, known for her long red hair who everyone called disconsolate, as her handsome boyfriend, a colonel in the Italian army had gone to war and never returned. The people of the village tried to bring comfort to the young woman, who gave her bouquets of fresh flowers just picked in the field, who gave her baskets of wild strawberries just to make her smile.

SKU: 15254
Brand: Nativ

Ancient vine introduced by the Greeks along the Tyrrhenian coasts, whose name derives from the characteristic shape of the bunches, whose grapes are grouped in pairs, from which the name Aminea Gemina derives. The mineral-rich soil, typical of the Greco cultivation area, is particularly suitable for this grape variety and this gives the wine its characteristic sapidity.

€15.37 €13.07
SKU: 15253
Brand: Nativ

Vico Riviera N° 99 Falanghina Beneventano IGT Ancient vine whose name seems to derive from the fact that the vine, with an expanded habit, was tied to support poles called "falanga" and therefore Falanghina or "vine supported by poles".

€8.20 €6.97
SKU: 15237
Brand: Nativ

Rue dell'Inchiostro Campania Aglianico IGT Grape introduced by the Greeks along the Tyrrhenian coast, at the time of the foundation of their colonies (VII-VI aC ); this could explain the presence of synonyms of Ellenico, Ellanico then changed into Aglianico. The name deriving from the combination between Rue, the typical name attributed to the streets of Paternopoli following the passage of French domination and "ink" which better defines the characteristic deep purple of the wine.

SKU: 15236
Brand: Nativ

Secrets… from 100% Aglianico Nero grapes, from volcanic lands in the districts of Valle del Ceraso and Fontana Marena, in the countryside of Paternopoli from an unusual November harvest. Macerates and ferments with its own yeasts, then in seasoned oak wood for a year and a half, waiting for six months in the bottle... it is a generous wine in its most authentic organoleptic values.

SKU: 15235
Brand: Nativ

Ancient vine introduced by the Greeks along the Tyrrhenian coasts, whose name derives from the characteristic shape of the bunches, whose grapes are grouped in pairs, from which the name Aminea Gemina derives. The mineral-rich soil, typical of the Greco cultivation area, is particularly suitable for this grape variety and this gives the wine its characteristic sapidity.

SKU: 15234
Brand: Nativ

Ancient vine, of which we find the first traces in Pliny the Elder; the Apian grapes, from which the name of today's Fiano derives, were characterized by an intense sweetness and therefore particularly loved by bees.

SKU: 15233
Brand: Nativ

Vico Riviera N° 99 Falanghina Beneventano IGT Ancient vine whose name seems to derive from the fact that the vine, with an expanded habit, was tied to support poles called "falanga" and therefore Falanghina or "vine supported by poles".

SKU: 15232
Brand: Nativ

So called because there are so many "grade: rare" steps that connect the historic center of Paternopoli to the part completely rebuilt after the 1980 earthquake

SKU: 15231
Brand: Nativ

The name "Velluto Rosso" was chosen thinking of the organoleptic characteristics of the wine: soft on the palate and such as to suggest velvet, a fabric that causes a sensation of irresistible softness to the touch. The red color of the label reminds us of a bunch of grapes and the damask is in perfect harmony with the Nativ style.

SKU: 15230
Brand: Nativ

Rue 333, Taurasi DOCG Wine made from Aglianico grapes, whose refinement in barriques for two years, gives it the specific name of Aglianico Taurasi DOCG also in honor of the country where this type of grape is widely grown.

SKU: 15229
Brand: Nativ


Eremo San Quirico ‐ Aglianico Campi Taurasini DOC Important red wine whose vines are grown on volcanic soil on the hills of Taurasi. The name of our wine derives from the place where horses were once said to graze in the wild, and where the remains of the ancient hermitage of S. Quirico can still be found. A wine so precious as to dress it with a work of art by the contemporary painter Moreno Bondi.

SKU: 15227
Brand: Nativ


the wine takes its name from the vineyard of the same name located on rocky terrain near an ancient onyx quarry located near gesualdo.

SKU: 15226
Brand: Nativ

Among the vineyards of Irpinia, from the Latin Hirpus-wolf, a young Aras girl roamed around some time ago, a lover of the wonderful bunches of grapes.

SKU: 14963
THE VOLCANO IN THE GLASS Telaro is a beautiful winery located on the border between Lazio and Campania and which, with its wines, represents a real point of reference for the enology of this part of the territory. A company that has made the enhancement of native Campanian vines its strong point and which, year after year, with seriousness and commitment, offers products that are always very pleasant, technically impeccable and with an excellent quality-price ratio. The Aglianico di Roccamonfina Ciesco Rosso is an example: characterful and typical, as only Aglianico can be, it owes everything to the volcanic soil from which the roots draw their nourishment.
SKU: 14933

Montecaruso DOC Galluccio Rosso has an intense ruby red color with violet reflections, offers the nose aromas of red fruit and spices, with hints of leather and undergrowth, blueberries, currants, sour cherries jam, peony, red roses and licorice roots on a vegetal background .

SKU: 14491
The nose is aromatic, toasted and offers gourmandize. It reveals notes of caramelisation, vanilla pod, small notes of pulpy/juicy small black fruits associated with a touch of camphor, nutmeg, discreet hints of hazelnut and black tea. On the palate it is fruity and offers juiciness, minerality, a nice acidulous frame, gourmandize, a nice tension as well as a certain aromatic purity. On the palate this wine expresses notes of small bright black berried fruits, blackberry, small notes of violet associated with small touches of cassis, camphor, lily as well as hints of thyme flowers, cocoa, tobacco, a subtle hint of black tea, caramelization and licorice. Good length.
SKU: 14490

From the selection of the best Greco grapes for the Decimo Sesto and Aglianico grapes for the Monaco Rosso, these wines are born that want to be a reference, in harmony with the peculiar identities of the territory and at the forefront of sustainable wines. Enclosed in it, each bottle is ready to face time with patience and to finally be opened one day to start telling our story together with yours.

SKU: 14489

Intense and structured, the most important, thanks to its aging in barriques for a period between 18 and 24 months, and for a further 6 months in bottle before being served. Vinification in stainless steel tanks with controlled temperature fermentation. Subsequent maturation for one year and refinement of at least six months in the bottle. With intense ruby red colors, and fantastic hints of plum, black pepper and roots. Very dense and decisive taste. The aging in barriques make it a long and persistent wine of great drinkability. Excellent with both fish and meat. It will make every meal more intense.

SKU: 14488
These wines want to be as original as the territory they come from derive and to want to further affirm this relationship, we were inspired by an artistic tradition that in Santa Paolina and Montefusco has been handed down for centuries: lace lace made in hand worked on a cushion, called “tombolo”.
SKU: 14487
Intense and structured, the most important, thanks to its aging in Barriques for a period between 18 and 24 months, and for a further 6 months in bottle before being served.Vinification in stainless steel tanks with controlled temperature fermentation. Subsequent maturation for one year and refinement of at least six months in the bottle.With intense ruby red colors, and fantastic hints of plum, black pepper and roots.Very dense and decisive taste. The aging in barriques make it a long and persistent wine of great drinkability.Excellent with both fish and meat. It will make every meal more intense.
SKU: 14486
The grape variety is particularly fruity and easy to recognize on the palate. Falangina is a vine mainly dedicated to the production of still white wines, which over time has been able to distinguish itself thanks to its strong and unmistakable scents.With straw yellow colors and fresh fruit notes, where pineapple, mango and papaya stand out. At the sip it envelops the mouth, and enriches in persistence with savory traces.Very versatile wine that lends itself well both as an aperitif and as an accompaniment to fish-based dishes or risottos.
SKU: 14485
The grapes are harvested by hand in the first ten days of October. The vinification for this wine is the classic of white wines in steel tanks with controlled temperature fermentation. The sour lies refinement lasts 1 month, followed by refinement in steel for 4 months and ends with another 4/5 months in the bottle.
SKU: 14484
Cantina dei Monaci is the dream come true by my husband, Angelo Carpenito, who dedicate themselves to this work with authentic passion, also expressed through attention to the territory and careful historical research. The 5 hectares and the tireless work of our family-team have animated this company since 1995.Our company has wanted, with its own art, meticulously to improve and expand the work of productive refinement of the grapes that the hills of Santa Paolina have been able to donate with their own art for centuries.
SKU: 14482
Intense and structured, the most important, thanks to its aging in Barriques for a period between 18 and 24 months, and for a further 6 months in bottle before being served.Vinification in stainless steel tanks with controlled temperature fermentation. Subsequent maturation for one year and refinement of at least six months in the bottle.With intense ruby red colors, and fantastic hints of plum, black pepper and roots.Very dense and decisive taste. The aging in barriques make it a long and persistent wine of great drinkability.Excellent with both fish and meat. It will make every meal more intense.
SKU: 14481
The grape variety is particularly fruity and easy to recognize on the palate. Greco di Tufo is a vine mainly dedicated to the production of still white wines, which over time has been able to distinguish itself thanks to its strong and unmistakable scents. It lends itself very well to the best everyday meals.With intense straw yellow colors with olfactory presences of yellow peach, golden apple and mint which highlights its freshness on the palate.Equally structured and complex taste, it knows how to envelop the palate but also refresh it.Very versatile wine that lends itself well both as an aperitif and as an accompaniment to fish-based dishes or risottos.
SKU: 14480
One of the most floral wines that can be produced. The Fiano variety is a particularly fragrant and delicate grape variety. However, thanks to its tannins it manages to give structure to the wine.With bright straw yellow colors with sensual olfactory essences of white spring flowers, apple and hazelnut.The surprising acidity makes it a wine that certainly never tires of being drunk. Furthermore, it maintains sapidity and persistence.Excellent as an aperitif if drunk cold. If, on the other hand, you want to taste it with fish, we recommend stewed or baked dishes and courses, which thanks to its acidity will cleanse your palate making the taste of the dishes even better.
SKU: 14479
The grape variety is particularly fruity and easy to recognize on the palate. Falangina is a vine mainly dedicated to the production of still white wines, which over time has been able to distinguish itself thanks to its strong and unmistakable scents.With straw yellow colors and fresh fruit notes, where pineapple, mango and papaya stand out. At the sip it envelops the mouth, and enriches in persistence with savory traces.Very versatile wine that lends itself well both as an aperitif and as an accompaniment to fish-based dishes or risottos.
SKU: 14441

Brilliant straw yellow colour, characteristic fruity bouquet of good intensity with hints of cedar, citrus, white fruit and yeasts. Pleasant, with a good structure and excellent persistence. Balanced.

SKU: 14440

Straw yellow color with green reflections. The nose expresses floral hints of orange blossom completed by nuances of flint and yeasts. The taste is elegant, savoury, soft and very persistent, confirming the olfactory hints of citrus.

SKU: 14317

From a pre-phylloxera vineyard, in viamigliara, on the hills of Anacapri, vinification and aging on the island, it is the only red capri dop, the vines are all secular, the perfume is first closed then explodes in a thousand rivulets of essences between red fruits and tobacco, a unique experience, only two barrels, a few hundred bottles for perhaps the rarest wine in Italy.

SKU: 14315

The intense and deep red color, the rich, complex aroma, with notes of licorice, red and black berries combined with delicate notes of violet and the austere and complex flavor with present but well blended tannins, describe an elegant and long-lived wine .

SKU: 14314

Elegant, rich in tannins, velvety with hints of wild cherry, blackberry, spiced vanilla and tobacco. The palate is full with an elegant and balanced texture

SKU: 14313

The straw yellow color, the intense and persistent aroma with hints of white peach, apricot and sweet almond mixed with mineral and citrus notes, the vigorous, fresh and rich flavor describe a wine of character and marked typicality.

SKU: 14312

The straw yellow color, the intense and persistent aroma with floral and fruity notes of yellow fruits, pear and hazelnut which evolve over time into hints of exotic fruits and honeyed references, the taste, of marked typicality, persistent and balanced, gives life to a elegant, fine and long-lived wine.

SKU: 14311

The most famous wine in literature and history, Falerno, of a deep red color, comes from Aglianico and Piedirosso grapes harvested after careful selection in the hilly vineyards of the San Castrese estate, on the slopes of the Roccamonfina volcano, in the province of Caserta. It has an intense and complex bouquet of violets, black fruits, cherries, blackberries and raspberries; full, elegant and harmonious flavour.

SKU: 14310

Bright red in color with violet reflections, it has an intense and persistent aroma of spices, blackberries, ripe red fruit and a warm, full and velvety flavour. A large wine, with a modern, captivating profile and solidly linked to the territory.

SKU: 14309

Bright red in color with violet reflections, it has a scent of black cherry, currant, blueberry and notes of rose and violet. Sapid and velvety on the palate, it goes well with pasta or rice in tomato sauce, preparations of white meats, poultry, medium-aged cheeses, fish soups and Margherita pizza.

SKU: 14305

Pale and soft pink color, with dominant notes of fresh fruit: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and cherries combined with floral sensations of dog rose, violet and wisteria. The taste is soft and full. Wine to be consumed as an aperitif and in combination with fish in sauce and white meats. Pairing of choice with buffalo mozzarella from Campania and Neapolitan pizza, fish soup and cold cuts platter.

SKU: 14293

It has a pale straw yellow colour. The scent is fruity and floral: hints of pineapple, banana, yellow peach intertwine with notes of broom, rose and sage. The flavour, balanced and pleasant, adds delicately almond sensations to the olfactory experience. Wine to be consumed as an aperitif and in combination with light dishes, fish preparations and white meats.

SKU: 14287

Produced exclusively in the best years with grapes harvested in the vineyard of the same name, one of the oldest and best exposed of the hilly estate of San Castrese at the foot of the extinct volcano of Roccamonfina. The dark and deep red colour, the intense and persistent aroma of red and black berries, pepper, chocolate, coffee, licorice and vanilla and the dry and warm taste describe a complex, elegant and powerful wine.

SKU: 14286

Historic wine already appreciated by the ancient Romans, produced with ancient native grapes from the hillside vineyards of the San Castrese estate at the foot of the extinct volcano of Roccamonfina. Dark and dense red in color with an unmistakable scent of plums, berries, vanilla and cocoa accompanied by strong notes of licorice and tobacco and delicate hints of dried figs. The taste is full, structured and elegant.

SKU: 14285

Produced only in the best years with grapes harvested in the vineyard of the same name, one of the oldest and best exposed in the locality of San Castrese at the foot of the extinct volcano of Roccamonfina. Intense straw yellow color with golden reflections, characteristic aroma of lemon flowers, apple, banana, pineapple, eucalyptus and pine needles. Sapidity and minerality compete to give their olfactory contribution. With a full, velvety and persistent flavour, it is undoubtedly an elegant wine with character to be tried not only on the typical seafood cuisine but also in more structured dishes.

SKU: 14284

Light pink in color, with fine perlage, it opens for tasting with intense aromas of wild strawberries, cassis, apple, grapefruit, pomegranate, wisteria and violet. On the palate it is fresh and of good thickness with an enveloping and silky finish. Of great versatility in combinations, perfect as an aperitif and excellent as an accompaniment solution to the most varied meals ranging from fish, to roasts, fresh cheeses and vegetables.

SKU: 14281

The straw yellow color with golden reflections and a fine and elegant perlage thanks to the long stay on the lees. It opens for tasting with delicate aromas of ripe fruit intertwined with hints of yeast and bread crust. The taste is fresh, elegant and harmonious, with a sour finish and intense fruity notes combined with pleasant almond sensations. Ideal as an aperitif, it can be perfectly accompanied with soups and risottos. It goes well with Mediterranean cuisine based on fish or as an accompaniment for buffalo mozzarella, vegetables, legumes and white meats.

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Discover the secrets of Campania wines: a tasting guide!

Campania wines are among the most appreciated and known in the world. Their flavour, their complexity and the diversity of the grapes used make them a real challenge for connoisseurs. The region boasts some of the oldest and most prestigious wines in Italy, including Greco di Tufo, Falanghina and Aglianico del Taburno. To get to know them better, here is a guide to tasting Campania wines.

Which wines from Campania should I taste?

Campania wines are very different from each other, depending on the grapes used and the territory in which they are produced. Here are some of the most famous wines to taste:

  • Greco di Tufo: this white wine is produced with Greco di Tufo grapes and has a unique and intriguing flavour. It has hints of fruit, flowers and herbs.
  • Falanghina: another white wine, produced with Falanghina grapes. Falanghina is an aromatic grape variety that offers a unique and complex flavour.
  • Aglianico del Taburno: a red wine produced with Aglianico del Taburno grapes. It has an intense flavor and a complex structure.
  • Fiano of Avellino: this white wine is produced with Fiano di Avellino grapes. It has hints of fruit and honey, with a mineral note and is very savory.
  • Taurasi: an intense red wine, produced with Aglianico del Taburno grapes. It has a complex flavor and a full-bodied structure.

The charm of Campania wines

Have you ever been to Campania, the southern region of Italy, where the sun kisses the coasts and hills, and the sea gently caresses the shores? If not, then it's time to find out wines of Campania, one of the oldest and richest Italian winemaking traditions. In this article, we will guide you through a food and wine journey, revealing the secrets of these wines and making you fall in love with their stories and unique flavours.

The History of the Wines of Campania The ancient origins

Viticulture in Campania dates back to the times of ancient Rome, when the region was known as "Campania Felix", or the fertile and happy land. The Romans, great wine lovers, greatly appreciated the wines of Campania, in particular the Falerno, considered one of the best wines of the time. The Falanghina, Greco and Aglianico grapes, still cultivated in Campania today, were already appreciated by the Romans for the production of fine wines.

The Renaissance and the Baroque

During the Renaissance and the Baroque, the wines of Campania continued to be appreciated for their quality. The nobles and artists of the time praised the taste and aroma of Campania wines, helping to spread their fame even outside the regional borders. It was in this period that some of the best-known denominations of origin from Campania were born, such as Taurasi and Greco di Tufo.

The best wines of Campania: discover the secrets of the excellent local productions

Wine is a very ancient drink, which has accompanied man for centuries and centuries. In every region of Italy there are unique and particular productions, which represent a real tradition and an invaluable cultural heritage. Campania, in particular, boasts a long winemaking tradition, with high quality wine productions that have conquered the whole world.

Campania is a region rich in traditions and top-level food and wine productions. The wine, in particular, represents a real excellence for this land, with productions that boast a long history and a great tradition. Campania is in fact one of the oldest regions in terms of wine production, and today it is possible to find here some of the most prestigious and appreciated wines in the world.

The DOCGs of Campania

Campania boasts three denominations of controlled and guaranteed origin (DOCG), namely Fiano di Avellino, Tufo Greek and Taurasi. These wines are considered among the best in Italy, and are known and appreciated all over the world for their elegance, their complexity and their unique organoleptic characteristics.

Fiano di Avellino is a very elegant white wine, with notes of exotic fruit, white flowers and a touch of spice.

Greco di Tufo, on the other hand, is a white wine with floral and fruity notes, with a light almond note and a persistent finish. Finally, Taurasi is a red of great structure and intensity, with notes of ripe red fruit, spices and a slight note of vanilla.

The artisanal wines of Campania In addition to the famous DOCG

Campania also boasts a long tradition of artisanal wines, produced by small wineries that use traditional methods and ancient winemaking techniques to create unique wines of the highest quality. These wines are often less well-known than the DOCGs, but still represent a real excellence for the region and are highly appreciated by connoisseurs and enthusiasts.

Among the most renowned artisan wines of Campania we find the Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio, a white wine with floral and fruity notes, with a light almond note and a persistent finish. Falanghina del Sannio, a white wine with fruity and floral notes, with a touch of spice and a slightly bitter finish, is also highly appreciated. Finally, the Aglianico del Taburno is an intense and structured red, with notes of ripe red fruit, spices and a slight note of vanilla.

The production of organic wine in Campania

In recent years, the production of organic wine in Campania is gaining ground, thanks to the growing attention to sustainability and the environment. These wines are produced without the use of chemicals and pesticides, and represent an excellent alternative for those looking for a healthy and natural product.

Among the most appreciated organic wines of Campania we find the Falerno del Massico, an intense and structured red, with notes of ripe red fruit and spices, and the Biancolella, a white wine with fruity and floral notes, with a light note of almond and a lingering finish.

Campania is a region rich in traditions and top-level food and wine productions, and its wines represent a real excellence for this land. From DOCG to artisanal wines, passing through organic wines, every wine production in Campania is unique and particular, and represents an invaluable cultural and gastronomic heritage. Choose the wine that best suits you and taste the secrets of this extraordinary region.

What are the denominations of wines from Campania

Campania is an Italian region that boasts a long winemaking tradition, with many denominations of origin that identify the wines produced in this region. Here are some of the most famous designations of origin of Campania:

  • DOCG (Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin): this is the most prestigious denomination, which identifies the highest quality wines produced in this region. Campania boasts three DOCGs: Fiano di Avellino, Greco di Tufo and Taurasi.

  • DOC (Controlled Designation of Origin): this denomination identifies superior quality wines produced in a specific geographical area. Among the most famous DOCs of Campania we find the DOC Irpinia, the DOC Penisola Sorrentina and the DOC Sannio.

  • IGT (Typical Geographical Indication): this denomination identifies wines produced in a specific geographical area, which follow less stringent rules than those of the DOC. Among the most famous IGTs of Campania we find the IGT Terre del Volturno and the IGT Campi Flegrei.

  • Artisan wines: these wines are produced by small wineries that use traditional methods and ancient winemaking techniques to create unique wines of the highest quality. Campania boasts a long tradition of artisanal wines, including Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio and Falanghina del Sannio.

Furthermore, in recent years the production of organic wine in Campania has become increasingly popular, representing an excellent alternative for those looking for a healthy and natural product.

What are the most famous wine cellars in Campania

Campania is an Italian region with a long wine tradition and many famous wineries for the production of high quality wines. Here are some of the most famous wineries in Campania:
  • Baron's Cellar: this winery is located in the Avellino area and is known for the production of DOCG wines such as Fiano di Avellino and Greco di Tufo.

  • Feudi di San Gregorio: this winery is located in the Sorbo Serpico area and boasts a long tradition in the production of high quality wines, including Taurasi and Fiano di Avellino.

  • Mastroberardino: this winery is one of the oldest and most famous in Campania, located in the Avellino area. It is known for the production of DOCG wines such as Taurasi and Greco di Tufo.

  • Terredora of Paul: this winery is located in the Irpinia area and is known for the production of high quality wines, including Fiano di Avellino and Taurasi.

  • Cyrus Picariello: this winery is located in the Irpinia area and is known for the production of high quality artisan wines, including the Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio and the Falanghina del Sannio.

These are just some of the most famous wineries in Campania, but in this region there are many other wineries that produce wines of the highest quality. The advice is to try the wines of different cellars to discover the ones that best suit your tastes.


Campania wines are among the most appreciated and known in the world. Wine tasting is a way to get to know them better, examining them in depth. Wine tasting involves some basic steps, such as observing the wine, smelling it and tasting it. The Campania region boasts some of the best Italian wines, such as Greco di Tufo, Falanghina, Aglianico del Taburno, Fiano di Avellino and Taurasi. When tasting a wine, it is important to consider some factors before making a judgement. Now that you've learned the secrets of Campania wines, it's time to put them to the test!

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